If your mechanically inclined,not bad. Did two in the last four years for friends who bought newer high efficiency furnaces at rock bottom pricing. The air return will have to be changed(duct work).Maybe the air intake line position. Good to know a friend at least who has some experience. Usually draws air from outside.Don't forget the gas hookup,most likely different.
Always get the new furnace inspected and tagged . For your safety,and insurance reasons.
14 years is not that old. I have a Olson,over twice that age,checked yearly and a CO detector beside it. I guess they don't make them like they use to. The service guys said other than being not as efficient as the new ones,getting rid of the pilot light running all year causes dampness as well as many other things in the newer furnaces. That small flame running all the time prevents a lot of rust and corrosion. I know the day will come,but she is a trooper I'll say.
Good luck with whatever you choose
I had a 12' for years with a 10hp merc Keiphifer or something like that,lol. Used it in Georgian Bay for years as well as Simcoe off big Bay Point. As mentioned listen to the weather and keep your eyes open and you should be fine. As what Bill said north wind on Lake O means calm. Just don't venture to far and you'll be fine.
The only reason other than fish,Cooks Bay freezes usually before new years and stays solid and safe in most cases easily till March.
Easily accessible. Wherever you choose hopefully there will be a good turnout.
If your looking for Whities a different location may be needed.
How about Cooks Bay(Lefroy),south end,somewhat easy for a lot of people. Meeting time,meeting area,walk out if you want to?,could be a lot of fun and a lot of members able to show up! Just a thought?
Yesterday,cooked a big ham,already cooked I MUST SAY.Put in the oven for 1.5 hrs at 325*. My goddness,the outer edges,to die for!,only regret no bacon wrap. But it is a ham,soooooooo gooood!!!Best next thing!!!!!!!!!!