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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Thanks guys. I dont think it would be a problem to launch at all. Mike, what did you use to attach those downrigger mounts to the floor? Did you go stainless?
  2. I've been kicking around the idea of upgrading my current watercraft situation. Have been looking at the Pro Guide 1675. With a 75 Yamaha tiller. Im looking for any input or experience with this boat. So far some things I've learned were there is no factory trolling motor plug at the bow (needs to be put in). Also the downrigger mounts that are supposed to work on the sport track system won't work on this boat due to narrow gunwhales. Neither are deal breakers but the type of info I hope to find out first. Does anyone have experience with this boat. Is it a good layout for fishing? What is the difficulty of steering a larger tiller? I have driven a 50 and it can be a work out in bad weather. Any info is greatly appreciated.
  3. Still seems pretty busy to me up the N. Regean Rd. Ive seen the same groups up for moose/bird for a number of years now. Im usually up there 2 times a year once in Sept and once in Nov. to hunt and fish. Seems like they are running the main branch pretty heavy with the logging. Definitly the secondary or tertiary roads have suffered. Went down Davis Lk road last year and it was rough. Antigamig is the same. My favorite trail near Cupa is basically gone. Here is a question tied to this. When a logging company builds a road to access a block what steps must they take to keep it up after the logging in that area is finished? I know most permits require the removal of water crossings. But tied to access, would it be the MNR that would have to pay to maintain a logging road for public access? If this is the case I could see it being a tough sell to improve or at least maintain a road.
  4. Anders, have they been a problem around your place this year? This spring through summer in the park I saw more and had more bear encounters than I ever had. There was a big bodied adolescent hanging around the Mij parking lot for a while....made the walk from the truck to the dock interesting. There are alot of anecdotal population measurments going on with the MNR but no intense mark recapture work occuring that I know of (maybe algonquin still???) Must not be really high on the priority scale. Lots of Forest Management Plans coming up for renewal in the northern region lately.
  5. I get what you're saying. Don't get me wrong I like to have the option of driving right to a lake and be able to catch some fish. But when is the last time you went to chippewa, tilley or the 38 road in general? The shoulders and boat launches are coffee cup, beer can and worm container repositories. In a place like LSPP it is the exception to see litter. Can you imagine the money you would make producing a cheap, functional worm container that was biodegradable?
  6. A reminder of why this place is great! A question followed by some interesting back and forth. A top notch post by Rick offering a good reference. It is important to think about the landing/release process before hooking a fish. I read recently that BC has a rule citing all wild steelhead must be released without being removed from the water...not great for photos but better for the fish I suspect.
  7. Where do you draw the line? Bulid a 4 lane right up to Hudson's Bay? I understand your point. I don't endorse ownership of a lake or an area. I do think that if these growning populations were forced to put some effort into accessing an area they would respect it to a greater extent. Stewardship of the resource by the owners, who in this case are all Canadians. Sometimes its neccessary to put some people out in an effort to preserve for the future. Further, regarding population growth. Do you see a large increase in the Northern Ontario centers close the the heart of these issues? Places like like Chapleau, White River etc. are most likely going to stay somewhat stable (or decline) unless something very different occurs in thier business sectors. Tough to compare this to the GTA in my opinion.
  8. I don't mind this. Though I agree, that closure of a lake/area should not occur to protect an outfitter. I am all for the restriction of access and closure of roads to motorized vehicle traffic. I believe those willing to put the work in to get to a wilderness lake should be rewarded with a wilderness experience. People are just looking to have remote fishing/hunting handed to them on a 4x4 platter. Don’t like it? Don’t want to put the effort in? This is why the MNR provides pressure deflecting and easy access fishing with stocking. Now I understand that some people are less able than others and should be given the opportunity to enjoy the great resources available. Perhaps an application for exemption....I get this is wishful thinking and would otherwise encumber an MNR short enough on resources without dealing with human rights issues. Personally I am tired of the road warrior mentality that leaves beer cans and Tim Horton cups as souvenirs on our back roads. There are nothing but benefits to getting out of the truck or off the atv. Seeing, hearing more animals, reduced carbon footprint, exercise. Maybe this would breed some more respect into users of these remote areas. So instead of having a garbage dump at an access point to a lake it would be clean. Not many people want to portage cases of beer several kms to go camping. Using these areas should be thought of as a privilege offered to those who respect the land and its bounty. Respect is earned and grows when you must put forth blood and sweat to get to great fishing or hunting. If you don’t want to put the effort in, there are more accessible areas to frequent or save up and pay an outfitter to take you. These are my ramblings on the subject. Myself and some buddies work our butts off to get to these places, why can't other folks?
