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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Outstanding FP Congratulations man Paul
  2. kool subset in the OFC Family Messaging Board Yes-- JOE Cocker-- Fire It Up-Tune-- I COME IN PEACE--youtube-currently on right now-heck you asked-lol Live 2013 -Cologne RIP Mr. Joe Another good long weekend tune Same disc--You Can Leave Your Hat ON Stay hydrated-Have Fun-Play Safe-Have a good weekend All Cheers ! ID1 Behave Misfish--don't make me come over there-we have skeleton staff bud
  3. Yes what he said. Smitty.good stuff --to my Brantford ON- OFC Tomato Grower-- varieties -got some Scilian Varieties-hopefully blight-free-ThankYou Sprayed the crop with Green Earth Copper/Bordo this morning 3 tsp per litre-will let y'all know how we make out-pretty toxic so play safe-kids and family pets eh? Good Growing 'Take A Kid Fishing' Paul
  4. Always dug that Video / Board Anthem-haven't heard it in years-looked like 10 feet of work for the dude that did it Have a wicked weekend All Think Rain-man these gardens are dry Paul.
  5. Will Do Musky Matt: will give an extra hug to my canine family tonite--R.I.P. Copper ! Feel your sorrow Paul
  6. Sheesh--lot of negative nancy's down at the pond today KJ casual observation from a professional standpoint--Pe3A types--what the hell aka Where to Fish..Urban Fishin is alive and well i believe ontariofamilyfishing.com ID1
  7. Congratulations on your new Buddy--what's his name? Looks like you got a friend-for-life FF Paul
  8. Would agree-take the high road always-you never know what's going on in peoples lives Let it rest maybe-OH NO THe MOD Squad on your tail can't be pleasant-LOL ID1
  9. It's an emotional issue...neighbours doors blown down in Aurora this week busting the Italian -Connection--Ghana is on Fire-- Perspective-- agree-it was handled terribily--YRP did the right thing imo-MNR have not fielded nusiance bear calls in years GTA is my understanding--BearWise programme cancelled Throwing the coppers under the bus was harsh-agreed MNR John Almond is a good guy--don't envy his position here Where was O.F.A.H. in all of this? Maybe there is a role they can play here in the future Bad situation all around
  10. Nicely done Captain Joey--your last shot here is "the money shot" Cheers and Thanks ID1
  11. Thanks for this-very kind of you--cell pack of 6 would be Terrific--am currently in Bradford--you could drop them off @ Joes Garden Center on the main drag and mark them Pickup for Paul Cheers Mate ID1
  12. Hello Musky Matt Wife and All am no expert here...but those look like good choices am always impressed on how big a yield can come from a small plot well cared for Never had much success with cukes--British or other wise--could be a soil thing Like a lot of SouthWestern Ontario folk we got that dang tomatoe blight--SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this season--we are moving the tomatoes to another site--horticultural limed the spot last Fall--and....not sure if that challange is air borne or soil borne--a good friend has offered a copper--no not that copper--spray to avoid the heart break Good Growing Paul
  13. Nice--Happy Birthday Joey and Clan Cheers ID1
  14. x2--Crisis Avertedlol--nice FISH kid-Enjoy
  15. BRAVO-WOW ! ..Fish Farmer and Crew..without question, you folks embody the Spirit of 'Take A Kid Fishing' Dig the pics-Thanks! This world needs more people like you Dave Paul and Crew Lake Simcoe eyes to the skies--sketchy weather on Simcoe by the LOOK s of it OH--HAPPY MOMS DAY TJ Couldn't resist
  16. Extra flares.!..........have passed that' small vessel' on one occasion-he is a card-carrying member of 'The New Age Grumpy O'le Dudes Society' Glad he doesn't have a dog on board Have a good opener all Cheers ID1
  17. What a lovely post..............Cliff Membership has its advantages Have a good week All Have FUN Play Safe Peace Paul
  18. Absolutely-have only worked with that crew once or twice personally on the fish-side---they do good stuff-Kudos x2--Cheers--Paul
  19. Appreciated Christopher k--Steely Dan/Donald Fagen Anything is a musical gift--Night Fly is a cool tune too Drifter 016--You're on dude--fortunate to have some time to listen tonite--snacks suck-lol--Costco Kirkland Roasted Seaweed Winter Harvest-at least the beer is cold-ha Always somewhat fearful to inquire about OFC peeps dogs--still have that gorgeous white and black boat hound? Take care Paul p.s.-enjoyed the concert-played some of it thru my Roland KC-350 drum monitors full tilt-talented players to-be-sure-really liked the drummer--This is Revenge-lol
  20. You are now Captain Canada ! Confident you have someone doing the Yeoman Duties on that vessel Brian B-lol Take Care-wonderful avatar ID1
  21. You're right, someone 'gots to do it' Maybe you'll be on the Police 'Sunshine List' next year my friendly Congrats on the new house dude Cheers ID1
  22. Classic tune--and Happy Lew'O-Clock Off to Gamebridge in a bit--Tunes Live and loud NOW is.....standby...Tom Lavin--Powder Blues Band-Canadians eh--"Hear that Guitar Ring"-coffee is done Hamilton Ontario--birth place of band Teenage Head?--cats were way ahead of there time--imo Have a wicked weekend ID1
  23. Absolutely-hear yah--tuff row to hoe to so-call 'deputize' a dude/dudette and expect that person to put themselves in harms way to Protect our Resources-run them thru a 3 day intensive course?-Have the'MNR Company'--ensure they are physically and mentally sound--issue two shirts with a diluted Conservation Officer flash on the shoulders-give the readers digest version of how to be Court Ready-effective use of a side arm-navigate the encrypted communication devices and......expected you can converse in a couple of languages btw--CO's .make CBSA look like drop outs..............JMO--it's not practicaL How would you financialy compensate them? Maybe public education is the best route food for thought-valuable insight here-Thanks
  24. lmao--funny stuff-thanks--lol Paul
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