Good morning,my oldest son has dragged his rear with his G1. He now has a real good job and wants to get his license. Yesterday he started a refresh drivers course. 5 lessens,two hours per appointment, than use his car for the G2 driving test.
Now here is where I believe the problem arises. By moths end,all goes well he'll have his G2. Fine,he now says his G1 ends in June at 5 years. Meaning he believes he has to have at least a year with the G2 before final G. May have to start all over again as now This coming June would not be 12 mths with a g2.
My question,is if everything is in motion,will they extend the timeline? .Even a slight penalty for letting this go on for so long would be ok.
It would be a shame to start over but if so what can you do. Thanks for any help. I hope this makes some sense.