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Everything posted by Vanselena

  1. In the Detroit river with a 7mph current we use 5/8oz jigs
  2. If you go on ebay there are a bunch of iceducers for sale. Check the KHZ of your current model and if you have a spare transducer plug the you can rewire it to an iceducer.
  3. Definitely a nice Erie perch and the reason I don't fish Simcoe anymore.
  4. Well I could agree except on the way our we did a test and the reg tank ran at 22mph while the premium tank ran at 25mph. On the way in with the extra 120lbs of fish that is when we saw the big difference. I don't think it was because of water or plugged up because the next day on the way out we achieved the same performance as the day before. IMO definitely under load the premium shines.
  5. Have to strongly disagree with this statement. My boat goes 3mph faster using high octane under normal load. Last year was fishing erie with a friend and we limited on bows and eyes and we had reg gas in one tank and high octane in the other tank. The regular gas we could only get the boat to go 12mph while we went twice the speed when we switched to the high octane.
  6. I have fished the full moon and find that one hour before to one hour after the full moon is at it's midpoint is the best. As an example Feb 7 the moon rise was 6pm and moon set was 7am so midpoint was 12:30am. Best fishing would be between 11:30pm and 1:30am. Two days before and two days after works as well, just adjust times.
  7. Still fishing Kings from the boat.
  8. If he thinks he has no money now then wait until his insurance doubles is costs each year for the next 2 years.
  9. Nothing is perfect, I hate netting a fish alone with a dipsy or jet, total pain in the ass but if that is the presentation the fish want that particular day then that's what I'm using. To have my rod but against my foot and reach up and unclip a Torpedo is much easier then removing an inline board, that being said, inline boards are used every trip on my boat whether alone or with friends. Riggers are also a pain, especially setting them up on rough days alone but I have 3 riggers on my boat, even worse is I have 2 speed and temp units on my boat to define the thermocline plus a fishhawk TD to ensure my leadcore and Torpedo's are running where I want them, current can and does move baits deeper or higher, all a complete pain in the butt to use when alone, but necessary. After fishing with the best Charter Captains across the great lakes there is one thing they all have in common. Each one does whatever it takes to get fish in the box, most times there are challenges but again most times they return to port with full boxes. If my baits are working as a team and catching fish then I am a happy camper, the distance the baits are from the boat is not what is important, catching fish is. To get my baits further from the boat inline boards come to the front of the line. The directional feature of a Torpedo is close to a 1.5 to 2 setting on a dipsy, depending on the torpedo used.
  10. Try sandy areas with elm or hickory trees
  11. This is our second week picking morels. They are still popping, could be a bumper crop with all this rain.
  12. We get fed so much crap here. In Michigan the price of gas dropped today to = $1 per litre. So much for the flood.
  13. I voted Conservative because the thought of an NDP lead coalition was way to scaryyyy! The overall results were great. A stable Quebec = a stable country in the worlds eyes, meaning our economy should do better as more investment money flows into the country. Perhaps now Quebec will see an economic boost, it is a very pretty and historic province,,, oh and the food is awesome. Was glad to see TO finally come to their senses. Hopefully TO votes blue when the provincial elections happen in October.
  14. I would suggest putting a piece of cloth over the swivel so it doesn't wack you in the body.
  15. ORONTO - Ontario was paying other jurisdictions to take its electricity on Earth Day. "That's the way we celebrate Earth Day in Ontario," energy consultant Tom Adams of tomadamsenergy.com said Monday. Ontario exported power to neighbouring utilities at a negative price for the final two hours of Earth Day - minus 0.09 cents per kWh for one hour and minus 0.023 cents per kWh for the second. Alexandra Campbell, a spokesperson for the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), said demand on Easter weekend was at its traditional low, so the province exported 3,230 megawatts of electricity late in the evening Friday. The negative export price is not available to regular Ontario consumers. Residential ratepayers in the province pay the market rate for electricity plus a special provincial global adjustment to cover extra costs, such as the guaranteed prices Ontario has agreed to pay some producers of clean energy like solar and wind. Adams said the province has been struggling with an oversupply of electricity - as potentially dangerous to the stability of the system as a shortage of power - for much of the past week. "Ontario has become a gigantic exporter of power ... there are some time periods where we rival Hydro Quebec," Adams said. "We are buying high and selling low. We sell at low prices, sometimes negative prices, power that is costing consumers substantial amounts to have produced in the first place." Given that the province pays some generators even if their electricity is not needed, it's also possible that hydro ratepayers picked up the tab for power that was never produced, he said. Adams also suspects that hundreds of megawatt hours of the province's greenest, cheapest electricity production may have been deliberately not used over the past week, including on Earth Day. Supply at the Ontario Power Generation's Niagara, Ont., facility fell dramatically as it frequently does during periods of negative pricing, suggesting that water was diverted from its turbines to lower output, Adams said. The system is increasingly turning to Niagara when it needs to quickly rid itself of excess power, he said. Neither the IESO nor OPG could immediately confirm that Niagara had diverted water from its turbines Friday, although spokespeople for both organizations said Monday that it was unlikely.
  16. At Princess Auto there is a hydraulic section. I took a threaded rod and had them put the rod inside the hydraulic tubing, then they pressed on the threaded pivoting ends.
  17. MNR and DNR should have a one year open season on them, shoot as many as you can. These birds don't belong in fresh water.
  18. That is quite the first post. Try West Lake Willows ask for Scott, he will put you on some walleye.
  19. The only time I would buy a welded boat is if the aluminum is 1/4" thick and it had very good structural support. Otherwise I would be nervous that the aluminum would be too brittle once the weld was done. http://www.stanleyboats.ca/minkpleasure18dc.html Stanley boats are ok but the welded boats made in BC are much better and will likely be my next boat. Either that or a Ranger.
  20. I have to agree with this post. I used to fish Simcoe heavily and would pick up garbage left by other anglers. Another point is rude anglers unloading their sleds and ATV's in front of peoples houses instead of at the lake at 5:00am. If I was living there then I would be calling the city also. If we want to keep what access is left, we must make an effort to start informing other anglers to be more thoughtful in their approach.
  21. I was in China and there certainly some strange dishes. One we had was a fish where the body was cooked but the head was still alive. Another time they opened the lid of a pot that was still sizzling and out jumped live shrimp. Everyone at the table was grabbing the shrimp with their chop sticks and eating them live.
  22. I was at a Gander Mountain earlier this week. They had a 4 man pop up ( pops up in seconds )camo tent that has no floor and outside flaps. It would make a great ice fishing shelter. The clearance price is $119.00 US
  23. Yup they are good eating.. They also love rubber, especially the hoses inside a car engine.
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