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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Dang too bad it wasn't earlier I would have made it for sure... I will try to get there Sunday but they go till the end of may correct?
  2. Nice toys there Carole... Hope ya get a chance to use em alot this year on the water, well except for the clock which can be a lasting reminder to ... ahh you know what I was going to say Have a good one! and I think the book is missing a Zero after The "what do you need to know to hook over ...
  3. good to hear... y'all enjoy our "brain drain" Hope the son feels better soon
  4. Sub in crackers for loaf of fresh bread and I will ditto that comment.
  5. I was going to say you are misrepresenting her in that pic Cliff... Have a good one Carole, and many more!
  6. I dont think I could agree anymore... Thanks Glen and everyone who takes time to make a report
  7. WTG Mike... too bad about the wallet but Congats on the new house and fish. I will anticipate some cool underwater photo's in the future
  8. Heck you do those yourself?
  9. I checked out the mouth today and had my rod and an hour to burn so fished anyway... 1.5" vis maybe choco milk, I highly doubt you will be too successful but am interested to hear any messy water tips
  10. How will hotel cards do for ya Wayne? lol
  11. Ok so make a new topic and disregard mine... thats fine..
  12. Now the question is can you find a way to let us fish in there
  13. Alot of their color depends on their habitat and lighting and all that, I have seen perch which are nearly colorless and those that are bright orange/greens and both specimens were healthy just a different environment. Same goes for the smallies I have gotten as well as walleye and come to think of it nearly all fish I have gotten. Not positive but I think that the colour cannot be a real determinant in their health
  14. I sure will so a and back to you too! Enjoy your meeting
  15. I'll be in the chat room waitin'
  16. i'd say 48hrs have yet to get sick... But that is fridge thawed mind you
  17. WTG there glen! glad to see even without a boa you can hook fish.
  18. I will second that... Also like it with beer instead of water though...
  19. Nice fish Cliff! Glad to hear ya got out and got a beauty of a female
  20. yup and he's standing in mud where there isn't a river just the dried up bed... don't think you're gonna get you're first steelie there douG!
  21. That is definitely one of the best Ice reports I have seen yet... and for that matter fishing report in general... Thanks so much for sharing that with us Enjoyed the humor in the read and them beauty Pictures of them big Pikers and eyes..
  22. well there is hardly even a need to cheat... I mean when you can write it at home on your computer with the book or at a show where you write till you pass, or if they give you the test and the handbook... Maybe if people actually had to know the stuff it would help...
  23. CASH GRAB! It is worth it though if It saves one life I s'pose
  24. Lol, I wont answer that question but I will tell you It was longer than both of you with worse results Plus if I told you you would wonder if I could fish lol
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