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Everything posted by Vanselena

  1. Ted, Email and PM sent. Thanks, Matthew
  2. Daplumma PM sent. Matthew
  3. Sent an email. Matthew
  4. Yup, getting closer!
  5. Any Elec Engineers watching this site? If you are then please send me an email. [email protected] Thanks, Matthew
  6. Although I commend your efforts, I would never have saved that animal. Animals usually find a place to hide when they are about to die. You should find out if that animal was carrying rabies so you don't get more then you intended.
  7. Came across two raccoon's once sleeping in a hollowed tree. I can tell you those raccoon's won't be bothering the farmers corn field anymore.
  8. I really appreciate all the great replies to my survey I am overwhelmed by the number of responses, it's just incredible how genuine this board is! If there is anything else you would like to add as to what you either like about your fishfinder or what your wish list would be please post it. In one week I will be compiling the survey information and having a meeting with my software engineer. Thanks again everyone for your generous posts! Matthew
  9. If you can try and remove the whole hitch mount and then take the tongue out
  10. I have signed the petition. I hope it doesn't come to a boycott of fishing licenses to get the government to listen!
  11. Farmer I agree with CRT having better definition and also updates faster. That being said we will likely be looking at having a CRT and LCD model. Great posts, keep them coming! Matthew
  12. Great comments, please keep them coming!
  13. The first unit will likely be an LCD.
  14. Hi folks, I'm designing a new fishfinder and really would like it to be designed by fisherman. So if you could have any feature on a sonar unit, what would it be? Also what features do you find to be useless? For me personally I prefer a big screen and big buttons for my fat fingers...lol. Things that annoy me are having to be a computer expert just to run my sonar unit, most of the features I never use because I can't find them,,,grrr. How about you? Now's your chance to get it all out and if enough people agree then you will influence how your future fishfinder will look and feel. Thanks, Matthew
  15. Fisherman you are exactly correct. Folks please keep the replies coming! Much appreciated, Matthew
  16. Hi, does the size of a transducer matter if it gives you more information. Examples; on the back of a boat would you care if your transducer is 6" long Ice fishing, would you care if the iceducer was 4" round? Please remember keep in mind that you would be getting alot more information in this hypothetical situation. Thank you, Matthew
  17. This is my first post. Not all tickets are justified. My wife got a ticket for careless driving that I still don't think she should have been charged for. She was driving when she felt faint. She tried to pull over but went unconscious befor she could stop. She hit another vehicle. I arrived and took her to the hospital immediatly, and after some tests found out her blood Oxygen level was very low. I brought the hospital report to court and pleaded not guilty for her. Bottom line is she was still charged with careless and with the accident her insurance went from $1600 a year to $4200 a year. She had no previous tickets for the past 10 years. After 3 years her insurance has finally started to go down. So if factual medical proof doesn't help, I don't see how your reason for speed will either. Matthew
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