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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Nice variety of fish Was thinking Cook's Bay where walleye are probably uncommon.
  2. Had nothing to do earlier so checked as many minnowbait/jerkbait images and found nothing that had that exact colouring and scrunched up nose. Must be some cheapy knock-off from Dollarama like some others said. It has the scrunched nose making it so different.
  3. Excellent report, hats off to you! Usually turn the music down on these but that tune was perfect. What a great looking trip.
  4. Nice PB gar and bunch of crappies. This southern Ontario life seems to be treating you well with new toys and fish species etc... mainly your kids seem to be enjoying and flourishing in it. Great photos and write up per usual Thanks for posting this!
  5. Ya Wayne, maybe you should get new spinal MRI's and get a referral to an Ortho to look at them, if needed. When my surgeon showed me the compressed disc, from t6he MRI, on the computer it looked like peanut butter and jelly squished out of a sandwich. It was a no-brainer to me to surgically fix it. I was put on T-3's initially, then percosets but neither worked. Then the last few months of oxycontin/percs combined which kinda worked but was problematic as it becomes a source of relief. Have seen many people being served this combination for fibromyalgia, hip surgeries, and other sources of nerve pain. Hoping that good diet and exercise etc...will provide good living now, not some pharmaceutical concoction.
  6. A while back i ended up catching my personal best WGSF on the Saugeen while targeting brookies. Catching your biggest panfish when trying for trout is something to remember. At least you will remember your PB panfishes this way.
  7. After 7 months of excruciating pain in my right leg in which i saw different physiotherapists, chiropractors, different types of doctors to no avail.( Having a Multiple Sclerosis relapse at same time with MS clinic no help). An orthopedic surgeon did microdiscetomy on my herniated L5, S1 disk yesterday to fix the problem, now that pain is gone. I took the advice of Lew and Headhunter and did the surgery which instantly cured that pain. A few weeks ago i tried fishing but the brutal pain made the act of simply casting or sitting and trolling an incredible ordeal. Looking forward to a decent summer/fall of productive fishing when i can get out now. Personally, having a spinal MRI, which identified the herniated disc as the source of pain, was essential for this situation to be properly addressed. Now this horrible pain is gone. Thanks for replies about the surgery, it set my mind at ease.
  8. That's the thing Roy, the simple fact of littering is a selfish act in itself but discarding fishing line by throwing it in the lake or on ground is especially thoughtless and lazy. The offenders are supposed to be into the outdoors and wildlife. Unfortunately it is very common and those videos show the costly resulting consequences.
  9. Found the most incredible footage of a Sasquatch Whoever posted video is wrong in thinking it is a gorilla. There are no gorillas in North America.
  10. I have always made sure to keep and safely dispose of fishing line when out in boat or wherever. Too many times in past when at a shorefishing spot would find piles of mono discarded without care. Always thought some poor animal would get caught in the line. Here is a recent example of a eaglet getting caught in line that was on wood the parents used to build nest. A good ending to this story. I have been watching these Eagle cams and these eaglets now weigh 6 lbs after 6 weeks. In another 6 weeks they should be near 12-15 lbs and ready to fly away. Unbelievable growth and maturing rates.
  11. In inches the new slot size there is 13.8 in. to 19.7 in. for walleye. You can only keep one fish daily with conservation license and 4 with sport license. The CO's are checking. I was checked twice last year.
  12. Hey Bushart, thought i would share an oil painting i did a few years ago of a tornado. I call it "A view from a hill"
  13. Really like these paintings! The first one is real Canadiana. The second one is one of my favorite subjects to paint as well. Nice job there.
  14. Four British lads in Paris, 41 yrs. ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtqy4DTHGqg
  15. Unfortunately some are aware but still ignoring the regs. Last year when offenders were near me i talked loud enough for them to hear the new reg conversation. There eyes and stares would start darting, then they usually just raced off w/ fish in tow, to their cottage or whatever. Back 30 yrs. ago i counted about 80 boats off the north end of Big Island fishing on a Sat. evening. Now there might be five or six there on a weekend evening. At least the walleye aren't being as hammered, like before. The zebra mussels and subsequent clearing water sent them off the rock reefs and into the shady weeds instead. If regs. are followed and with the lighter fishing the pickerel should recover well. Good luck with the pannies Jimmer.
  16. Looks like an incredible life experience. That char meat is so red it looks like fire. It would be a sushi bar's dream, no wonder you were eating it raw. That baby seal looks like it would make a great pet. Looks quite alive in that picture!
  17. Have a gut feeling these new size slots will help the walleye on Pigeon Lake. Good to here you are following them. Saw to many kept out of the slot last year. Jumbo perch are hard to find up there. Any big perch i caught were when fishing for bass or walleye. Tons of big bluegills in the lake now can be easily targeted.
  18. I have caught musky from the Petawawa R. by accident a few times but below Lake Travers. Did the trip from L. Travers to Macmanus Lake down the Petawawa River annually through the 90's. Absolutely the best fishing in the park. Endless smallmouth, channel cats, and some walleye would be caught plus a few muskies were caught incidentally. Spectacular scenery in that area as well. I remember a 15 lb walleye from Cedar Lake won the Molson Big Fish contest way back. Try jigging the slack waters below rapids. Sorry can't help with Cedar Lake tips though. Would highly recommend L. Travers to Macmanus Lake trip in the future.
  19. Tightlines in Pickering always has whatever i need. The location is great(off 401) as i am usually going east out of Toronto.
  20. ehg

    Brookie Fun

    Again an incredible post MJL! The thing about this headwater fishing is that brookies are all over the province wherever an underground spring trickles out to start some creek or river. Getting to these spots usually involves brutal trekking through thick, overgrown bush, loaded with bugs, just to flick your spinner into a lil' pool to get that beauty fish. Being able to get those amazing underwater photos adds a whole new dimension to capturing those gems. Very worth the effort. I remember last year you did a post and mentioned my past reports over the years of headwater brookies kinda inspired you to give it a shot. That is why i will always post a report if i go fishing (seldom these days). Would be hoping someone would notice the lures or locations and reap the rewards as well. No use being selfish. One of the best all-time fish reports here. Thanks, Mike!
  21. ehg

    BPS Extreme

    Had an Extreme baitcaster/rod combo medium i bought 5 yrs. ago. Paid 100 bucks for it new at Bass Pro and used it quite regularly with 30 lb. Power Pro with no problems. Used it for bass topwaters and spinnerbaits. I wouldn't use it for muskies. It found the bottom of lake last year by accident. 50 bucks is a good price.
  22. Thanks Wayne, searched Bass Pro catalogue yesterday but couldn't find them. Guess a trip up that way is in order unless i see them at JB's.
  23. I really want to find these 1 1/3 oz. spinnerbaits. Apparently they are designed to tick the bottom without fouling up or losing straight spin. Will be good pulling up from depths to those sunken island tops, deep rock shoals, etc... Need to find them...
  24. White males under the age of 55 must have some positive awareness of Ted Nugent's message, to retain thier man card. Or at least some vague memory of the first verse of this tune.
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