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Everything posted by Vanselena

  1. Well we went down to the Quinte Area and fished where everyone else was fishing. When we got back to the dock all we heard from everyone was how bad the fishing was. No one was catching any fish. When we opened our box the questions from other anglers were flying...where were you? How deep you fishing? What were you using? Well it seems we were using the same lures as everyone else, same speeds too, only difference we could figure was we were using Torpedo Divers... Here are a few photo's from our trip. We went 4 for 7. Thanks DT10Sam for the tips, maybe next time we can get out in the same boat
  2. Just wondering if people troll at different speeds. On Lake Ontario I troll at 1.6 for Walleye while on Lake Erie 3.0 for Walleye. How about you? Thanks
  3. Hey GB how you been? Quinte Walleye is coming up, are you going? Investing in stocks gives me reason to buy zentac...lol...
  4. Would love to have gone but that is the same day as the Sarnia one day Salmon Derby and food drive. Next time
  5. Personally I would think about shorting the markets instead of buying.
  6. What is this food base?
  7. Pretty simple really. Zebra mussels cleared up the lakes. Comorants that can dive up to 70 feet have flourished and can now clearly see bait balls from overhead. There was a report that comorants on Lake Huron consume 20 million pounds of fish per year. Baitfish depleted to the point of not sustaining the predator fish population. The solution is to cull the comorants to normal levels but the tree huggers are fighting for the comorants and winning. I guess an overpopulated bird has higher priority then a suffering fish population.
  8. I used to think I was a pretty good fisherman but now realize how wrong that thinking was. So much to learn, so little time. I agree that I'm learning tons from the Captains. Next week will be in Rochester, should be more humiliation but a good type of humiliation.
  9. I have been blessed to fish with many great fishermen. However nothing prepared me for my most recent fishing experience. On Monday I had the opportunity to fish with Captain Mark Chmura who is in a league of his own. Captain Mark has won more fishing derbies than any other Captain on the Lake Michigan circuit and is the only Captain to win back to back years in the Budweiser Salmon Derby, the most participated derby on the Michigan tour. At 5:00 Monday morning we arrived at the dock and went down to the boat called Pier Pressure. We noticed a strong wind coming down the Manistee River as Captain John (first mate on this trip) arrived. I pondered “how many Captains I know that are first mates? Hmmm this is going to be an educational day”. A short time later Captain Mark arrived. We spent an hour talking about different programs to use the Torpedo Divers, other fishing programs currently being used and other fishing tackle being developed. Incidentally the cabin of Pier Pressure is loaded with fishing rods already set up for different types of fishing programs. There are 6 rods per program and at least 8 programs ready to go. On the sides of the cabin are 10,000 foot spools of different types of fishing line. On the other side of the cabin are tackle box after tackle box full of baits, there are well over 20 boxes in the open. Captain Mark mentioned that most of his clients are Charter boat Captains. The winds seem to be abating and the Captain made the call to go fishing. Pier Pressure is a 33’ Tiara and cruised effortlessly down the Manistee River. When we approached Lake Michigan the waves were crashing into the pier and few boats ventured into the angry lake. You could tell, as Captain Mark smiled and from the look in his eyes that he was in his element. As we entered the lake with six to eight foot waves crashing in from the north west Captain Mark brought the boat on plane and headed north. The plan was to ride the sides of the waves for a smoother ride. About a mile from port Captain Mark set out the largest planer boards I have ever seen. Captain Mark explained that he does not want the board to drag back when he runs 6 lines off the boards, I could also see the benefits of the large boards in eight foot breakers as they ran very nicely out to the sides. Once the lines were all set up we trolled for about an hour without success, this didn’t seem to bother the Captain as the conversation switched to yesterdays trip where Pier Pressure had seven fish on at the same time in this very location. Captain Mark was on the radio talking to other Captains that had some success and a heading was set to the south side of port. When we approached port we picked up a Steelhead, and passing port two rods fired and we landed a double of kings. We drove past port and again the rods went silent. The Captain swung Pier Pressure back towards port and when we were on the north side of port a rod fired, then three more rods fired and we had a quad on, all fish were landed. The rods were being reset when we had two more rods fire but the self release came into effect and so once again the first mate, Captain John, reset the lines with the crews help. I asked Captain Mark if he planned on going back through the area where we had the quad and his answer floored me, he said “we already know those fish are there, lets learn something new.” Quite honestly I don’t know of any other fisherman that wouldn’t have gone back through those fish but Captain Mark’s answer is the reason he is the most successful tournament winner on the Michigan Tour and why so many tournament winning Charter Captains book time on Pier Pressure. We easily landed our limit of Salmon using the Torpedo's and after fishing with Captain Mark, I realized that a limit of fish is not what Captain Mark fishes for. Captain Mark challenges the fish, searching out the most active fish and when the Captain finds the fish a program is tailored to that species.
