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Everything posted by GYPSY400

  1. I downloaded the app, but I can't seem to login.. I do like the mobile version on Safari though.. One of the reasons I frequent this site.
  2. Good for you.. I was going to pipe in and say the drivers seat on the dodge is like sitting on plywood.. We have both dodges and fords as work trucks and everyone favours the fords in respect to comfort and fuel mileage.. Repairs so far favour the fords ( no one really cares because they are leases) as the dodges required front end work approximately every third oil change ( no kidding!)
  3. When I had my high efficiency " condensing" furnace installed a few years ago.. It was explained to me that the water emmited from the furnace also acts to keep the trap wet on my city water drain .. I do have floor drains in the basement, but I'm not sure if they are connected to the city drain, or to the old field bed.
  4. Petro Canada in Chelmsford, on the right, just before you leave Chelmsford.
  5. I do it with my Mudlite XTR's.. I can't say it it really helps going through more snow, but what I did notice was that I can back out easier once I did get stuck. The biggest thing when going through deep snow (8"+) is momentum.. Once you loose it, your done.. Towing a trailer or hitting slush quickly reduces momentum. Also, by turning the tires backwards, you are using the other side of the lug as the leading wear edge, thus slightly increasing the life of your tires.. Mud guys will tell you, once the edge of the lug goes from a square edge to round, the tire is not as effective. Another tip: lower the air pressure to increase your footprint.. 2-3psi is plenty for snow travel
  6. Yes, I second the spot at science north... I here its a good spot late in the day.. Also cpr bay.. There should be holes all over the lake now, just pick a spot! Minnow lake is supposed to have lots of pike, but I'm not sure if it can be accessed by the public as there is houses all the way around.
  7. It should be fairly straight forward to change the VR.. find the old one under the hood, and re&re.. The wiring shouldn't require any soldering.
  8. Also, when you remove the bowl, get a new o-ring.. Once gas touches it, it expands and you'll never get it back on properly.
  9. I take mine off.. There is little to no risk of hitting sticks in the winter .. and it makes cleaning the snow and slush out of the suspension way easier. After a few trips out, you'll see how much slush gets in there and its very important to have the ice away from the cv boots. Also, check your gear oil, if milky.. Change it!!
  10. I recently purchased a 16 ft Legend prosport.. And the 20" transom is " literally" a lifesaver when trolling with the stern to the wind.. I've had a few instances where the waves were really close, and if I had the 15" transom, I'd be bailing. Also the 16 ft is nice for the rough water, rides better than the shorter boat.. If your not planning on hand bombing to the water, consider it. Not knocking the Naden or Lund, both excellent choices .. But have a look at the legend.. One of the thickest hulls in the industry.. they are made by Starcraft. Not sure of your finances, but You might also want to consider buying a package if your going to bite the bullet. Its really nice when your motor runs well on your new dry boat.. And the trailer gets you to the lake and back home without the wheels falling off I was in the same situation last year.. Wanted a new motor, but was tired of the leaky boat and broken trailer.. Now I'm good until I'm 50.
  11. The small lakes here in Sudbury are frozen.. Should be safe to travel on by the holidays for some specks or pike. The bigger lakes that have lakers might not be safe for the January 1 opener unless we get a good cold snap.
  12. I've been a mechanic for 15 years.. Any shop I've worked at the apprentices did brake jobs.. Licensed mechanics do engine work.
  13. I want a Si cup for Christmas... They can be found on the Duck Commander website.
  14. Yes they are homemade, just 2x4's and 3" screws.. Here's a pic from last year before they were painted.. Also you can see the skeleton under the tarp.
  15. I disagree... A new solid axle ATV does ride worse than an IRS bike, but with the new shocks they have now it's not that bad.. Certainly not like the old big bears etc.. And if you've ever towed heavy loads like I have ( I.e: my 14ft boat) with an IRS machine, the ground clearance is reduced to half.. With a solid axle, you don't loose any clearance. Newer sold axle machines have about 10" clearance, depending on how big of tires you run. My IRS outlander has 11" unloaded. For the op's uses for this ATV, I feel that a solid axle machine would be better.. My IRS machine suits me fine.. As its used for some work, but mostly trail riding. I too run them backwards.. I have mud lite XTR's ( excellent tires btw) and they seem to do quite well running reversed.. A bonus is that I can back out of anything once I get stuck.
  16. Another year of soft water is over.. I bought a new tip up yesterday to look forward to winter.
  17. I think due to the above responses.. It's a matter of personal preference.. I say, if you have the means and the ambition, put it on stands.. If you don't feel like it, nothing bad will happen.. In the short term anyhow.. I have another boat trailer that I also use as a utility trailer, it never sees stands because it doesn't sit idle long.. And my suspenson and tires are still in good shape My reason for putting my new boat trailer and tent trailer on stands for the winter is more so so I can get the tires out of the sun.. Having the springs with no weight on them is a bonus.
  18. I put mine up on stands.. Let's the springs rest and I bring my tires indoors so the sun isn't beating on them for 5 months.
  19. Your on the right track looking for a solid axle ATV.. Much better for towing and running loaded down as you don't lose ground clearance.. For tires I recommend using stock tires with low pressure.. Like 2psi. Follow beaten paths and you'll be ok out on the lake.. Bush Trails are a challenge if you fall of the side into fresh powder.
  20. For me it's a huge lake trout from Great Slave Lake in NWT
  21. Last year I went on Halloween day to pick up something last minute at Dollarama.. Fat chance!! All the Halloween stuff was replaced with Christmas stock.. Sickening!
  22. I'm a big fan of the Can am's.. I have a 2003 400 cc and it's been a great machine.. My second choice would be a Yamaha..... The grizzly is not outstanding at any one thing, but very good at everything I used to be a die hard Honda guy, but the 2004 unit I was looking at had much the same technology as my 1986 model TRX250... And their new fancy transmissions are a headache when sensors mess up and it's stuck in neutral.
  23. Here is a good read: http://www.mercurymarine.com/service-and-support/storage-and-maintenance/faqs/outboards/?category=ethanol
  24. I googled Potomac since I didn't know what your referring too.. It seems as though they have a snakehead tournament and all caught fish must be killed immediately .. Well that's one way to deal with the problem!!
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