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Everything posted by sonny

  1. sonny


    had a great time,,,and learned a few things in the process!
  2. How about having it appraised and then putting it under glass in a picture frame and keeping it!! stuff like that is good conversation pieces! Ya can't loose money by keeping it!
  3. Hey,,fishing in style!! Nice report!! also funny what people see coming up their holes to take a look around!!
  4. Well just got back from the fishing world seminar, really glad i went. Alot of good tips for us ice-fisherman,,,Nicer guys you couldn't find! A personal thanks to big jim and bob izumi for taking the time for a couple of pics with my son!! I tell ya guys,,,these guys are at the top of their game because of their passion for the sport,,being humble,friendly and willing to give credit where credit is due,,,truly great ambassadors for the sport,,,it was a pleasure!
  5. Been an auto mechanic over 20n years now,,,currently working at a chrysler dealer here in town
  6. I bought the unit last year for my boat,,,and all i can say about it,,is,,you gotta have one,,,so much easier and more accurate then the foot pedal,,,i love mine and havn't used my foot pedal since,,,,well worth the money!! :thumbsup_anim: Some toys are better then others!!
  7. I was fishing straight across in about 18 feet and to long a walk,,lol but we saw your hut ,,,we were wondering why the otter was so close to one of the conservation huts!
  8. well wish we would have know it was you we would have come over and said hi...I hooked up with uncle buck on saturday for a day out on binbrook,,we ended up landing about 10 crappie a bunch of dink perch and a big fish that is left nameless cause someone in my hut lost it,,lol,,,,,was a great day with good company,,,only tough part was the walk!!,,,glad you had a good time as well
  9. Silicone spray would help with that!
  10. It does not hurt the fish at all,,end of story!
  11. It is definatly one of those new fishing items that has become a must have!
  12. someones going to need a torch!!
  13. I remember going fishing with my father when i was young and when we did he always bought "tahiti treat",,,wish i could find it now for when i take my son fishing!
  14. i run into this quite a bit when it gets cold like this,,,silicone spray is the best but it is a maintenance this,,,spray the rubbers down once a week irishfield was right on the money!
  15. :thumbsup_anim:
  16. Hope all goes well,,keep us informed!
  17. Ok,,,sound like more of a fuse problem then a wiring one,,,if from what you have said you already changed a blown fuse which means that wiring was good enough to override the fuse first,,, There are some fuses in the underhood fuse box that refer to the trailer, backup trailer lamp at fuse 4, trailer at fuse 32, trailer turn signals at 50 & 51. There should be a map to the fuses and relays inside the box cover. check all fuses,,if you are not sure if they are blown you can check both sides with a testlight hooked to ground when in the vehicle or with an ohmmeter across it when removed from the vehicle,, hope this helps,,,if you find that a fuse keeps blowing when you put it in,,,remove the suspected bulb from socket and see if it still blowes,,,if it does then you will have to eliminate the socket from the circuit and see if it is ok after that,,,you can do this by cutting the power wire to the socket in a place that is easily repaired if the socket is determined to be good, hope this helps Oh ya don't forget that there is a fuse and relay center under the driver side rear seat (at least there is on mine) check there too
  18. princess auto has them!
  19. i have seen them at my local homehardware store a week ago!
  20. don't ask!! I don't even want to know that!
  21. yep definatly sounds like the pick up tube has a problem,,,
  22. I am a mechanic first of all,,,this is not a condensation problem!,,You have other issues that need to be addressed,,oil is mixing with your antifreeze and you need to find out where from,,most prob cause is either a head gasket or intake gasket,,,if you continue to drive like this you will need an engine if you don't need one already!
  23. scotty's are whats on my boat too,,,use em for dipsy's all summer!
  24. contact bruce at http://www.tamarvacations.com/ i know he is quite resonable and will be able to put you on fish,,,i believe you can drive right to the camp
  25. Thats one sweet walleye,,i hope to better that this weekend!! lol,,,I was just happy to land the first walleye of the season!!
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