  9. Nice fish Luc. Looks like you're playing a "C" down on the caudal peduncle. How do they sound? Not too many catfishes in Eureka...diverted due to weather and no fishing for me there either. They have a bar and I got to watch a live nature show. Wolves chasing rabbits while drinking the first beer in 3 weeks. Gotta be a few coasters on the NE shore somewhere....gotta put some effort in sometime
  10. Could be he was just at the bar and found these coasters under his beer?
  11. Unless you are just going down an old road or something....just carry it. Ever try to pull one of those carts over rocks, roots and logs? Its tough. If you go that route bring a patch kit, pump and extra tubes for the tires. Talked to some guys this spring that do it with just canoes and they had a lot of issues with tires. I suspect you could find a soid rubber tire though... How heavy can your 12' boat be? 2 guys should be able to portage it like a canoe id think. Rollers (dead or cut logs) work really well. I have portaged an 18' boat with 40hp attached a hundred meters or so....honestly very doable with 3 guys. Show pics of how it goes anyways. I enjoy seeing how others tackle offroading.
  12. Agreed dude. Quit sitting there collecting your per diem and show some char.
  13. Good outing there folks. Some nice fish!
  14. Nice haul Luc. I wish I could get out fishing here. I've got the neccessary info yet the presence of polar bears and lack of time prevent it. You guys in the same area of the river as the last time?
  15. checked the records...74 days in a row. I now havent fished since July 18th. Probably the longest for the last 5 years. Funny how it goes, work made me fish for 74 days and now work prevents me from fishing for 25. Is that irony?
  16. Lived in KW for quite a few years. Its not a bad drive at all. Lots to see and the construction has made 69 alot better. If you're not towing a boat you can make it in just over 7 without meal stops. If you're into going through the states and have a radar detector you can get there in 6ish. No shortage of places to explore with easy access. I miss it. I just can't get excited about catfish.
  17. That wade was alright until you hit one hole, eh luc. I could never put a more than an hour or too without waders, it gets cold after a while. Ahh the salmon run at the locks, Im gonna miss that circus. I saw some amateur biologists trying to strip dirty old black hookjawed males for spawn last year. "must be spawned out" they opined. Enjoy the jackassery fellas
  18. The PWT last fall was won in the St. Marys by jigging. Around 65lbs over 3 days I'd say you can catch walleye jigging there. Shad bodies or plain worms from what I heard.
  19. Purolator or UPS I find you have to pay. USPS for whatever reason misses that fee about 9 out of 10 times. Interesting site you sure
  20. Im signed in and feel lucky. Or possibly hungover
  21. Thats a pretty good multi species effort right there. Keep up the good work. Never seen a LMB that big but did catch a couple of tiny ones years ago in a lake east of town. Did you get those out of the river?
  22. Trail cams might give you a bit of insight into their patterns and provide you with a place to set up an "ambush"
  23. don't know any specifics about fishing but i would assume theres an abundance of quality opportunities. I don't, however, believe there is a season for caribou in Ontario (correct me if Im wrong here). I did some aerial survey work a few years ago in the hudson bay area to assess the population and feasibility of a sport hunt....never heard what came of our counts.
  24. Congrats on the new boat. Hang onto old Tony, one of my favorite posts of all time was the engineering design of your motor mount. UW (and the Bomber) would be proud
  25. I miss bass fishing on the grand, I found it to be quite good was there from about 2000-07. October and November were my favourite times...thats when the hawgs seemed to come out in the sections I fished. Still amazed at the size of fish that came out of there. One still haunts me, ran like a salmon then jumped way downstream, 7ish maybe? It was a horse. I avoided the derby weekend too. Never a fan of fishing with a crowd. Good times
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