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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. I couldn't have said it better. Thanks for that post. Beauty fish guys!
  2. I've never caught a steelhead, but I'd like to learn how to do it right someday.BUT! It has to be the hardest topic to research here because "they" give out so little information. I'm not worried I'll figure it out, but somehow a bunch of "them" think they're better than everyone else and that's just nonsense. Was there a special date that you had to become a steelheader by? Somehow if you got in by that date this entitles you to special powers and privelidges, like telling everyone else how to run their lives? How to report, post pics ? Unless it's your property I don't see what gives you the right.Is it an exclusive club, so anyone that comes after that specific date fends for themselves? That's not what a forum is for is it? Canadian Copper posted a beautiful report the other day. It was truly an incredible inspiring post . A post like that makes me want to go steelheading. Seeing all the rest of the nonsense associated with steelheading makes some here not want to even fish for steelhead so they don't get automatically grouped in with the whining ones. "Steelheader" is almost a bad name around here now and that shouldn't be. A few bad apples are spoiling it for everyone. It's a resource that everyone has the right to enjoy and no person has any more rights than another. Why does everyone have to abide by your rules? Why do fifty guys get to dictate what everyone else does. You have to get elected usually before you get to screw us like that don't you? I'm sure some of the members of this group tell eachother where thay are fishing etc. don't they? Why should they have any control over the rest of us. There are no magical powers, only a mystique these few guys are trying to perpetuate so they can keep the fishery to themselves. I say everyone catch their fish, enjoy the fishery and have fun. Be respectful of the water,area you are fishing and the fish you're catching. But that's no different for anywhere no matter what you're catching, whether it's bass,muskie,pike ,walleye,perch,salmon or trout. These are all important fisheries. I know everyone has their preferences but we are all fishermen. We should try to get along, help eachother and maybe most importantly respect eachother's rights to share (or not) what we want about our experiences with others so they and their kids can enjoy this sport.
  3. I agree. Who's buying that crap anyway? Ten Super Hooks for nineteen ninety nine, NO, but right now with this special offer we'll double it. WOW!! Now you get twenty hooks for the unbelievably low price of just nineteen ninety nine. But HOLD ON THAT'S NOT ALL. For a limited time we'll also include some of our handy dandy amazing super puttty. It has amazing strength.You can repair your wall,seal your leaky drain, cracks in your fine china or even fix a hole in the gas tank or oil pan of your car. That's a fourty nine ninety value by itself, but you get it free today only. Shipping and handling charges extra. What a great buy !
  4. Where I went wrong was the original thread Wayne posted has a small line on the top and then far below (unlike the version above) the original thought where a signature usual is he finishes his point. I ignored the bottom as if it were a signature and somehow filtered or disregarded it automatically. I guess you're so used to seeing signatures in that position and I'll read a persons once and then disregard it for a few days, sometimes checking to see if they've changed. Lately it's more the "team" logos, but before it was advertising alot of the time. You just subconciously tune them out. So after all that jibber jabber, what I'm saying is that maybe that's what alot of us here did. Or at least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  5. I loved Harry Neal as a colour guy. Somehow Buffalo stole him?
  6. I vote to do whatever Wayne says. Leave it as is.
  7. WOW, that looks nasty. I just talked to one of my customers a few minutes ago and he lives on the Moira (almost literally now) and he said the water is four feet from the house right now and holding. He said he can't even let the dog in the backyard for a whizz!
  8. That looks awesome. Beauty fish! I love the colour of that water and the chromers. Nice!!
  9. Welcome Nickybobby to the best site on the net. Never mind the occasional argument about hockey, it's all in fun. Then there are the steelheader posts (just kidding guys ...well sort of) LOL ................ 95% of the members here are great and the rest .. well, just scroll past them (as you're scrolling by my post LOL). . Honestly you won't find a site with a better bunch of guys (yes and gals too). Most are willing to do anything but give you their honey hole (insert your own comment about the gals here). If you want to know how to fish for anything tor even how to fix your outboard there will be somebody here that will be willing (or at least able) to share their expertise or just lend an ear. Looking forward to your posts, monster muskie stories and pics. Have you heard of Lew? ....... if not, you will.
