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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Great fish report,and to think it has yet to start here.
  2. What a event for the kids!!!!!!!,That tackle box free?.Looks like she had a blast .WTG Barrie!
  3. Thanks Brian,what's a long time?1 hour,day?.this was 10mins max.How long would it take to fry if that would even happen?.Thinking todays technology wouldn't really do any damage.They would of stopped this as I know everyone has done it.Just my thoughts.Thanks. Found a interesting read,they say no damage at all when on out of water.The same transducers are used for shoot thru hulls with no water cooling at all.I guess years ago they heated up a lot,but from what I am now uderstanding no issues.
  4. Tried the finder worked awesome,a couple questions ,When I start to speed up I get I get a grainy look on the display.I can see fish,bottom depth temp without any hesitation.Would there be a setting that may clear that up while moving?It's a 718x humminbird. Secondly,forgot to shut it off in the water.Noticed when clearing the boat at the ramp.Shut it off of course.Can't really think that would hurt as I'm sure everyone has done this at one point and probably a lot longer. Any help would be appreciated. Dave
  5. I think we have all seen the video,not a nice man to put it nicely.
  6. I take it your season is open ahead of us in southern/central Ontario.Not sure about yours,but ours will be biting on the 28th lol.Could be colder water after this late winter?.Hope you get some better answers,good luck!!!
  7. Her intensions were good,except on a freeway, stopped vehicles in the fast lane come up real fast.30 plus years running the 400,Barrie to Toronto and back.Some of the wreckage from someone who stopped with a flat tire in the fast lane has closed highways for hours.Not to mention the one just ahead of me about 12 years ago.Heard the outcome was not good .Three had lost their lives in that one.
  8. That's what I have,and startup is real quick and smooth.
  9. I hear you on that,but wish I could of read Manderin,one chinese type paper went into great detail how that happens.Really hope it isn't true.That will ruin everything imo.
  10. Thanks I will do that.Some like up at the back,others down for better water flow.Just so happens one click either way can achieve both lol.I will have my allen wrench with me tomorrow to adjust.Right now the back is slightly,slightly down from level.
  11. Don't touch that,but the reading is out there.I believe the winner may have been chosen,if what I heard was true.That would be real bad if that is happening.
  12. Sat 5km's from the east,I can live with that,hopetp see you out there Rick!!!

    1. misfish


      Perfect for drifting worm harness,s.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      When are you going to be able to break away for a Sat B?,thinking a couple weeks could have your name on it !!

    3. spincast


      Go get 'em Dave. Lets here fish-finder success tales! Think Sunday is the one for me this week.


  13. Columbia won't be scoring on there own net again I can say,Looking for them to do well,or certain players won't be around next time .Go Columbia!!!!!! Sorry for side tracking,just had me thinking of the circumstances
  14. Wind permitting?Thinking I may bring the back up one more notch,Each click seems to make a very big change in position.Saturday is the plan.10km's is the forecast so far,any higher than that we will be heading to south Simcoe.You? I'll adjust it on the water if need be.Won't be too dificult.Thanks.
  15. Thanks Brian,thinking it will be ok.,Working Thursday, Friday looks like a Sat 5:30 am start working or not lol.Still have my fishin buddy if need to hone in on the catch .No air bubbles,things should be good.Feeling better it's not 100% below the bottom.
  16. Thanks guys,just used a level as a straight edge under the boat and out the back.Clicked it back up one notch and it shows the front half,1/2 way below the bottom tilting slightly down to about 3/4 below the boat.I think I'm now in the sweet spot.Optical allusion because of the trailer nose being so high.Now none of the transducer is 100% below the bottom.
  17. That's what I thought,but when I click it up one notch,it looks to high.I think I'll bring it up one notch.The trailer is jacked way up,that may be throwing me off.
  18. Here are a couple pics,hope this helps.
  19. Shane it is in the middle of that tier/angle?,Another higher step after this one.It's probably close to a foot wide this step before the next..Good 12" from the motor.The old one was way to close to the motor,moved it about 6" away
  20. I know it isn't rocket science but have fooled around with it a bit the last couple evenings.Used a square to find the straight angle to the location from the upper trim of the boat.Does it really matter if it is mostly in the water flow?,not half way. I do realize it will be more prone to be hit by debris but is lower the better if you will, the best/accurate readings?. Where it is mounted the transducer is straight.The bottom of the boat where it is mounted is slanting up and out for stability. I hope this makes sense,it is not a square bottom boat.Stepped v's might be more accurate. Thanks guys for any info. Dave.
  21. Aurora as well a friend is saying,nasty!!
  22. Saying Angus had one touched down,watch CTV Barrie for further details @6
  23. 4 7's motors putting out close to 6oohp each,and on a 47' boat if memory serves me right ,getting around 87mph.Sweeeet!!!
  24. Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and I'm a Ford guy
  25. Dark now here at 4:50pm,not looking good
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