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Everything posted by adolson

  1. I got two Honda ATC 200Es today. So cheap, may as well have just stole 'em! One for parts, one for fixing/fishing.

  2. I'm really sorry for your loss.
  3. Some really nice pics!
  4. I've never had much luck with frogs, though I haven't tried too many, mostly just the Matzuo and Manglers really. I did have a huge pike on very briefly on the Mazuo once, but failed the hookset and lost it. Jitterbugs never worked very well for me either. Hula Poppers are my go-to for topwater bass and pike, at least when the water is calm. Never let me down, and it's super exciting when you get a hit!
  5. I live very close to the Montreal, but not near Elk Lake, so the spots where I have fished are obviously not representative of the entire stretch - it's a bloody LONG river (over 200km)! That being said, I've fished it in 6 different spots (including a lake that is part of the system) many times, from shore and from a canoe. It used to be OK fishing for bass and pike, but nothing super big... And over the past 4 years or so, I find the fishing got worse and worse. I've also fished it far less since taking a liking to trout instead, but the few times I've gone in the last couple years have been nothing but disappointment. Only reason I'll go now is if a friend wants to go, and refuses to fish anywhere else (yes, I have one like that).
  6. Seems pretty pointless to me. If you're trolling, it's gonna go off every time you bump a rock or weed. If you're still fishing, you could just use a clip-on bell or whatever if you really need an alarm, and use whatever rod you want.
  7. Oh, OK. Those aren't what I'm looking for at all.
  8. Couldn't get gas due to the power outage so was stuck to a nearby lake tonight. Got a nice pike for my inconvenience, though. 32"! Not my biggest, but still nice.

    1. Nipfisher


      Good to hear from you.


  9. What model is it? I don't see anything matching that price/description on their site.
  10. Hmm, I was considering the Cumberland. Used to be able to get it at Amazon for under $200, but they don't seem to sell it anymore. Lebaron shows it for $250 in their catalog, plus shipping on top of that probably. I was also considering saving a little more and going for an inflatable pontoon boat, since I'd be up out of the water, which would be good in the spring and fall up here, but I don't know much about them and if they can pack down small enough to carry in or not.
  11. I went with a Canon T3 because it's what I could afford at the time. It came with a standard kit lens, 18-55, which isn't bad. I've added two more low-end lenses to that, the 50/1.8 ($100, excellent bokeh), and a 50-250mm with IS (forget the price, but I like it well enough, and it got good reviews when I looked into it). I also got a good, but cheap, Yongnuo wireless flash (non-TTL), and wireless triggers, a few filters, and some other stuff. I don't know what it all adds up to, but I feel I may be under your budget in the end... If I could go back and spend a little more on the body, I'd get one that does 1080p video and has a mic input, because my Sony digital camcorder doesn't even come close to looking as nice or professional as even the 720p I get out of the T3. But that's just me. (If I had known, I would have maybe sold my Sony cam and put the money towards a better body). Honestly though, as others have said, spend more on lenses (I'd also advise getting them new, but that's maybe just me as well) and maybe a flash unit if you want to use flash AT ALL (built-in sucks balls on every cam). You can always upgrade the body later on, and keep your lenses. I looked at the Nikon range, and I was not happy with the prices or lens selection. I also didn't like how their low-end DLSRs treat the user like a bit of an idiot. I also have had way better luck with my Canon point and shoots over the years, compared to the point and shoot Nikon that I own now.
  12. And than I've caught all my life! (My count is at a measly 5 right now...).
  13. thinking of trying for rainbows tonight.. don't seem to have much luck with 'em, though. maybe my brother can show me what I'm doing wrong

    1. adolson


      Well, I had a nice one on but lost it right at the boat. Doesn't count, but at least I had a witness. I think I need to get a bigger net.

  14. should finally have a truck on the road next week... just in time for snow, probably. :\ oh well, I'll be ready for spring at least

    1. misfish


      Good to hear from you dude. Keep on trucking.

    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Can I borrow your truck?

  15. Congrats on your first laker!
  16. Looks like you got much nicer pics than I did, but here's a few more anyhow. The first night, something was desperately trying to get onto our island... Looks like a bear was hungry for a midnight people-burritos-on-a-platter-in-the-middle-of-the-lake snack. Luckily, the algae was super slippery and we scared it away, only to find the evidence the next morning. Caius playing with some "toys." Caius and Abby - actually looking at Chad, but I liked the picture. And a couple pics I took with my phone. We all had fun, even though we couldn't get any trout. Thanks for coming out!
  17. Great weekend camping with friends! Except for the nighttime bear visit and the lack of noteworthy fish.

    1. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      I had a very similar weekend

  18. I know that feeling - last time I had it was around 3 years ago, the night before my first trip to try for aurora trout. Couldn't sleep the whole night, may as well have been on the lake in the dark.
  19. finally pulled a walleye outta the Montreal. I heard they were in there, just can't get 'em from my shore spots.

  20. Just bought a package of Fisherman's Friends. Put one in a cup of water, but nothing yet... How long do they usually take to hatch?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry


      if you didn't use sea water, they are all dead...start over


    3. farsider


      No salad nearby? You don't win friends with salad.


    4. adolson


      Been busy.. Dealing with health issues for my 19-month-old and also for myself. No auroras yet.. Last year I tried and just hooked into a gigantic pike and then I left and quit trying for the season. Maybe I will just give up on them, I dunno.

  21. OruxMaps is the only GPS app I would use on my phone, but I like free and I like controlling the maps that I use. I doubt any potential advantages Navionics has would even help me on the lakes I fish. But nowadays I have an actual Garmin GPS unit anyhow.
  22. Maybe it was this guy?
  23. No pics, no proof, no pike.
  24. Went fishing. Caught some fish. Went home. Here's pics. The end.
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