  10. I don't have any specific "fishing glasses". I use the same ones I drive with. I think they're Foster Grants from Wallymart. Is that why I don't catch any fish? If not, it's a great excuse. I lose or wreck all mine anyway so I can't see paying a couple hundred bucks for glasses to sit on.
  11. Holy crap, that was unbelievable! You should have your own show. I know it's a little different, but maybe they could slip you in on Extreme Angler? I've never seen a show where they catch steelhead like that. Plus it was very nice to see the backgrounds of the pictures.
  12. Nothing really concrete there (doesn't give specifics), but the implications are bad. I wish there was more info and I'll reserve my final judgement until then. Having said that, if that was my local shop, I'd have some questions for him.
  13. Congratulations are in order. Grandchildren are a reward for not killing your own children. Just kidding LOL.
  14. The don't work well for me in the boxes, so I unpack them. Hard to hook the fish as well.
  15. You gotta love him. Great the way he shows so mush respect and always has something good to say about the men and women who protect this great land, past and present. He really does care. He a "good ole Kingston boy" like Kirk and Dougie.
  16. WOW! Awesome fish CC. I have got to learn how to do that!
  17. I'd say, use topwater lures when you feel like an adrenaline rush. Fish them when the water is smooth as glass. Shallow or overtop weed beds. to get the popping sound, let the line go slack and give the rod a quick short sidearm snap. Storm chug bugs and hula poppers are my favorite. On calm water fishing for bass or pike, especially early in the morning the blue/white Storm chug bug is the first thing I throw, just hoping the topwater works, because it just doesn't get any more fun. A word of advice. It's crucial to do so, but I find it very hard to wait that extra second as the lures being hit. I've lost a few by reacting to quick. Instinct says pull right away, but if you can just wait that extra second you're hookup success rate will double. A little trick is to use mono line so the stretch automatically gives you that delay. Have fun.
  18. WOW! That is very cool. Especially good for those who are voyeuristically minded. Not my thing, but a piece of modern art for sure.
  19. Beautiful shots everyone should see. http://www.miguellasa.com/photos/sspopup.mg?AlbumID=1001578
  20. I'm in too. I tried to register as kennyman, it said there was one. I tried to register as Pylons and it said there was one. So I register with Kennymans Pylons and what do I find,...... Puckheads Pylons LOL. Where did you come up with your name? I got mine a few years back from the Messier Lays commercial and all my hockey fantasy teams have been called that since. What are the chances?Everybody draft your teams quickly, playoffs start tomorrow.
  21. I prefer local shows that I can directly relate to. Ones that are entertaining but aren't just a big commercial, although I can take a little of that. I like it when they are actually teaching you along the way. What lure choice, casting technique or how to fish a body of water under certain conditions, seasons etc. I like to think I'm sucking it all in like a sponge and will be able to use some of it on the water someday.
  22. WOW!! Nobody replying or looking at this??? I can't believe nobody here is going. Is it that bad?
  23. If you want monster pike then a 7' heavy rod and a Abu would be good for you ........ so something you don't want for something you do seems like a good plan, right ??
  24. Now that one's funny (had me howling). Nice fish guys. It's not that the fish was bigger Carole, it's just your hands are smaller. Isn't that what they say, find a girl with small hands and it makes your look bigger? LOL!
  25. I'm thinking about going on Sunday. If you've been, how was it? Here's a link for anyone who didn't know about it. http://www.iwffc.ca/lib/2008_fly_fishing_forum.pdf . It's $12 admission at the door and $15 for each seminar. That could add up quick, but if you pick one or two it's not too bad I guess. Free with admission would be better,but maybe it's not big enough yet? Any feedback would be appreciated.
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