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Everything posted by sonny

  1. Here's a guide to some lakes http://www.thefishinguide.com/onsefp.shtml
  2. Well back from a week in tamagami with my father and a couple of his longtime freinds,,,they've been going up to camp tamar for 25-30 years.Fishing started off slow the saturday night we arrived and just picked up from there!! The breeze was blowing all week keeping the bugs down to a minimum which is always a plus! Together everyone caught fish but my father and i did the best out of the bunch,,,aprox 12 lakers boated along with countless walleye a bunch of pike and to many oss bass! Oh ya now about the rocks,,,,seems i just did it again,,,yep the skeg on my boat needs a little touching up as well as a new prop!! So here is my question to all the mechanics out there,,,,where can i find mercury parts at a reasonable price?? Looking to replace the propshaft as well!! Anyway i haven't received pictures of the two biggest walleye of the trip (camera is broke) yet but will post them as soon as i get em!! 1st walleye was caught by my father 26.5 inches weighing in at 8.3 pounds,,,the 2nd caught by myself came in at 29 inches and a weight of 9 pounds even,,, It is always a great time with the ol man and his freinds!....can't wait till next time!
  3. Nice to see ya back!! Bring back the cooler of death,,,lmao...loved that one!~
  4. Wish i could join ya guys,,,but heading off to temagami friday morning,,,hope maybe we can do it again when i can make it!!
  5. Ohh sorry roy,,,the snell knot,,,forgot to add that one!
  6. awsome report,,,i have never gone on a canoeing trip like that,,,,it's definatly on my list!
  7. http://www.gl2s.com/component/option,com_wrapper/Itemid,161/ just thought it was kool!
  8. I use five knots,depending on application,the improved cinch,,the palomar, double uni, and the repala knot
  9. mike's new favorite soup is of the jalapeno variety...eating it with sunburned lips,,,lmao
  10. If ya need any help let me know,,,i live in hamilton and work for a crysler dealership,,,,i would recommend getting the wiring from the dealer if it hasn't already been installed,,,on alot of our vehicle's some of the modules have to be reflashed inn order for the wiring to work properly,,,i'll look into it on mondy for ya,,,just pm me the particulars of the jeep(model year engine) description Vehicles equipped with an optional Trailer Tow Prep package have a trailer tow wiring jumper harness and an instruction card (1) that are placed in the cargo area of the vehicle when it is shipped from the factory. This package also includes an additional fused B(+) circuit in the unibody wire harness behind the right D-pillar trim for connection to the trailer tow wiring jumper harness operation The trailer tow wiring jumper harness is connected to the unibody wire harness at the right rear lamp unit connections. The fused B(+) circuit take out is located near the rubber grommet for the right rear lamp wiring take outs of the unibody wire harness behind the right rear D-pillar trim. The jumper harness can be connected by removing the right rear lamp unit and unseating the rubber grommet from the D-pillar to access the fused B(+) circuit take out. Refer to the Instruction Card packaged with the jumper harness for additional details.
  11. It all has to do with the insurance company's being in bed with the government and the police,,,why else would they make points being taken off for seat belts,,,it is all so the government can control you and insurance company's making more of our hard earned money!!
  12. These guys are defiantly alot of fun and real profesionals!! It was a pleasure to be the camera boat for them, hope to do it again sometime,,,It sure gets you into learning what it takes to make a show and fish'n canada is one of my favorites ! Cheers to another good show! p.s the best part of the day was watching mike eat his new favorite soup,,,lmao
  13. Try acme battery down on parkdale,,they'll have anything you need
  14. I'll be up there for a week starting on the 22nd,,,don't mind too much if the bugs hold off,,,lol!
  15. Information on the next generation of walleye turny's,,,a video with kieth on the new format and how it will affect co-anglers.. I look forward to seeing this type of format to see if it will work.. http://www.aimfishing.com/video.asp?id=1289 what do you think?
  16. Finally got my boat all rigged up and ready to go,,,,now just need to find the time!! can't wait
  17. humminbird,,,,they have the best gps/sonar units on the market!
  18. great report superdad,,,,called ya on the radio a couple times but musta been outta range,,,glad you did ok,,,and also looking forward to the next turney,,,,always a fun time!
  19. Great report mike,,,good to meet up with ya but next year we'll have to plan a dinner or something,,,glad you got a biggun,,,just remember that spot for next year!!
  20. You might think this funny,,,but i found out the hard way one day last year!!,,,Thanks to the farmer that i broke down in front of for helping me,,,,if it wasn't for him,,,i might just still be sitting there,,lol,,, It's a good thing to check!
  21. I'll be monitoring channel 68 also,,,no boat name,,,just sonny!
  22. lol,,,thanks lew,,,hopefully i'll only leave ya the small ones!!
  23. Ya i am in the derby,,,staying in desoronto!,,,good luck to you too!
  24. hmm...ok,,,when was the last time you wrote a check to the gov...just to pay a little extra???(because you feel you should pay more) Sorry but i pay enough tax!!!,,,If i pay anymore i will start to bleed!! Find another way to collect taxes or spend what you get more efficiently is my opinion!
  25. nice catch!!,,,just a question,,,,did you find a lot of eggs in em,,,look like there already spawned out,,just looking for a timeline is all!
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