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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. There's a reason why navigational lights on a boat are designed not to interfere with the vessel operators vision and yet still provide visual acuity to the where abouts of other vessels operating at night. I have more than once admonished a passenger for shining a flashlight about if I had not directly requested them to do so. In short, an unlit boat is a boating hazard.
  2. I know little to near nothing about canning tomatoes as this was my first time. I did however ad the juice from half a fist sized Lemon. The volume of sauce was just shy of 3 litres and it was all used up in just a few weeks, so no long term storage. And thank you for the link, very helpful.
  3. Stellar! I've been thinking it was time to get a line wet there.
  4. A couple of Lasagnes today, made from my home grown garden tomatoes that I sauced and canned. They are big, the one on the right is meat free for my youngest daughter and the larger one on the left is meat laden (ground beef and ground sweet Italian sausage) is to be shared with my oldest daughter and her BF who are still renovating the kitchen in their recently purchased first home. I raised 'em and I still feed 'em.
  5. I love mine as you know buddy, but I feel it is underutilized. I need to up my game. Props for sharing the marinade as well, it's a solid winner.
  6. Mmmmm, Smoked Fowl Brined 48 hours then smoked with Maple and Cherry wood. One young domestic Turkey and one wild Turkey Breast. Both are delish.
  7. Bite your tongue southern man. Brook loved the openness of the bad ass tiller.
  8. Saweeeet fish and a great replica.
  9. If you don't know what the top amp draw is for your motor Google it. Then get an inline fuse for the rating. Also be sure to use the same guage wire if you're extending the length, but don't extend it more than you need.
  10. I love mine, I don't use it as often as I should though.
  11. The Mason Jar in my one picture is.......Summer Savoury.
  12. I don't really have a recipe Doug but a few have asked me for one, so I will put together the basic process and post it here for everyone who may want to try it.
  13. It's all good Sir, I didn't see it as bashing, just someone desperate to find me. I'm going to do whatever I can to help him even though the rod blank was discontinued some time ago.
  14. A while back my friend gifted me a bunch of Silver Sockeye he caught in Alaska right in the chuck. Bright Silver and the flesh as red/orange as you could ever imagine on the rod I had built him for the trip. However, the last package I had was far to much to consume in a single meal so I decided to try my hand at canning some last week. All went well and I ate one full jar with a fork right out of glass.....delish! Then yesterday I watched a video about home canning meat and fish. It got me worried about gifting these "canned salmon" to friends as I only used the "water bath" method not having a pressure canning vessel. The worry, Botulism! Canning temperatures needed for meat/fish apparently can not reach the required temps to kill off any potential bacterium that can cause Botulism (I am relatively new at this home canning thing). I'm likely over thinking it but non the less I decided to use it all up and make Fish Cakes this afternoon. I have to admit, my Fish Cake skills just keep getting better and I truly have no way of expressing just how awesome this batch turned out in words. I'll just say...... Oh my goodness...........! PS......I need to get me a propper canning pressure pot.
  15. Found this a few days back. David Gilmour with his daughter Romany.
  16. When your buddy drops you off farm fresh eggs from Wasaga and his home canned Owen Sound Salmon you make Fish Cakes. Boy oh boy, were they ever good.
  17. I've never known anyone else to have one, until now.
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