  10. My son is now at the age where he walks to each reel and checks the drag, pretty cute to see
  11. Fished Port Glasgow Fished 190 out of port to 70fow. Fish are very abundant still. We landed 5 for the box in 2 hours and live released a bunch more. If you use a Cuda Torpedo 155 feet of line out with a blue easter egg spoon 40' back you will have a difficult time keeping that rod down. Surface speed 3mph
  12. I see it now. Sorry I must not have scrolled down far enough
  13. Looks like you dodged another bullet, glad you made it home safe! Got this from channel 68 fishing forum. Please tell which government agency told you light north winds, I'd like to know so we can avoid that site. Passed this comment to Environment Canada and got the following response: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We get our fair share of complaints about marine forecasts for the Great Lakes, but in this case, as you can see below, our forecast was "bang on". I don't know where the fisherman checked for his 3:00 AM forecast, but is was not an Environment Canada forecast. MARINE FORECASTS FOR THE GREAT LAKES AND THE ONTARIO PORTION OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:00 A.M. EDT MONDAY 25 AUGUST 2008 FOR TODAY TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. WESTERN LAKE ERIE. WIND NORTHEAST 15 TO 20 KNOTS VEERING TO EAST 15 TO 20 OVERNIGHT. As you can see, the forecast was for winds of 15 to 20 knots, not 4 to 7 knots. Actually, we never say 4 to 7 knots in our forecasts, when winds are expected to be less than 10 knots, we just say "light winds". So, in this case, we're not to blame. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Big Wally
  14. Combined weight of Walleye & Rainbow 1st - Magician at 14lbs 14oz 2nd - Trevor Somers at 14lbs 10oz 3rd - Thunder at 13lbs 6oz Rainbow Torpedo Bonus Manuel Tereira at 6lbs 10oz Walleye Torpedo Bonus Lukings at 5lbs 6oz Sheephead Mark David at 2lbs 6oz
  15. Thanks guys! If you like Bows and Eyes and derbies. One is coming up in Port Glasgow and it's only $20 per boat. It's posted in the announcements and contests section of this site. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23076
  16. It was a great day on the water. Musky Torpedo's did all of the work with 50 and 83 feet of line out. We were 3 away from our Rainbow limit when a storm brewed and we had to go.
  17. That 2003 year class has certainly kicked in! Out in the Central Basin if you catch less then double digits then you hang your head...lol
  18. Walleye were caught with shark Torpedo 75 and 128 feet of line out and musky Torpedo 85 feet of line out, leads were 10 feet to the lure. Nitro spoons caught all of the Rainbows.
  19. Currently have 10 rods with 15 and 20lb braids. Have Whiplash, Power Pro, Tuf line and Stren Super Braid. I fish 4 x a week on Erie for Rainbows and have not had a single breakoff from any of the braids mentioned above. Price wise Tuf line is the lowest. Remember that abrasion resistance is directly related to diameter of line and not line type. .02" mono and braid will both break at the same time if rubbed against the same rock at the same time. The strength in braid comes in it's length mode.
  20. Police can only have CO authority if the body of water is in their jurisdiction. Next time ask the cop what his jurisdiction is.
  21. The slowdown we are starting to see has been known for sometime. Those that have been preparing by reducing debt will be fine. Those that have been accumulating debt will wish they hadn't. The global environment is changing, it has gone too far to be stopped. Currently 2/3 of metals are being used by China and India, that leaves 1/3 for the rest of the world. Many metal companies like GE are no longer selling metals to other companies because with the increased demand from China and India, GE simply doesn't have enough to sell. If you think we are seeing a resource squeeze now then wait a few more years. All I can say is it's a good thing we are a natural resource country. Being a manufacturer I am being told this resource squeeze will last at least 10 years. In other words, oil, copper, steel, nickel, corn etc... will continue to become more expensive until those two countries have finished their growth spurt. If you want a stable job with a good future then you may want to look into the mining, oil and gas, or farming industry. If you are in NA auto manufacturing or customer support services,,, well you may want to rethink your career path.
  22. Two guys we went 8 for 14. Lost alot due to the net falling into the lake after the first fish.
  23. Well it seems no one has really found the fish in Wheatley and we struggled also. I fished Wheatley Saturday, arrived at 9am and talked to the dockmaster. Did you notice the big pile of sand? Well the night befor there was such a violent thunderstorm that they had to get a front loader in to remove the sand from the launch ramp. I had to wonder how so much sand came into that small launch ramp but if the storm was that bad then I am just glad no one was on the lake. We went 5 for 6 but the fish were not turned on, marked lots straight south in 35 to 52 fow. We caught 2 in the top 10 feet and the rest of the fish were 30 feet down. 2 fish were caught on greasy chicken wing, two were caught on watermelon and one on jerry lee. Snapper and Musky Torpedo's were hot. We also caught a ton of silver bass when we put our lines deeper then 30'. I think on the next warm up the fish will turn on in Wheatley. Thunderstorm the night befor could have been a factor.
  24. I target them in the Detroit River and we use jigs and 3" white or green twister tails. We find them on 10' dropoff's into 20'.
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