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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Need to be a member to view Dave.
  2. Beauty shots indeed Mike!!!!!!!
  3. Great fish guys,it's only just begun !!
  4. So far BPS looks better,give it some time,they'll figure the sale thing out.
  5. I use them as well in white with great results.I find them a lot hardier than the others.1/2 oz size.
  6. We did well again with Big O's(White),Smokin Joe's(White/grey) and sexy shad(blue/yellow /white).All in the larger size.They run from 4' to 12' in that order.Good luck Mike in what you choose,sure lots of options.
  7. I wonder what Nonis's job is if Shanny is making the moves.I thought that was the GM'S job.Not complaining here,but seems a bit strange?.
  8. Great report Lew!!,with good friends like that,fish are only a bonus!!!
  9. Sounds like a good time!!!,awesome pictures,thanks for sharing
  10. Waiting patiently .
  11. Breather hose?You can't find any where within that length to where it may go?
  12. Wonder how long I can get them to stay on the hook lol.Who would of known?.
  13. Not to push Shanny,but he has do do something?,They are paying alot to him.I would love to see a 3-4 player shakeup as soon as possible to at least show the fans we are honestly trying to be a better the team!.
  14. They walk and cross the road with there family with not a care in the world in Toronto everywhere.I think that foxes and Coyotes won't bother them.They are tough as nails,as a pair had nested up at a factory where I service,and the male would not let any one near the door.6' tall man didn't matter ,He would challenge you.Never mind mama as the back up.. Sorry to hear about the womens injuries,but don't doubt it for a minute.
  15. Lightly used I can see lol.,nice find in all seriousness.Looks like some great history there if only it could talk!!
  16. Rode for 35 years,Need to keep up or the cars will run you over.Doing the speed limit,or flow of traffic would of been the safest bet. that should of not been a problem.
  17. Thanks Bill for the reassurance ,20 times better than the two I have had.
  18. Agreed!!,no intension.
  19. Never lost bottom or fish at 50 mph,no GPS yet .I watch to many fishing shows with there $3000.00 plus finders .Just trying to get the best for what I have.Thanks again.
  20. I'm thinking broken down vehicle would be a different scenario,no fault of her own or any of us given a situation where we couldn't get to the right shoulder. Pretty sad her good intensions cost people there lives.She didn't plan this,just her good nature.Tough call anyway you look at it.
  21. Thanks Shane,just needed to know it was somewhat normal.My other would shut down at any speed or give wrong readings.I 'm positive the transponder was shot.Display was very clear.Hense,bought the new one.It's not bad at all,thinking I'll play with the sensitivity just to see.
  22. Nice Chris,a bit of a home away from home.No excuse for not getting away more now lol.Nice purchase Sir!!
  23. It's still fairly clear,Just thought it was a setting.Has quad beams clear as heck,flasher,all the good stuff.Someone said sensitivity?.With the power of this I'm thinking it should be a tad clearer while running.I'm getting a rooster tail,does that mean it should be lower than half way?It's slightly down at the back ever so slightly.Thanks guys for your help again.
  24. Thanks,I understand better.Pretty much when starting to speed up and continues.Ihad the sensitivity set at 8.Guess I could turn that down to 5 and see what happens.
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