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Everything posted by ch312

  1. considering how many kids are obese, lazy, antisocial and unwilling to work because of video games, i highly recommend that you smash that thing before your kid turns into one of those people i make fun of. a few of my buddies have younger siblings that got hooked on video games and it's rather pathetic how low some people can go. never leave the house, 8 hours of game play a day, skipping school, no friends, 18 and never had girlfriends, etc. what makes it even worse is their parents just sit back and let it happen. put your foot down and put a time limit on daily usage.
  2. you need to get out a bit more if you get into heated arguments about video games...
  3. battlefield bad company 2 is far better than any COD...
  4. you honestly believe that the guys who make their living off repairing trailers are going to recommend using a product that puts less $$$ in their pockets? i've never heard of anyone being afraid to get their trailer bearings wet. i can only imagine what people are thinking when they see a guy at the ramp that's afraid to get his boat trailer wet. my homemade boat trailer with bearing buddies is 20 years old and the original bearings are showing no sign of failing anytime soon. a few squirts of grease every year sure seems a lot easier than your launching method...
  5. i've been in that location 10 times or so in the last 3 years.
  6. express, where abouts do you work? we use a few different places in hamilton for the majority of our supplies and may have met before...
  7. i nearly cry when i fill my truck. 100 liters sure doesnt last very long with a hemi under the hood i'm thinking its time to get a motorcycle license and grab an older enduro...
  8. x2 you need to be out walking fields and fence rows to have a true idea of their population. i'd say we're in the "low" part of their cycle considering i've seen a steady decline over the last few years. considering how much energy it would require to chase down a jack, i wonder how often yotes actually target adult hares? and that right there is why most cats (excluding FIXED barn cats) should be kept indoors. people are so quick to blame yotes for seeing fewer small game animal and birds when it's really cats that have a bigger impact. its rather frustrating when people allow their cats to roam the wild killing as they please and it's even worse when the cats arent fixed. trying to convince cat owners that little fluffy shouldnt be killing all kinds of turkey poults, grouse, rabbit, songbirds, etc is nearly impossible.
  9. i highly recommend a polished finish on your slab to make cleanup and sweeping MUCH easier. that smooth floor will also make it much easier to wheel things around. you'd be surprised by how smooth and shiny of a floor you could have. i know the OP has experience with shed slabs and pool decks, but something this size is a totally different job that's best left to the pro's.
  10. well, that sucks. i guess they don't want everyone to know how much markup there is on their boats and how badly they're scamming people? someone should start a petition to hopefully help keep this site running...
  11. ummmm...we're in canada folks. when you order concrete around here you're asking for cubic meters, not yards it's not as simple as pouring a slab and building your garage on it. you need to look at the soil/base in your area, what's going to be in your shop (weight), and even style of garage. a roof that size will hold a lot of snow/weight in the winter and you're slab needs to be able to support it. you don't want to put all this money into the garage just to have problems 5 years from now. i highly doubt you'll get away with pouring a simple slab on grade. at the very least you'll be looking at a monolithic slab (google it). the proper way would involve pouring footings and then a 4ft frost wall to properly support the structure and avoid heaving. slab = 14m monolithic = 18m footings and frost walls = 26m "A" gravel = 20 yards or so for 32mpa with air you're probably looking at $160-$180/meter A gravel is around $30/yard (most don't use metric) wire mesh is $8-9 per 4x8 sheet 10m rebar is $9-11 per 20ft length take the cost of materials and multiply it by 2.5 to get a rough idea of how much a contractor will charge you for the concrete.
  12. i guess we'll be planning a fall outing to try and score some big eyes. thanks for all the input. now to figure out who to go with...
  13. a few buddies have been thinking about a trip to quinte for some big eyes. someone mentioned G2 angling so i've been reading a bunch of reviews about them and i'm not so sure anymore. i've read countless stories (google searches) about these guys not catching fish, poor attitudes, and brutal customer service. it seems like they're known for trying to get as much $$$ out of people as possible. has anyone heard of these guys or had first hand experience? can anyone recommend a good guide service on quinte?
  14. well, he does get out of the water and away from the edge rather quickly...
  15. how big of a hole are you looking to drill? the bits in the link should work well if they aren't too big. http://www.homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CatalogSearchResultView?D=913526&Ntt=913526&catalogId=10051&langId=-15&storeId=10051&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntx=mode+matchall&N=0&Ntk=P_PartNumber
  16. that's right folks, keep making those deer think humans aren't a threat. i'm sure it will help someone fill their freezer one day
  17. price choppers (now a new name) in brantford had both whole and prepared frozen smelt for the 3 years or so i had been going there. might want to check there? fortino's is probably a good place to check too. i've seen them at many grocery stores around here so they shouldn't be that hard to find?
  18. clam yukon tc. probably 150lbs+ with gear. on bare ice you can pull it with one finger and its no problem walking a couple km's in the snow. if it gets too heavy just share the load with buddies by attaching ropes for each person to pull. it takes a lot less effort than you'd think...
  19. visit your local snowmobile dealer to get some FREE used slides. each brand of sled uses a different style, i believe yamaha had the best design. heh...best machines too anyways, i used aluminum rivets to attach 4 of these slides to my yukon tc last winter. makes for much easier pulling, saves the huts floor, and is very durable. odds are its the same plastic clam is selling in their kits. did i mention they're free from most dealers?
  20. well, a trained officer should be able to assess each situation and act accordingly. but, the problem is there are many cops out there that don't think before confronting someone and switch to "arrogant, egotistical, power tripping mode" automatically before even having the chance to assess the situation. let's use fishnautographs approaching guys sitting in a car as an example. he probably walks up to them and talks to them like normal human beings, but i'm sure he turns into a real hardass when he knows something is up which is totally fine. unfortunately, many cops aren't like that and they'll switch to power tripping mode before even figuring out what the guys in the car are up to and treat the innocent folks like they're garbage. if someone deserves to get dealt with by a heavy hand and attitude then i'm all for it. but, it's not cool when innocent people have to put up with this for no reason at all. just because someone becomes a cop or joins the military they shouldn't be punished for breaking the law? it's that way of thinking that has made so many of them arrogant pricks with huge ego's. lack of punishment is probably the #1 reason for some cops doing as they please...
  21. yes, i would. you can thank the "bad apples" and "power trippers" that hide behind badges for many people disliking police and having this attitude towards them today. it's actually quite sad that the majority dislike or fear the police, but i don't blame anyone for feeling this way. it only takes one power tripping cop to make someones life much more difficult...
  22. well, still no response from aqua vu after i let them know that i shouldnt have to spend that much money to repair what was suppose to be, in their words, a premium unit. if they aren't willing to work something out, i'll be replacing the unit and selling it. i'll wait for a reply from them before i start turning any screws
  23. nice job ladies we REALLY need to get together again sometime...
  24. we had bell services for 2 years, but it would have only been 2 weeks if it weren't for the contract cancellation fees. there is simply no nice way of putting it...they're complete idiots. it took literally 5-6 HOURS on the phone to get my services setup properly and to finally get a modem sent out. here i thought they would have known that i needed a modem to connect to the internet you'd be surprised by how much credit you can get on your account after you feed them huge lines of Bull multiple times. it worked great for waiving cancellation fees as well when the rogers salesman knocked on our door and gave us an awesome deal. i guess you could say i beat them at their own game
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