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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Beauty trip Drifter. What an amazing place. Next time head down a little (well, alot) further to Wildbread Bay. I've never seen fishing like that in my life. Did you guys mostly troll or cast? Catching them on the reefs all summer is the bee's knees. Can't wait to get back there.
  2. Good job buddy. There some fat fish in there for sure. See any pike when you were there? Was the fly hatch going on or too cold?
  3. I thought the big fish out of chiblow was 5lbs...overall tourney winner came from lauzon @ 11lbs. Never go wrong trailing a smelt behind some sort of flasher. With the water temps getting up there, I suspect you're gonna have to get down deep with riggers or mark fish and jig them up.
  4. Rick, I have seen quite a few wolves that would be in the 100-150lb range. I understand the tendancy to exaggerate the size, but just this spring myself and 2 others saw 2 wolves that size. We took quite a while to come up with an estimate on the size and weight, comparing it to a moose carcass they were feeding on. These wolves were not far off of a deeri n height and mass. However the pictured animal looks much fatter than many I have seen. I suspect though it is a very large wolf in the picture, the gent holding it, as stated is not an O lineman in the NFL
  5. Nice looking atlantic.... joking of course...can't wait to see the full report I suspect its going to be another good one
  6. Im a biologist and like to study the catchology of trout and char species. One day I hope to receive an honourary doctorate in trout fishing. Then perhaps being at the bar and telling girls im a doctor will be less false...
  7. Many thanks guys...after some preliminary research I'm glad to find out there's some trout to be caught. I still figure i'll need to polish up my walleye skills.
  8. Well folks, I have been offered a new job and must pack up and leave my bastion of trout behind. I head to Winnipeg within the next month or so. Was wondering if anyone could pass on info/suggestions/don't let the door hit you as you pass kenora sorts of advice on fishing in winnipeg and area, including NW ontario. My payback will be sharing some photos of my work related trips to the arctic....perhaps even some of those fur-bearing northern trout.. I will most likely be shore bound for the first while until I can get my canoes and boat out there. Any help is appreciated.
  9. Nice fish Dave, those colours are awesome.
  10. What a cool trip. You live in an awesome part of Canada, its nice to see the type of fishing there. Good job!
  11. Some nice fish there. The eyes are definitly starting to move into some of the areas I like to frequent.
  12. Age your own sheepshead? What otoliths are really used for To each their own bud...Ive dissected enough of these for various studies that I wouldn't do it for kicks
  13. Congrats bud! I'm quite willing to let you live vicariously through my fishing exploits. Hope the family is all doing well.
  14. Ya conditions seemed good but it was a ghost town....we'll have to giver again one of these nights.
  15. To steal a quote from that large gentleman on WFN: "That excites me down to my googles" Sweet fish for sure. Happen to get a tape on that beast?
  16. Ahh old carp drop...we beat the bass up there a few times eh. Be nice to get out with the big lures there in a week or so.
  17. Fish looks almost too fat. Is that common for bigger fish from Lake O? I'd almost venture to guess thats a sterile female based on the sloppy stomach and seemingly too short length. The way the tail gets fat right away... Nice fish anyways. Just reminds me of that 102lber from Athabasca
  18. Nice eye there. Won't be too long now and those fish will drop out of the bay. Some fish to be caught on the otherside of the hwy in a few weeks.
  19. Beauty fish Luc. Didnt run into any other species there yet? I might do a combo rapids/night walleye fish this week if youre interested.
  20. Some buddies got one around 10 that weekend as well. Seems like a few bigger fish have been pulled out in the last couple years. Maq gets absolutely ransacked these days. I havent heard of much happening there for a few years. It would be interesting to see if MNR would consider changing the slize limits to prevent people keeping big fish out of there.
  21. Unreal write up. You do good work both fishing and recounted said trips. cheers.
  22. Mr. Murphy hit the nail of the head in my opinion. This wasn't about endorsement of the seal hunt at all. A welcome change that a senior Govt official would practice what is preached versus do as I say not what I do. Something like this will go a long way in building relations between Ottawa and the Inuit. In my opinion an increasingly rare good news story for the Canadian Govt.
  23. A good report. How were the bugs? Ive always had good luck with orange hues on that lake. This time of year you can catch lakers really shallow. Fish em like specks.
  24. Its a good sign...I wouldn't think a loon would set up its nest site where it would have to use extra energy to find food on the next lake. Nature is all about conservation of energy. Good way to see if theres fish around is hang a worm or leech on a slip float. Usually will take fish even if the bite is slow.
  25. Hilarious...I've been to a couple Lakes called Mud Hole nothing like drilling loon crap right beside a sheer cliff.
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