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Everything posted by sonny

  1. Nice ride!,,congrats!,,,sure would look even prettier towin' a boat!!
  2. It's a known fact that canadians are better fisherman then our us counterparts,,,Sorry it's just a fact!!
  3. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a co-pilot,,,wireless remote,,,it makes controlling it so much easier,,,i haven't pulled out my foot pedal in two years!!
  4. Hey,,,roy come through for a change,,lol ;)
  5. looked into buying an auger and couldn't find one in ontario,,,said they had it in stock but when i called it wasn't
  6. as far as i know lower grand walleye's close march1 st not the 15th
  7. one of the reasons it's my favorite show,,,have some of the best informative segments on tv!
  8. Nope,,,no problem as far as i can see,,,,but i will help ya get rid of some of that tackle if it's bothering you that much,,, ;)
  9. I was also wondering about these,,,and i forgot to mention alot of the time when operating the down riggers the main motor is off and trolling with a kicker that is not charging the battery.
  10. Ok over the last couple of years my cranking battery has had some accesories added to it,,,sonar,lighting and downrigggers,,,the question is now that the battery need replacing would a deep cycle battery last longer under theses circumstances. What are you running?
  11. I know of a guy in hagarsville that repairs aluminum boat damage if you want his # just pm me
  12. it's frozen but not safe in that area
  13. As one door closes another opens,, sorry to hear that spiel,,god bless!
  14. That show has one of the best information segments of all the shows!! i look forward to them,,,especially for walleye!
  15. It's a sad day for sure,,,,hope it's just temp,,but can't count on it after such an extreme shut down!
  16. humminbird,,,thats all you need to know!
  17. Irishfield,,,it happens,,,unfortunately mistakes happen,,i too have forgot to tighten a customers tire,,although it didn't get very far and no problem arose from it,i still made the mistake,,but that is one in maybe ten thousand tires i've removed and installed,,,it matters what happens after that,,and how things were made right by the company,,,we are all human and make mistakes but it's how many and the willingness to make it right when you need to!
  18. Good report,,,,I always have great time up at camp tamar,,,head up there every may maybe next year i'll make it up for the ice!! I'd also love to see a video of how to clean a ling,,seems like it would be close to cleaning a catfish,,,plan to try that meat someday!
  19. As fishermen and boaters we don't think of this kind of thing happening enough,,as the soft water season draws closer will you promise your loved ones to be safer this year?
  20. I work in the industry...i will rip you off every chance i get,,,and beat up your grandmothers and kick your kids!!!! I will do this because i am an auto mechanic who has invested thousands of dollars and approx 8years of my life training to do just that,, If i know it's only a ten dollar part i am happy to charge you 200 for it,,,because thats the kind of guy i am FOR I AM YOUR LOCAL AUTO MECHANIC!!! For the people out there that think this is true,,,,come work beside me for a day!!!
  21. I have had alot of sunglasses over the years,,,the best were a pair of polareyes,,,,not that expensive but a great pair of glasses,,,damn i miss them,,lost them in the bathroom of basspro!
  22. Actually an easy conversion and will hold up just as well!
  23. Sorry bud,,,the pain will pass but the memories never will
  24. contact fishmaster,,,the marina still might be good to fish
  25. Sorry guys but my personal opinion is that they should have started the ban slowly years ago,,four stokes are far better for the environment!! Especially when it comes to the older motors! Iknow it's not going to be a popular opinion considering the cost to boaters,,,but it's just one of many
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