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Everything posted by sonny

  1. Take your yime,,i can imagine it is a very stressfull time for you,,,glad to hear everyone is ok!
  2. lol,,,funny!!!!
  3. I teach my son so when i am old he can take me fishing as i have taken him!I the inbetween that i am sure will be the most fun!!
  4. Well just got home,,boat put away and my fishin buddy put to sleep,,,had a great time dispite the weather,,,it was great to see my son having fun out there fishing,,,and him being so relaxed on the boat i actuall had to wake him up to tell him to reel in his line because he had a fish on,,lol,,,it was really nice for us underneath the boat top while stev had to brave the elements at the front of the boat,,,(but was nice having an "anchor boy"),,lmao,,I'm glad he called us other-wise it prob would have just been an indoor day!,,not bad 35 fish within a couple hours!!
  5. congrats on your new PB!!
  6. man!! how fast must his heart have been racing!! awsome vid!
  7. Let me know if it comes to fundraising,,,figure it's a worthy cause
  8. air bubles...if your motor is running too close causing turbulances it can cause this
  9. Maybe at some point in time today we can all look around us and truly understand how thankfull we should be for all we have!!,,,Happy thanksgiving everyone!
  10. Great report!! I am sure a trip you will never forget!! :thumbsup_anim: And it's a moose of the albino family!(i think)
  11. okuma convectors size 30 with shimano telora rods
  12. Sweeeet!!,,,congrats bud!!
  13. nice job as usual!! lol,,,i can vouch for that rain or shine!! As on the 7th me and steve fished for salmon,,,and i can tell ya guys he's a trooper,,,fished for four hours in the rain without a top on my boat and no rainsuit,,,all he had to keep dry was a lifejacket a small umbrella(thanks dad),,,and can't forget the driftsock,,,lmao keep up the good work!!
  14. humminbird all the way!!!,,,lowrance can't keep up!
  15. Me and my father had a great time out there although we only came in fourth place with a weight of 29.19ls for four fish,,,still boated 9 fish altogether,,Definatley one of my favorite turneys of the year!! lake was nice and calm a few sprinkles in the morning but not a bad day at all!!,,,thanks guys had a great time and some good eatin afterwards!!
  16. Both shows turned out great,,,the famous red river has nothing on the grand when it comes to cats!!!,,,Guys,,,i can't say this enough,,WE HAVE THE BEST FISHING IN THE WORLD AT OUR DOORSTEP!! No need to travel hours away!!!
  17. I have done this many times!!,,,if you don't have the experience take it to your local mechanic,,but get yourself a stud and nut first,,,if the new stud does not press in with any force you will have to do one of two things,,,replace the hub or have it tack-welded with a mig,,,this is an acceptable repair due to the fact that you won't have to eccessivly heat the hub!
  18. It will also help to load up your rod more when fishing for walleye,,it will help with the release and help you notify the ones to small to release!
  19. Starting to look better,,,winds are gonna change out of the north which is offshore for maitland which will be good news!!,,,plan to win this baby this year!!
  20. I currently own a legend 16 xtreme for the past three years and don't have anything bad to say about it,,,i researched and knew what i was buying when i bought it,,,,i upgraded from a 40 to a 60 because i knew i would need the extra,,,,,all manufatures packages do that now!!Same as when you buy a new car or house ect,,, they make money on the extras,,thats just business! Do your homework,as i do with any major purchase(if you don't i think your nuts!),, and realize that the base package may not be for you so after upgrading this is what it will cost and then compare company's I have nothing bad to say about a legend product and everyone that i talk to out on the water that own them say the same thing!!
  21. I have the 797si and love it,,have had it for about two years with no issues been a great unit!!
  22. I don't think i would ever take the chance that you did!
  23. Definatly fuel and I have to agree with johnny,,,sounds like a pump,,but just remember without looking at it "it's a guess"
  24. Nice fish,,,sounds like your getting hooked yourself!! lol,,,don't worry happens to the best of us!!
  25. Great fish,,,sorry they wern't a couple pounds heavier!! But at least your catchin the big ones! congrats bern!
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