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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. not to be pedantic, but what you are doing there is called bottom bouncing rather than drop shotting. Folks use that technique on the Notty for bows. And, yes, a lighter weight is more effective---just letting it tick bottom every few seconds.
  2. I understand that transporting any crayfish overland is illegal in Ont.
  3. If you pick up 1 or 2 Kevin Callan books you'll see lots of routes described----the books are commonly in libraries. Lots of crown land camping available, but be aware that your nephew, not being Cdn, officially needs to pay MNR some sort of fee to camp on crown land. Maybe you could teach him a few Cdn phrases, eh----so he'll pass off as a citizen.
  4. Oh, sure. Living in prime speck country like T'bay and rubbin' it in!!!
  5. Thx, FL. I was able to download PDFs for Lady E. I tried searching on that site for Lake Temag but didn't find. I didn't see how to narrow my search to just look amongst maps, or browse to find other maps. Looks like quite a useful site, though----thx for providing that link
  6. Thx, guys. Looks really good---I'll check them out.
  7. Hi, I will be canoeing on Lady E and Temag lakes in about a month. Does anyone know where to find paper copies of depth maps for these 2 lakes? I checked Anglers Atlas and Fish-ON w/o sucess. Thx
  8. Andy--- a fine gesture on your part. A better destination than where I donate my lures----the river bottom!!
  9. The marine railway at Big Chute is an interesting little sight-seeing diversion.
  10. ?? Oh, udunno. When I was up the CN tower I felt dizzy---I think that was because the universe was spinning all around us!
  11. Poling a canoe takes some practice. Also, the bottom in a swamp is likely to be soft and unsuitable for poling. 1 1/2 hrs?? Hell, yes, if there are fish at the other end!!
  12. very nice fish. What's that white stuff at your feet? Were you in a boat or fishing from shore?
  13. but not before tying the anchor to his ankles!!
  14. I must admit I got a 'little miffed' when a buddy and I were trolling with an elec in a canoe and he ran over my line so many times that (a) I ran out of line and ( the motor quit so we(he, actually, in the stern) had to paddle!!!!
  15. Using a bobber( OK FLOAT, if you insist) is like using training wheels on a bike. Alright---I'm leaving now, be back later, maybe much later!
  16. My BBQ doesn't do that---I'll trade ya!
  17. I didn't think carp was a slang word. I just thought it was a misspelled word!
  18. How about "on fire"? A bit overused, I'd say!
  19. I thought a swamp donkey was a moose, but also a type of fish??
  20. Ok, let's start with bronzebacks, bucket mouths, snot rockets for species. Then there's fishing 'conditions" ----lockjaw, putting on the feed bag----and on and on it goes. What are you favorites, or ones you love to hate??
  21. What, into the finals already and it's only mid-June!!!
  22. Tough life, eh Mike?? Well, I've been out fishing too. Maybe I should do a detailed report!
  23. Nice fish and nice pix. Congrats on getting published. So I guess we could say that Bill took the pic but Mike...er...um....had a hand in it. I read the OC article. Out of curiosity, did you travel and fish with Ken. B and Dave K, or did they just happen to be on the river at the same time?
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