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Everything posted by skeeter99

  1. All the info you need is in your first pic on the serial number plate, you aint gonna find anything taking the cowling off look to where tiller handle meets the cowling and look down to the black and silver plate in you pic that is the serial # plate and info for parts
  2. these are not perks this is what is laid out if you are a provincially regualted employee or a federally regulated employee did u sign papers agreeing to this work schedule? law says evey 2 years it must be reviewed and voted upon my work runs 24/7 365 also, what do you mean u do not get days off in lieu of holiday. It is against provincial and feral law, guys at your work need to smarten up and look at what the provincial and federal regs are for modified work schedules (continental) I will give u an example a guy working monday to friday and x-mas falls on sat and boxing day on sunday 1. he would not go into work on monday and tuesday of the following week (he gets holiday off in lieu) now u work shifts and your shift is not scheduled on xmas or boxing day (your days off that would be the same for the monday to friday guy) 1. u would get 2 days off (dictated by company or at your choice) I have been working these shifts for 22 years now and if your employer is doing this to you guys u are owed alot of time off or back pay
  3. Only benefit I see so far is more time to fish. ?????????????????????? you would get 13 weeks holidays plus whatever holiday u currently have???? this is the best continental shift (12 hr) 13 rotations in a 12 month period 4 days o 7 days off 4 nights 3 days off 3 days 1 day off 3 nights 3 days off then the rotation starts over again u only work 14 days a month u only use 44 hiours vacation to get 15 days off any days when u are (scheduled off) on a stat holiday u get another day off in lieu of that day. depending on when the holidays fall on your shift u might get another 7 days off there are lots of benefits to this
  4. i am sure they fire up a jiffy in the spring but why chance the rings drying out and getting a bit of corrosion from lack of use during winter then upon "the jiffy startup" u score the piston wall instead of a one second squirt of fogging oil and it gets repeated year after year and u know what eventually happens my dad and granfathers shop could tell who did "nothing" and who took the extra 10 mins in the fall
  5. Really u want deep dish pzza that bad drive to kapuskasing and go to great northern pizza and get a Wango Tango (and u can fish while u are in town) and if u dont want to drive GO GO pizza in oshawa has a deep dish that will go toe to toe with any shop
  6. herringtons right in port perry he has done alot for my buddies and at good prices his bear sausage recipe he makes for u is to die for http://portperrybutcher.com/
  7. here a couple advantages off the top of my (but not for shotting) unless the smaller size entices a bite the smaller profile will cut through weed matts better than lead in the same size tungen will not get rounded off/chunks and nicks from bouncing off rocks like lead you can carry more in less space (now u can have more variety) they make a clack on rocks rather than thud from lead(better sound louder)
  8. dont forget walleye are closed on scugog on last day of feb. to get numbers you need to fish the deeper water 8 to 12 feet and fish about 3 to 4 feet from the bottom of the ice they are stacked right now out there alot guys are fishing under them, remember they look up
  9. if u want to make your tube even more effective replace the stiger hook with a small dry fly and attach with about 6 to 8 inches of mono, catch rates go way up
  10. 1/2 ounce 3/4 black
  11. anyone know where I can get a online hydrographic chart of lake muskoka or someone has a scanned in copy thanks in advance skeeter
  12. anyone been to elephant or baptiste lake lately heading up friday and wondering what the mood was of the local bass population thanks in advance Troy
  13. In American English the name gar (or garpike) is strictly applied to members of the Lepisosteidae, a family including seven living species of fish in two genera that inhabit fresh, brackish, and occasionally marine, waters of eastern North America, Central America, and the Caribbean islands
  14. been to sherston shores a couple times(friends rented the place) absolutely awesome cant go wrong http://www.sherkston.com/
  15. costco sells them
  16. looks like normal wear and tear good luck with the warranty, looks like it has been rubbing in that location. call before going to bps cause my gut tells me they will do nothing for you
  17. did you stay for the credits and see the extra two scenes after the credits most movies always slide something in after but these were actually really cool
  18. looks like you have a consumption problem old appliances /lights? detached home family of 4 hydro total bill even in summer with ac going never more than $80 on average about $65 a month
  19. I will sell you one for $40 i have 11 of them in my fishing room taking up space
  20. incorrect the inboard/outbaords needs to be drained from the engine block Lowering it to drain will not get all the water out of the engine block(disaster waiting to happen) IMO the temps they are calling for in your area I would not worry much if it was sustained cold yes overnight not so much
  21. 1. the jackplate is set to low (if it is manual raise until no blow out but decent out of hole shot) 2. I think it is a bit to much prop (especially for a ranger quite a heavy boat) 20 or 21 would be better 3. you cannot trim all the way up, (most bass boats you cannot and will blow out) if your jackplate is hydraulic drop it lower while you are running to achieve maximum/optimum trim angle just for reference I have a Skeeter ss90 with a merc 90hp 2 stroke , I run 51 to 53 mph depending on load/passengers I am running a 20 pitch Lazer II prop 2 inches below pad(no Jackplate) at WOT 5100 to 5600 rpms depending on trim angle and load but unfortunately it is a ranger (the best boat to fish out of in the world IMO) but they are not fast at all, that is why you see them with 250 hp and even 300 hp offshore engines on them and they cannot break that magical 70 mph, but other boats with a 200 hp can achieve 70 mph quite easily with the right setup
  22. should have went to gagnons LOL!!!
  23. nothing special at all from late 50's to early 60's very very common it is a down rigger/trolling rod I have 14 of the exact same ones from my wifes grandfather from trolloing on lake O they are worth at best $10 a peice or if you can find someone that thinks it's old and worth something you might get $20 there are some on kijiji http://northbay.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-other-Old-Trolling-Rods-W0QQAdIdZ363225264
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