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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I had those on my canoe years ago, mounted them myself. They were for mini Scotty downriggers.
  2. Thanks for the kind words folks. Alps I'd like too, but as I hold and turn all rods by hand I'd need a third hand to take the pictures. My bad, though I did mention that in a previous post when I was constructing the handle. Glad to hear it Bernie. The hardware is Struble Edwin.
  3. I've been slowly working on a special build for member Floatman55 and have now finished it. A little more involved than most of my builds in terms of handle/seat construction and the inclusion of two colours of metallic thread. The pictures don't show it clearly but it starts with three turns of gold metallic, three turns silver metallic, 6 turns black, one turn silver, six more black then one more gold then finish in black.
  4. Agreeing with everyone else. I would have thought that area would be full of them.
  5. I had something similar, actually nearly exact (double in size) in a Lake Erie Walleye, in about the same area of the flesh too! Not very appetizing......"GAG"
  6. Good to hear from you Bruce.
  7. No Dan, this is Canned Heat. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kUJmmU5mvpw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. What, no Pickereyes! Don't give up guys, you'll do better next time!
  9. Well it took me a while to get a reply back to you Rich, but I hadn't forgot, I'm just a wee bit slow. Great report and some awesome pictures including some great musky, congratulations, well done Sir! It still pains me to have missed you and Patsy this year as well as the rest of the gang, hopefully next year will see my return.
  10. Canada day was yesterday, but you keep on celebrating my friend. Nothing better than a long summer weekend and the weather has been stellar!
  11. You'd be better off chilling to this s I am .... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PGwPSPIhohk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. I like the whistling emoticon....LOL No worries Bernie, you know I'm there for more than just the fishing. And yes there is September. Ya, I suppose it's more than a me thing....LOL
  13. I knew you were holding out on me Bernie. Glad to see you had a good day out with your brother and dad, hope you marked the spot on the GPS.
  14. Damn, I knew you were young but those pictures have me suddenly feeling very old....LOL Good stuff Chris.
  15. Thanks Simon. It's not the first time you've extended the open door invitation and I appreciate it. I've have big plans to spend a vast amount of time up there as soon as the youngest gets off to University, two more years yet. But when he does you can be sure I'll find my way to your front door and if there's no fish on hand we'll definitely go get 'em! Hell we'll go get 'em regardless.
  16. You'll have to give me about 20 hours notice Simon in order for me to make the dinner hour.
  17. Past experiences would tend to have me agree with the above.
  18. No nothing like that Brian. A big pasta seafood salad for dinner tomorrow at John and Barb`s.
  19. A little background music while I was working in the kitchen..... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/d8sjDnMnTfI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mq0HpoKXaFk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. It'll be nice to have you back local Clive. Hope all is well and also hope that you'll provide us with some local reports again, not to mention the possibility of a G2G.
  21. I don't protect my rods as well as I should, but I know a guy who'll fix them for me, no charge.
  22. Nice to have you here Luke. MS is an insidious disease that robbed my youngest brother of a normal life in his early 30's though he is a fighter and actually is out and about more than I. I give him 2 big thumbs up for his determination, a published poet, a certified sailor and even some hang gliding (passenger) to his credit, he's awesome! My best wishes to you and your parents, a tough row to hoe at any time in life. Oh and thanks for the PM's yesterday, nice chatting with you and I look forward to meeting you.
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