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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Mike's funny Ohh and its a 12 Ga
  2. 2 3/4" Mag #4 Shot, one and a half ounces of shot... owww... I spent a lot of time scouting and I had their patterns down, plus I got communication skills had em gobble back a few times. The season is a cakewalk now! If anyone wants a hunting partner within a reasonable drive of here (burlington) I am game, well not to shoot but to be a partner... I told my landowner one turkey and will see what he says to another... Good luck to all!
  3. gone fishing, you are 100% correct. I figured thats what it was too... He's a guide and owns a shop with lots of $$$ guys going in and out... I dont have the extra $25 to blow, and it is not the right Licence, I am an ontario resident and as such need that licence. Thanks!
  4. I already had the licence, no going back... Just a P/O that it costs more in some places, its the same thing!
  5. Man, I went in and it says right on the sticker 43.50 or something... that is crazy
  6. I have one but the guy charged me $46.06, didnt realize it cause I got otherstuff... Apparently it is 23.57 with tax or so, so back I go...
  7. What is the cost of a sport fishing licence (sticker only) and it does include tax right?
  8. I don't know yet which way I will mount it... but the options I am looking at are: Full mount, Tail mount, tail and back mount regardless I would have the beard and tail mounted at the least. Its Quick, Cheap and the bird doesn't have to be skinned.
  9. Sorry to Hear Brian. I had my last day of hunting ruined similarly. I had a jake come to me on the last day last year and some people trespassing went right through on their horses and scared him off... Boy was I ticked. I feel for you, Good luck for the rest of the season though
  10. That was you I was arguing with? nah, sorry to hear Brian. Still have a month to go though.
  11. The measurements are: 10" Beard and 3/4" spurs. Gotta go get me another tag now! Anyone know of a decent taxidermist in the area? I know of a few but want some input.
  12. Glad to hear the boats running good Glen, nice fish!
  13. its photoshopped to look like I am in my backyard, I am actually In a field, but people will know what the dirt looks like and take my spot. Thanks though guys!
  14. Well I got a nice ol tom about 710 this morning... Locator didn't get them talking so I was dissapointed but I had faith in the spot where I was so remained. at about 640 I heard the first gobble in response to my clucking and sure enough after 5 minutes a turkey comes out. A hen mind you but that meant a Tom would be in behind, and I was right. While the hen was feeding within 30 yards the Tom decided to put on a show for my decoys, about 55 yards out, thats 20 yards or so out of my range. sure enough some soft clucking brought him in, inch by inch quite literally. The bugger was strutting so close but so far away. Finally he got in within range and he made a mistake, he stuck out that big 'ol ugly head and got clobbered. Here is my trophy!
  15. haha thanks for the laugh douG
  16. my alarm is set for 5am, I only have a 20 min drive cant wait to sit and putt, putt, putt..... gobble gobble... Good luck to you too!
  17. I like mine deer with 1/4-1/3 pork with some chopped onion, garlic, cayenne and a little pepper... Nice pics though, now I am hungry
  18. Its google ad's saves the board a pile of money by having them up there, basically the same as a board sponsor
  19. Lots of chances for surf and pier fishing... I have always done fairly well... I am not too sure about charters but If you cant find any ask some of the scuba guys or tour boats as I know lots of them fish and can take you out...
  20. My thoughts are with you and your family and you're father Dave.
  21. Thanks again guys.... Hey John, a PM will be going you're way soon... And I can get my fill of ouzo in Greece... the good stuff is tsipouro... fresh from the still One year till I can find out what all this stuf you are talking about is like
  22. I remember now... the song is VEGEMATIC by Steve Goodman, basically sums it all up...
  23. I know G... rule breaking isn't my thing... Thanks again all, drinks are on me... ohh wait I am only 18... maybe next year
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