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Everything posted by adolson

  1. You should mail that fish to The Biggest Loser for the next season's cast!
  2. Whoa, guys. This is a pretty small house, and there were 6 hoses going at one point, that I could see from my window. It was hard to count all the firefighters, but there were at least a dozen at one point, many outside, some inside. They were here very quick to get here too, and I believe (not 100% sure on this) they're volunteers. This is a small town, and I recognized the names on at least three of them (probably went to school with a son or brother of theirs). They were here all day, one or two of them (one who knocked on my door to ask if he could use my power... No, you may not! Who do you think I am, Ontario Hydro!?? ) are out there again today with the marshal and OPP. I have much respect for them, and I was in awe of watching them work tirelessly for probably 6 hours. They controlled and contained the fire, and despite a report I read online, to my knowledge the fire did not spread to trees and telephone poles (something my mom read and panicked about). In fact, the house right next door looks untouched (the roof practically overhangs the other house. Separated by just a sidewalk). My house heated up pretty good, and our power (therefore heat) was out for hours, so it had to be pretty hot outside too.
  3. Looks like some nasty beef jerky haha.
  4. So much effort put into building one of those... Couldn't you just buy a port-a-potty and drill your hole through the toilet? Lightweight, built-in seating, and when you get a bite, you'll know it.
  5. I tried typing up a reply three or four times.. I can't get the wording to how I want it, as I don't want to go into much more detail in public. As for your specific question, I don't know - and that's not for me to figure out, thankfully. I know what I heard and what I saw, and how it fits together is up to someone else to piece together.
  6. Yes, all three people got out fine (edit: news says minor injuries for the wife, from the blast), and I think they got their pet(s) out too. Cruiser is still parked in the middle of the street, and the cops will be around later to get our account of the explosion and following events.
  7. Pics of my neighbor's house, taken from my kitchen window (except the last one, taken from my upstairs window): Took the fire department a whole 4, maybe 5 minutes to arrive from the first sign of smoke. I was impressed. Yet, that was not enough to save the house whatsoever. They fought it for about 5 hours or so. Police tape sectioned off the portion of the street beside my house and a cop was posted all night. It sure sucks for that family. I am not aware of an official cause as of yet, but I'm really curious considering how things went down... There's glass all the way across the street to the side of my house. The fire marshal is coming to investigate today, and will probably talk to me.
  8. OP, I feel the same way about pike. I don't enjoy eating pike.. I have, but it's so hit-or-miss. And I will handle them, but I need a chemical rinse afterwards. Here's a picture of me catching my last pike of the season, when I was actually targeting bass: Same for me, but trout instead of musky. I am not giving up on bass entirely, but definitely spending more time going for specks and friends. (I am neither equipped nor in the correct part of the province to take up musky hunting. Some day I will give it a shot, though! (And hope it doesn't ruin trout for me.)) Yeah, I used to be one... Then you showed me that walleye fishing can be not boring by pulling them in hand-over-fist.
  9. 2 Fish, 1 Guy? Very nice fish, indeed!
  10. Look at the size of that eye of that eye!
  11. That wouldn't be so bad, if you lived IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!
  12. I saw these, or something nearly identical, at Remakko's in Sudbury, but they felt too thick for fall fishing to me. One of the sales reps told me they usually carry this other kind of glove that is exactly what I am looking for, but it was out of stock the day I was there. These ones do look good for ice fishing though, especially on the days I plan to go (warm days!). I could go with the cheaper ideas, I guess. But it's a bit late now - the snow's a-fallin' and there is a layer of ice this morning on the lake near my house, and sub-zero temps all up in the forecast, so... Can't be long now.
  13. Same... I put the canoe in the back yard about a month ago, and I have only tried a couple times off-shore since, with no luck. My hands were freezing the last couple times so I just stopped. I want some nice thin gloves that let me feel the hits, but also block the wind, for next fall... Withdrawal is not the word - I'm fishing in my dreams, and in my daydreams! And I am only now acquiring winter gear. Put this off for too long.
  14. :drool: I can't wait...
  15. Those are some nice fish - you lucked out. I usually target anything but pike, and what do I catch? Pike!
  16. I've run many of them over the years, from my early days getting my feet wet with WinLinux and Mandrake, to Debian, then Ubuntu (I actually started Ubuntu Studio, but it was originally a wiki with tutorials and stuff, and then I started packaging music software for the distro, and then someone took over from there and made it into its own spinoff distro). Then, once Ubuntu's head got too big, I jumped to Linux Mint Debian Edition. I've tested countless other distros, but that was my main path to where I am at now. I'm mostly happy with LMDE. It's maybe not the best for a newbie, but it's got a bit of polish that is lacking from Debian. I run it on my work PC, my living room PC that is mostly used by my tech-illiterate wife, and my server in the basement that streams my media to my PS3s. tldr; LMDE.
  17. I guess I didn't say that part, but that's the headset I have, that came in the bundle I bought. (If you ever want the surround, you can just buy an EarForce DSS. The effect is generally mild, but sometimes I can really tell.)
  18. Can you even feel a fish bite, through 8 inches of fur?
  19. I saw ice on a lake near my house on my drive home! Wonder if it'll hold me...
  20. Epic! I knew Shawn was Canadian, but didn't expect this thread to pop up here! The first, and only time so far, I got to see Megadeth, Shawn and Glen were both in the band (I forget which bassist it was though, they've gone through a few since David left and has now returned). They're one of my favorite bands, my wife's also. They surpassed Metallica in overall quality at least as far back as the Black Album / Countdown to Extinction days. I wish i could say that NOW! ... Now you know I need details. lol He seems, at least in recent years, to have gotten his head screwed on straight. And even back when he was on Celebrity Jeopardy, seemed like a pretty smart dude. So, uh, wanna go fishing sometime? I'm looking for a friend.. Hey! Maybe you could invite along the band... Uhh.. Buddy ol' pal?
  21. I use the Turtle Beach DPX21 with my PS3. It's a bundle that comes with the EarForce DSS, which takes an optical audio input and converts Dolby 5.1 to virtual surround on any stereo headphones (I obviously use it with the headset included in the bundle). The effect is more noticeable in certain games. I don't have a set of Trittons to compare, but the choice to go with Turtle Beach was made for a few reasons - 1) EarForce DSS works with other headsets, 2) doesn't require a power supply (powered by USB). A friend of mine has Trittons and loves them. I've heard great things about the Astro gear, and I'd love to at least try a MixAmp some day, and see how it compares and if it would work with my Turtle Beach headset. My headset also works with Linux (computer operating system), which was important to me, as I wanted it for more than just gaming. BTW, FutureShop lists the headset you are after: http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/turtle-beach-turtle-beach-px3-ear-force-headset-playstation-3-8085238/10177762.aspx A quick look at it seems to indicate it doesn't include surround support. If you really want it, you can add the EarForce DSS (sold separately) as indicated here: http://www.turtlebeach.com/products/ps3-gaming-headsets/ear-force-px3.aspx
  22. So many big telecom supporters.
  23. No doubt. When I lived there, people were smashing their cars up at the first sight of snowflake. It was rather ridiculous.
  24. Hmm, well the one in your pic looks small enough. The one I saw looked too big (to me) to be a mink, but maybe it was.. I was pretty sure at the time, but I didn't get any pics or anything.
  25. Yeah, something like that guy, but it was only on the shore when I was there. I see that huge stickerel in your shot too, I believe I caught that one a couple times. Might be a different one, since that lake is stacked with them and not much else. If you don't think that's a fisher, what do you think it is? I looked up martens and fishers and weasels and whatever else I could find, and the one I saw looked most like a fisher.
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