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Everything posted by adolson

  1. You could have split the difference and made the mail yourself... It's a lot of work, though it can be fun.
  2. Election Results Are In: We flushed one turd down, but another one came back up.

  3. Considering getting one of these for ice fishing. http://www.undertheweathertent.ca/XL-UNDERTHEWEATHER-TENT-RED-p/xlred.htm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Freshtrax


      That thing wouldn't make it through the first season.m

    3. adolson


      I won't find a nice used popup anywhere within a 100km radius from me. Add shipping or gas to pick up, and I may as well just buy brand new.


      I don't ice fish very often, so I don't need something that's built like a tank.

    4. Freshtrax


      The clear plastic will crack first time out in -15 temps

  4. It snowed here a bit this morning, but thankfully it's all gone now. I'm not ready for this crap!
  5. Great day on the water today! Caught 3 inland rainbows myself, and netted 2 for my brother, all of them put up aerial fights and were notably bigger than our previous ones. :D

  6. Cell phones cost a lot. I do have one, but it's on a pay-as-you-go plan. I just don't use it enough for a monthly plan. If anyone is in the same boat as me, another good option is get VoIP through a company that lets you do things like block numbers at will, unlist your number, and so on. I pay $12.50/month for a VoIP line (ATA rental included) with unlimited local calling, voicemail, voicemail to email, call display, etc, and of course an unlisted number, and the ability to block numbers. and it works great for me. The best feature is that Bell gets not a cent from me, for almost 10 years now.
  7. This is your captain speaking...
  8. Pretty annoying when splake are jumping clear outta the water all around your boat and won't take what you're giving to them.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      I need a sarcazim thing a ma bob. I got one this year.LOL

    3. highdrifter


      walleye on top water.. absolutely! Splake on top water? not a chance..

    4. adolson


      I've had brookies hit bobbers before... Only one particular lake, and only one particular day. But it was pretty crazy to see.

  9. I remember watching the Jays win the World Series both years when I was a kid. I don't follow sports anymore, but it'd be great for today's Canadian kids to get a similar treat.
  10. Thanks for the input, guys. I will check out the situation and get it fixed up.
  11. I finally threw my 12' aluminum into the 6' box of my truck and took it down to the lake for a test drive. I bought it 2 or 3 years ago from a guy who refused to sell me just the 2HP Honda motor that I wanted for my Sportspal. Anyhow, long story short, it leaks quite a bit. Enough that I wouldn't feel comfortable without a bilge pump if I'm planning to be on the water for more than a couple hours. I only noticed leaking from the front, which began almost immediately after putting it in the water. I didn't notice leaks anywhere else, but to be sure, I plan to elevate it a bit and put some water in to see where water leaks out. I suspect it'll be leaking along the mid keel, around some rivets, but it could be a seam. My question is, can anyone with experience recommend a specific product? And does the recommendation change based on what, exactly, is leaking? I'd prefer if it's something I can get locally and apply at these lower fall temperatures, though I do have a heat gun and a torch. If nothing specifically is recommended, would JB Marine Weld be a good choice?
  12. I hate time changes. We should leave the clocks just how they are right now.
  13. Can anybody name a better smoked almond than Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds? Anyone??? Didn't think so.

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VpwTujzBRs
  15. Nice! I was gonna say, there are year-round lakes, no need to give up so soon! But then I see you covered that. If you have any tips for fall splake, feel free to share. Was going to go this weekend, but I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck of a cold and probably won't be up for it now. Maybe next weekend.
  16. Good on you! If there was more of that, the world would likely be a better place. Also, I don't know how you can do it with 6 - I can barely manage 1 most of the time!
  17. Eight kids, manitoubass2? Busy guy, or what?
  18. My kiddo with his first pet, "Thomas" (yes, named after the Train), whom we picked up tonight. Mucking around on the trike: Kiddo's already mastered the worm grip. Helping me drink my espresso... My little fisherman! And finally, an older one. I know, most of them are of my kid. But what can I say? He makes me super happy.
  19. Nice side imaging! Congrats!
  20. Ever notice how, if your fishing partner is using an Ugly Stik, they get a lot more "bites" than you do? Also tend to set the hook into some nice logs, and unknowingly reel up weeds. I have.

  21. There are more than 9 lakes that contain auroras. There are 9 that they rotate, plus I believe three that are continual sanctuaries. And obviously the lake I caught these in, which is none of those. I'm pretty familiar with the aurora lore... I've been trying for 4 years now. They weren't supposed to be in this lake.
  22. Yeah, I mean, I'm still not even 100% convinced it's auroras, and I didn't believe it in the moment, either. We had tried for them at Pallet Lake in the morning with not even a bite, so we left and went to a year-round brook trout lake for the afternoon (and no, it wasn't Lake 57 by mistake - I had my GPS and we weren't even near it). First cast hooked into a brookie; thought it was a sign of good things to come... I'd like to think some people here know me well enough that I wouldn't willingly be breaking regulations. Obviously, if it had been Pallet or Big Club Lake, we wouldn't have continued fishing, being fully aware of the regs. I'd also have been convinced I'd caught an aurora and you can bet your ass would have celebrated and had a shore lunch... Instead, I was just confused and somewhat annoyed. We did only keep one each, just in case, but continued to fish the lake for brook trout, which produced only two total for the few hours we were there. In my opinion, it's pretty stupid if they list a lake as being open year-round for brook trout, and then dump auroras in there... Considering they say they're the same species, and auroras are just a color morph, maybe they've decided to stop the aurora program and just dump all the stock into brookie lakes? That would make sense I guess, but I still want confirmation and clarification from an official.
  23. Yep. First thing I did was sent the pics to the MNR. I might stop in at the Hill's Lake hatchery sometime if I don't hear back soonish. Someone there might know what's up. Yes, that's the regs... But we were fishing a non-aurora lake. So what do you do if you hit your regular trout lake, and you pull in something that's not supposed to be there? We pulled out two brook trout from the lake, which is what was supposed to be in there, and what we were targeting. That lake we fished is listed on Fish ON-Line, yes. And it doesn't say anything about auroras...
  24. I could see it here, but it just looked like a slightly-orange moon during the actual eclipse. Yesterday on the water a couple hours north of here, it looked gigantic and was out in the late afternoon.
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