I have found tape worms in every species of fish I've caught at one time or another, no worries as they are an intestinal parasite.
Even you have eaten fish in the past you've likely consumed countless black and yellow grub, I'd be more concerned with those!
Me, me, me please.
Your post reminded me Joe that I need one of them fancy adapters for Chris' trailer plug, you know the same as the one you were using last year.
I've been searching the net for video of "Billy Joe" Brian, he's one talented man!
Give me a small venue, licensed and served at the table and I'm all over it.
Flippinn TV channels last night I caught this on APTN.
Honestly I'd never heard of Billy Joe Green but I got to say I really want to catch this live before I die, I love it!
LOL....I told ya befur me friend, country blows.....CHUNKS, BIG CHUNKS !
Surely your old enough ( I know you are) to remember these.....?