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Everything posted by sonny

  1. Sounds like a pro-turney fisher in the making!!
  2. Any reputable starter or alternator rebuilder should be able to take care of it for you,,,just look in the yellow pages,,,around the hamilton area i would only use "black brothers",,,they just did my fathers alternator on his sailboat for 100 bucks,,,good deal considering it was a rare breed!
  3. Have room for an extra person in my boat leaving hamilton peir around 5 pm tonight,,,must have a great ontario salmon derby ticket,,,just thought i'd throw it out there for anyone interested,,,pm me with phone number
  4. I don't know about cateracts but i have had pices of steel taken out of my eye a couple times and the healing process sounds the same,,,drives you insane!! but it will get better,,,your eye's are the fastest healing of all body parts so just hang in there!
  5. definatley one of those fish you'll remember for a lifetime!! very nice catch!
  6. Usually only three things to look at,,1-- battery power 2-- kinked or blocked(misrouted) outlet hose 3-- kinked or blocked inlet if all these are good throw out the pump!
  7. It sure shut down the salmon out of bronte!
  8. congrats dan!!! but still comming after that spot!!!
  9. Well was a slow day at work today so i called up my father to try our luck in the great ontario salmon derby,,,been out a few times already with success but nothing big enough to weigh in but gonna have some nice smoked fish thanks to my sis jen on the board,,,anyway headed out from the pier 6 miles out and got set up wasn't long before i got the first little shaker on,,,then the next fish hit and started ripping line out a nice quality fish weighing in at 23.5 lbs,,,only five and a bit pounds shy,,,ow well,,,,ended up a good night landing 5 kings 2 rainbow and missing a couple good hits,,,all fish came off atificial cutbait rigs,,,no more real cutbait for me!! here's a couple pics of my fathers fish after wieghing it in just to see if my digital scale was reading right
  10. funny how they spot it for the heli but the diver is already there filming,,lol
  11. where do ya live? if your close to hamilton i'd be willin to give ya a hand
  12. Nice outting,,,,,,it'd turning into a good year for big fish!! can't wait to get out myself!
  13. yes basshole the cat did hit a crankbait,,,well got out again tonight for a couple hours,,,had one break off and landed anouther walleye about 5-6lbs water is still a little chilly 65 degrees surface temp,,,when the water starts to warm they'll be on fire!!!
  14. Now thats a bass!! nice goin!
  15. Well being canada day and having the day free from the wife and kids what else to do but go fishing??So called up my long time pal mike and headed out bright and early...launched from fiahmasters at around 8am after saying hi to fellow member fishfarmer who was gettting ready to tackle the river! What a beatifull day lake was nice and calm,,made a track to a waypoint fishmaster had let me in on(thanks steve)as he's been prefishing, and set up the rods,,,about a half hour in got our first fish,,,a beauty 6lb anouther ,,,missed anouther and and then came anouther beauty 8-9lb,,,all in all was a great day cut a bit short cause the wind picked up and the waves followed so we headed back in getting a little wet from the ride but refreshing,,lol,,trolled back in the river catching this ol cat,, The walleye are now back!! go get em!!
  16. What i hear they are really good for is ice fishing,,supposed to shoot right through the ice well!
  17. Well been talkin to steve the last little while and hearing all the tales about salmon and me not being able to get out at all this year due to a bad work scedule between me and the wife,,,tuesday was the day,,,instead of me dragging my boat down to weller steve told me to just meet him down at his,,,So off work a bit early and was on the water by 6pm pretty much non-stop action but alot of shakers mixed in ,,,total count was around 15 fish..4 bows,,1 coho and the rest kings here's a few pics sorry for the delay posting but was waiting for the pics as i didn't have my cam As soon as the sun began it decent the fishfinder just came alive!! Almost forgot how nice it is to hunt salmon on a beautiful summers night!!
  18. great topic and great to hear from a professional on the subject!! Hope you invited him to join our little group!!
