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BFSC Kevin

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About BFSC Kevin

  • Birthday 12/22/2007

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  1. Runners don't help with the hand pulling. They are for protecting the tub if you're pulling over concrete on the road or pulling behind a machine on ice. You want a Smitty sled to lift your hut off the snow so it's not plowing it while you're hand pulling. Less friction.
  2. Note, not my ad.
  3. Here is a used stradic for $145. Size 1000, should be perfectly fine for your needs. https://www.kijiji.ca/v-fishing-camping-outdoor/city-of-toronto/mint-shimano-stradic-1000fi-spinning-reel/1297722294?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  4. Congrats Cliff. I went there for the first time this year and it wasn't that great for me. But I'm glad to hear you're doing well
  5. Got freaked out for a second but nope, I bought fish crisp.
  6. Labor day weekend is upon us. This marks the end of the summer and time to pack away the trolling gear. Some of it will come back out in a couple months for walleye when the action really heats up in Quinte. The salmon action I heard was spectacular this year on Lake O. Guys were hammering them out there all day, everyday. I was only able to get out a few times this summer and although it wasn't the smashing success everyone had, I didn't fare too poorly either. The launch I normally use is Bluffers but due to the construction and high water levels, it was shut down this year. I had to use an alternative, so off to Ashbridges. I didn't fancy the idea of battling it out with crowds and the limited parking, so I think that was my major deterrent this year. Here was a small video of one of those days on the water this year. We did end up with a double digit day, most the fish coming off of the dipsey divers, about 150 ft back. I stuck around the Spits/Bluffs area. A few pics to show from the outings. Some inspired by MJL's great shots So as the summer ends, this also means a new opportunity. This is the time when the salmon fishing out on the main lake slows down as the fish stage and move into the river systems to do their thing. This was my first time really trying to cast spoons and cranks for kings in the mouths of rivers. I hear of people and friends going every year, to the piers chucking for them. So this was the year, I tried it, but from my boat. Just out of casting distance from the shore anglers. Parked myself out in 20-30 FOW and went at it. Fish were surfacing everywhere. We were bound to hook up, right? Still some time left for catching Kings out in the lake before they all shoot up the rivers. Thanks for looking. Kevin
  7. It's spring and there are a ton of carp in the shallows now. Great opportunity to try out fishing for those large goldfish. Just some corn on a hook will do, they seem to be in quite the feeding mood. We grabbed some random rods and went at it. We even used the same rods later that evening for walleye. Have a gander and enjoy the video.
  8. Lol. Nice job Brian and Terry!
  9. Fished rice. It was pretty stellar.
  10. Hey Ryan, great video. Amazing. I don't post much anymore but it's been fun seeing your posts and watching Averie grow up. I wish you all the best in this new adventure!
  11. Better hurry. All photography gear will be increasing in prices very shortly. Henry's put out a statement that starting April 1st, their prices will be increasing 15%+ due to the Canadian dollar. Depending on your needs, I would look long and hard at mirrorless cameras. They take great photos and videos, at a fraction of the size of a full size dslr. MJL on the board just jumped on the mirrorless bandwagon. I'll wait for him to chime in
  12. 1. 2. 3.I don't have the new fuel yet. Glad it helps. If you ice fish, you need electronics! Fishing blind isn't the same. Thanks Joeytier... We just got a dumping of snow, so this coming weekend (which is a good chance of being our last) won't be so walker friendly.
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