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Everything posted by Pikeslayer8

  1. Thank you Roy for your thoughtfulness. I did happen to notice slight adjustment in my post. Low-life waste of skin is better.
  2. Thank you, This Colorado fisherman needs an interpreter. :dunno:
  3. When my dad died in 08 my family wrote an obituary of his life. Some scammer must have studied ours and preyed on my mothers grief. Canadian fishing has been a huge part of our world and they worked it into their scam. My mother was contacted by someone purporting to be Canadian authority and they have my nephew in jail. My nephew is a DEA agent and posesses a MMA belt. His percieved trouble would have cost him his job so my mother sent the money. These low life scammers prey on good people through obits and the like. It seems that here in the states something could be done to spank these idiots! No, we are busy letting baby rapists run free and busting good people for pot.
  4. I too have been hacked into this past weekend. Perverted crap sent to all my contacts. My mother, pastor Thanks for this tip.
  5. My prayers also
  6. That would be poor mans bull carp :rofl2:
  7. Thanks Solo Only about 50 miles straight west from Abamasagi Thank you for your reply, I am about ready to pull the trigger. I like the idea of being on the same water Solopaddler has tred
  8. Thinkin about slippin up for a late fall anniversary celebration just me and the old lady. :blahblah1: I can see I don't have near enough pictures to hang on this board. Gotta get some more! If anybody knows much about this place run by Scott and Mary Jo Robinson located close to Armstrong, I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. Rich, Same way for me as well. Been fishing Wabakimi for several years and have never caught a laker. No one in my party has either for that matter. I understand lakers are in there from one post I've read on WC, and what I see on the fish finder and I believe some are in there . I also have been formulating a plan to catch one but it has to be a Wabakimi laker. Also, there are no smallies on this lake. I do know of a couple of stergeon snagged and caught. Also on my bucket list. Good luck on your laker quest.
  10. nice smallies, beautiful family, thanks for sharing. :clapping:
  11. In my circle, this is poor mans lobster. I'm not a fan but my dad liked it so we would make it for him. Only thing I have to add is adding dijon mustard to the butter sauce. Gives it a little more twang.
  12. Had to retire from drinking in 1987. That's why I drink the soft stuff. :blahblah1: I like the concept of NA beer as opposed to real beer in the boat. I've seen too much drunken stupidity on the water. The way OPP and MNR are maybe a little over-zealous on there patrols, people are making changes in beverage of choice on the water. Me, mainly a coffee guy year round, few NA's go a long way in the boat. gotta pee again
  13. We got checked by MNR in June. I was drinking coffee all morning but had a couple Molson NA in my cooler. He did not actually check my cooler but I told him I had it. He said that is perfectly ok. I like the idea of non alcoholic beer in the boat.
  14. Mr. Musky, I lost my dad unexpectedly. Today's memories of past fish caught. Priceless. Just saying, catch as many fish with your dad when you can. Size is pretty much irrevalant. (Only in this case) Tight lines, Slayer8
  15. Thats one of them there CHERISH fish. For a lifetime!
  16. I use a Big Green Egg and bullit smoker alongside. You are SO right on with your setup:good: I'd be doin a pork shoulder on that bad boy 18 hrs @ 240.
  17. Very clever! Awesome LOTW fish:clapping: :clapping:
  18. Each lure awesome in its own right. Beauties! Watch out with that Hedden Sonar. Snag magnet! Happy birthday!
  19. Couple of years ago we dropped into Granite to fix their pump. Flew low over the river the rest of the way into Wabakimi. I think an extrodinary strech of the river. To be rollin down that lakes a fire. I'm just sayin
  20. Clills down my spine. You know I go to Wabakimi every year and have seen and witnessed much. On certain years we have a doctor in our party(seams like we always need him). He had to set a leg of some unforfunate guy who couldn't make Sturgeon falls. Another time, he performed emergency tracheotomy on another canoeist. We outpost guys ain't so bad. I think that canoe trip from Allenwater into Wabakimi is very cool and on my bucket list if I could even do it.
  21. You certainly have to respect the power of the wilderness. As I know you do. Was that the 2005 fire on Wabakimi? Pleased that you and your family had a great trip! Can't wait to hear.
  22. Awesome Dana! I kind of see an affliction on your face. Walleye Fever.
  23. Your daughter is very cute with that beautiful fish. A treasure for sure!
  24. Keep posting pics like these. I'm drooling over them. Just saying that I'm looking at them in Colorado and if I even got a whiff of anybody looking to go to St Lawrence, I certainly would recommend Musky Mike as their guide. I know that I would enjoy fishing with you. Seem cool and always on fish. Good luck in your endeavors. Slayer8
  25. Thanks limey and Johhny and yes we always throw any thing back over 18". My Canadian adventure is not about how much I can bring out. I always buy a lot of the LOTW Indian net caught pickeral at sportsmen Service in Intl. Falls. Fresh, Frozen nicely packaged. Good to go.
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