  19. AHHH boatland,,,,been waiting a long time to tell the story..My first boat should have been a 16 foot tritan instead of the legend boat that i have now,,,((in retrospect i have a much better boat then i would have)) This is the story My father went to the boat show that year and saw the boatthat we would buy,,,he worked out the deal,,and put down a large deposit,,,,,now from the time the paperwork was signed and picking up the boat they kept loosing paperwork and fishy things happening,,, now that spring arived my father called and told them we'd be picking up the boat the following week,,,we called the night before and the next day when we arived they scrambled for a half an hour looking for our boat,,,then finally thay pull it up from the back yard with water,,,and i mean alot of water pouring out of it,,,,then they informed us that it was not ready,,hmm no kidding,,and they had taken the motor off it and anouther one had to be put on it,,,asked us to come back in five hours to pick it up,,,after our 2 hour ride to get there,,,so off we headed to the casino and back in five hours,,,,boat is all ready,,,Great i thought,,,we go in to do all the paperwork,,,the deal that my father HAD IN WRITING was changed to the tune of 7200.00,,over the course ofthe payments,,,,this is called a bait and switch,and illegal,, so short and short my father asked for his deposit back,,,and unhook the boat from his truck,,,,, was a terrible day for us,,,,one that should have been great If you would like this type of day,,,,by all means buy a boat from boatland!!
  20. Had to get out of the house last night so thought it was a good time to take my son fishing,,,Off we headed to fishmasters,,,left the boat at home and just decided to fish off shore,,, I am elated to let you all know my son caught his first walleye,,,not bad for four and a half,,,casting a spincaster all by himself,,,definatly a proud daddy!! hopefully sis will post the pic she took!
  21. Hey guys just to let you know,,,i am an auto technician and what you have here will not work on todays vehicles,,,although hydrogen is a reality these days injecting this is not it,,,Injecting water into the combustion chamber is not new as it is only used to take up space equalling in higher compression,,,(water does not compress)and was only used in racing aplications,,,to which the motors would not last and were continuasly rebuilt Be smart and let your first instict be the judge,,,if it smells like on,,,walks like one,,,must be one!!
  22. Well done!!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  24. Hey dan,,,divers work very nicley for salmon,,,use em all the time,,,,i use a dipsey diver a four to six foot 30lb florocarbon lead folloed by either a spoon(usually 3.5 to 4 in) or a spin doctor or dodger and fly,,,start at 100 feet back letting out line at 25 foot increments ever 10 min or so untill you find the fish,,,not sure what your using for equipment but you may have to beef it up,,,a stiff rod with line counter reel and braid is the way to go,,also a good quality snubber may be used after the dipsey,,,, hope this helps and feel free to pm with any questions!
  25. Well what a week it was,,,I'll first like to say sorry for no pics as the second day walking off the dock to take a picture of some nice fish we caught,,,keeerplunk,,,yep into the water it went!! So you will all just have to suffer(me included) Headed up to trout creek friday night to stay with one of my fathers freinds before heading to temagami the next morning,,,weather looking great on saturday,,,got to the landing packed up the boat and landed at camp tamer for 2pm..Now at tamar deciding what we were going to have for dinner,,,a fish fry,,,alllwe had to do was catch the fish to make it happen The night went well,,,3 walleye,a pike and a whitefish was the main course for dinner that night along with alot of laughs a a few pops,, As for the rest of the week the weather was up and down withy winds changing speed and direction every day,,,missed a couple of night fishes and one day fish due to high winds,,,and just gotta say i'm glad i have a top on my boat or it would have been a whole lot wetter!! Total fish caught between the five of us 65,,not sure of the total specific count 24 walleye,,,(only three in the slot) 8 pike 12 whitefish 7 lake trout biggest being 10lbs a bunch of oss bass (quicky released) A great time had by all,,,and a big thanks to my dad and his freinds for giving me memories to last a lifetime,,,nothing like fishin with the ol'man!!
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