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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. I figured that or he'd use it to return all his tackle when he comes to the realization that he's no fisherman
  2. Where's the option to open em all and put em in the tackle box then keep the lure boxes in another tray? ahem Gerritt Myself I do about the same as Wayne with many the others have no ID or boxes...
  3. Nice pics... and yea Wayne has made nearly 11 000 NF posts Better luck next time, better to be out on the water fishin than at home or work thats forsure
  4. There ya go douG, I see why ya left chat now... cant believe you outfished BLY?!?!?!?!?!
  5. Sources, I hear, are hard to find Figures right when I write this the song "Rocky Top" comes on lol
  6. I'd read up on some other rivers too posted in there fishing... you'd be suprised how much sucker you can eat from GTA rivers mmm mmm mmm... But way to go there Fishmaster and Jen... nice haul.
  7. Ohh well if we're talkin everything homemade shine or the like is the way to go, that or Crown No headache is good, just have to make sure whoever makes the stuff knows to throw out the bad alcohol, methanol, which will give ya a hangover or worse
  8. Red Baron is pretty good, as is Maclays and Canadian
  9. I will probably be there even though it's at the place of my work and I have to pay Dont know which day yet though probably saturday as Sunday is shooting!!!
  10. I use flies from a size 2 all the way to 30 or so for browns so it really depends what they want...
  11. I'd say you'll want some of the following: -BH Wooley buggers -minnow imitation, lots to choose from here -wighted nymphs, my favorites are Prince nymphs and Pheasant tail's beaded and unbeaded. -Stonefly's Brown is likely the one to go with. Also check and see what hatches will be coming, likely BWO's will be the main one. Good luck to you!
  12. Yup, try GRTF they will have the hatches for you... as well their site has hatch charts... hatches are a day by day thing so you can use the chart as a guide but only first hand info will do...
  13. might not be doing worse for wear and tear but I feel bad for any fish that has a half nekkid alabananese guy caressing it and taking a photo for proof... that will be one messed up fish I tell ya what.
  14. Yup, thats what he said to me... I mentioned a name and he said I can order it because I dont have it...
  15. That sure is a beauty of a brownie ya got there... make sure not to catch em all before the tourney starts, otherwise they're going to start getting smart WTG Matt
  16. Yup, he sure seems to be a nice enough guy and he has lots of product, some of which I had never heard of in there before...
  17. Nice going Gerritt glad to see you're getting it fixed up nice!
  18. Well this is morning #2 for me lol, now I am up for the day!!!
  19. Lol, it is gone thankfully... I hate how if I get on here I get suckered into reading and catching up. Lew, it sure seems like it will end up being a nice enough day, was mild all night, getting closer to worm pickin time
  20. Time for me to get sleeping after a long day at work but hopefully you all have a good day. As for me I'll catch the next morning that comes around
  21. and they tend to be way darker and beaten up from being in the rivers for so long
  22. Nice report thanks for sharing!
  23. lol I found it funny too, she has a new campaign banner too advertising her qualities
  24. I cant tell you how many times I have thrown my handful of cheetos out of the boat cause I hook a fish and have no where to put em... I think they're good luck that way.
  25. Ohh dang, i have procrastinated my tying for way too damn long now... BWO tying time dont want to have to run out on the water... I will be looking next time I am on the river, which hopefully is tomorrow
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