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Everything posted by 206

  1. deep dish pizza! Mickeys mmmmmmm! http://www.feedyourdragon.com/feedyourdragon/home.html
  2. Water temps still down the bluegill have moved in but the crappy seem to be a lil shy still. Water temp comes up you'll get more crappy shallow.
  3. I currently have an old BB as does the wife...We have an old plan that has 50mins talk, unlimited text and unlimited FB/twitter with a combined total of $68/month tax in. I have been entertaining the idea of getting an android phone and going with public mobile...They seem to offer the best deal from what i see online only thing is you must prepay 3months to get the best discount.
  4. You bought these and had script put in the frames? I'm a glasses wearer and just use an "over glasses" pair of polarized glasses. Last time I was in for glasses they told me when you get prescription sunglasses in say Maui Jims they are just a standard lens? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of these fancy glasses if your taking out their high end lenses?? Plus I hate having to carry 2 pairs of prescription glasses to change when it gets dark.
  5. I didn't realize the tie break would be multi episodes.... now we gotta wait to see Manitoba win this thing.
  6. I had bought a LT perch crank years ago and didn't get a sniff on it, I pulled it out last spring on Rice joking with a buddy about how much I had payed for the dam thing. I managed 5 eye in the next 2 hours 3 in the slot. All of a sudden its my favorite crank lol
  7. Woke up to find I'd won a new TATULA - 100HS from DAIWA Corporation - Canada on facebook :)

  8. I keep these kinda things in the closet....majority of this crowd wouldn't approve lol
  9. Seen show first time while at work yesterday, swore it was same tattoo?
  10. Are you the guy from Backroad Bounty?
  11. 50?!!
  12. 206


    The times I have stored things locally they have a posted "In" and "Out" day. My camper went in thanksgiving weekend comes out May.
  13. This show spun of a great little swap the Downtown Bass Anglers used to have....I have been attending for years. Pete took this to a different level almost too commercialized for my tastes but still a great bunch of guys attend and there is a slim chance of grabbing a great deal from one of the few remaining swap tables. Worth a look can't beat the great company.... still worth the price of admission! I'll be there, then may slip down to the Trenton show.
  14. I'm afraid to play music....it might scare the fish?
  15. I missed the boat/fishing show this past weekend where apparently X-zone lures have been re-introduced, now owned by VRX Fishing Product (The Rod Glove)? Anyone have any info? Sounds like good news to me.
  16. If your just shopping it aint worth it....if you wanna spend a day chatting it up with some of the most knowledgeable people in the area don't miss out.
  17. Great meeting up with Fisherpete, Good deals!! Can't wait for soft water!

    1. Fisherpete


      Nice meeting you too Mark!

  18. Sweet I maybe in the same boat as you....no pun intended!
  19. not sure why the lil Trenton one would do the same day as Pete's Bowmanville one but oh well....I need to find out if that guy from Ottawa with all the totes full of baits and plastics will be in Trenton?
  20. Seen this on FB last week....I want 1
  21. Nice....edged out Spiro by 3oz lol Good to see Canadians representing!
  22. Not sure where you are going but with current ice reports I'd rather not hear your taking any children out on the ice....can't imagine risking a kids life so you can keep a few extra fish
  23. X2....had a $268 dropped to $90 but they couldn't reduce points.
  24. Windows 95 - 10 it's been the same for years!! you still have all the same options you have always had with a lil more cosmetic tweaks Have no fear. run the check I have an older machine that the graphics aren't enough to take upgrade to win 10...they want you to buy new lol
  25. I wanted him to skate the rink holding his MVP like the Stanley Cup.....he kept it classy tho. lol
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