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Everything posted by Pikeslayer8

  1. catch and release sort of guy

  2. To start, perhaps the attitude towards the homeless. But for the grace of God go I http://intraspec.ca/homelessCanada_news-and-reports.php
  3. First musky, I'm jealous :clapping: Congradulations
  4. Put a little pressure on store managers where you shop. Ask for products
  5. Nice work NP56 knocking over and rod stomping. I don't understand the ear plug?
  6. What no butter
  7. Thank you Joey Todays world is changing so quickly. We have all seen what social media did in the middle east. Don't think for a second that its not a big factor with occupy. Most of the people are employed that are taking part. Of course the homeless will take part. I feel that political evils today are mainly stemming from corporate payoffs of our polititions and lobbyists. In the USA, lets face it, kinda corrupt. http://www.reuters.c...E79A41E20111015 I applaud these people who are standing up to be counted. :clapping: It is making a diference
  8. Nice report. Liked your website also.
  9. Master craftsmen all. :clapping:
  10. CCMT 4x4 and a log chain 2 or 3 guitars should cover it. Please send 2 cases Blue to Colorado.
  11. thoughts and prayers
  12. I shudder to think what would happen if Simco or Lake O were to be invaded maybe by the Swiss. I can see it now. Musky Mike and Mercman on patrol. Musky Mike is throwing giant spoons, Mercmans got his army of poms. :rofl2: In poor taste, I know
  13. Yes I know this is a bit tardy, worth a look at brave maritime people, just like you. http://forum.woodenboat.com/showthread.php?136581-BoatLift-An-Untold-tale-of-September-11-Resilience
  14. Pull his teeth out with pliers and you have a true pocketfish.
  15. Truly, Truly the funniest thread ever. Thank you Mercman. You guys are sick. With my neighbors yippy dog, all I got to say is match the hatch.
  16. Takes a special skill to levitate fish. Nice trick fellas.
  17. I was able to take my boys to the Bronco's game vs Chargers. We always have been Viking fans. Still are. We are jumping on the Bills' Bandwagon. Hope there is room. Go Vikes, Bills. and Tebowwwwwwwwwwww!
  18. Thanks Solo, Typically just a crawler or leech guy, but I'll go get my minnow bucket. Hopefully, I'll find some frozen Cisco on my travels. Your third trip is coming right up. Tight lines to you and yours.
  19. It's my 20 year anniversay. Took the Old Lady to Shikag for Honeymoon. Walleye, Pike and Lakers I am after. Never caught a laker before but I've formulated my plan. Hate to say it, but gonna drop some Japanese titanium jigs on em. With the streamers and ribbon coming off this thing, the fish will think its Chinese New Year.
  20. I love your colors. Sky is Magnificient. :clapping:
  21. Yeah, nice eyes and fish kissing. You guys kill me. Looks like a really fun day. :clapping:
  22. I think it would have crazy to have been in an outpost camp without a sat. phone.. Would be real spooky waiting for a plane that doesn't come and no planes in the skies for days.
  23. Jamie, not having any luck with ID or Password
  24. Crazyhook, Always known fantasy football and fishing mix well. My family league is the WFL(Wabakimi football league). It's fun to use our fishing names and to keep better in touch with each other. I'm already in 4 leagues but a true fishing league, I'm in. Just so everyone knows, I would prefer Pike lures.
  25. Winston was the name of my 2nd English Bull growing up. The first was Clancy and the third(my dog) was Fred. Amazing animals! Heartfelt condolences
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