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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. not a change but there is going to be an insert without a doubt....way too many irregularites and inconsistancies
  2. that Im sorry to say was a funny story. Glad it all worked out in the end and remember the stories you ll have over beers
  3. I hear ya wayne but like they say ignorance is no excuse for the law
  4. Regulatory changes can be done at any time over the course of a year regardless if they are in print or not
  5. solo paddler has a cottage on a lake not far from there, he might not be there but might have a clue. Rouyn Noranda and Kirkland lake are pretty close to Larder Lake so if you were to check weather up in either it might give you a really good idea
  6. lots of strange things in this new regulatory package. Notty no kill is a good one some oare horrific though. Bowshep the good old drainage tile ace from the early part of this century needs to be revised for sure. Lots of things come from the days where conservation water quailty, sustainable fisheries etc.. were not taken into account. The science in the vast majority is there and undisupted yet OMNR still wont do the right thing upfront but would rather take baby steps in order to not get one group up in arms..
  7. Rainbow limits didnt go far enough. To have a sustainable fishery, it needed to be at a 15% exploitation rate lowering from 5 to 2 decresed exploitation by 5% max from an already insane 35% harvest rate....
  8. the best post I have ever read here
  9. lots of the higher priced ones are in fact made here, some in England. The lower end units are made oversea's
  10. made from solid bar stock aluminum, tolerences are extremely tight, and some small market producers make a product that is unreal in terms of tolerences. Im sure a machinist would say it takes a ton of time to make a good one and then ask how much a good machinist is worth an hour and that answers the question
  11. Good post John, As one of the larger F& W lobbyists at Queens Park, there most certainly is a very specific method to getting things done. Again I had a long talk today with the ministers Policy advisor on Fish and WIldlife, her and I booked out 2 hours next week to talk shop, and I ll tell you I have had many meetings that ran 2 hrs but its rare to get a senior policy person to actually book out that time up front, so they want to listen and get things fixed. The minister has 2 briefings from my group that we will more then likely discuss and see where it goes. Like I said Im not going on a limb at this point but I will say Im liking what Im hearing and how things initially are shaping up those that know me in person and not as an internet persona know I ll tell it like it is, and like I said earlier enough rope to hang from or pick up the slack to get it done
  12. super 7 jackpot Friday and the 6/49 Saturday, then heck its all good from there.
  13. well Im going to go on a short limb here, but wont commit to any opinion so far. My meeting is set with the Minister in a few weeks to discuss a lot of relevent fishing related issues. So far every staffer or advisor I have spoken with in her office is willing to listen, learn and become engaged in the topic. I also know she has been criscrossing the entire province meeting with large strakeholders also getting a feel for her new job, so I put a check on that, she is prepared to make sure she understands issues. For what its worth I place a call and its returned promptly same with emails, unlike Ramsey this office is willing to engage 100% DO I have an opinion no not yet, but I will after I meet with her. Cut her some slack or give her enough rope to hang but at the very least do one of the above before formulating adefinative opinion,
  14. spend some more doe and get breathables, layering up underneath and I ll stand in 36d water all day and be resonably comfortable
  15. look for new regs for 2008, DFO has given perliminary approval, lots of changes about to come with some additional major changes to come mid cycle as pertaining to the GL's
  16. water hardens the membrane of an egg almost instantly, hence there really is no need to harden for a long period of time.
  17. Nice report Jangles but honestly get a hair cut dude LOL those mauve bandana's wont fit right
  18. Been on quite a few trips with Mike, the guy is honest to a fault, generous beyond belief and can pound the snot out of those fish.....The drives are classic as Mike has seen more Ontario water then much of us combined and his recounts of some of the trips make the drive well worth it. Anyone fishing with Mike for a day understands the deal...Nice Pics Mike!!
  19. bunk that is way too funny
  20. 16 mile doesnt get any real push at this point and much of it is sactuary now...and knowing the river its low as mud
  21. there is no Atlantic stocking on Erie..its a brown and they are stocked in erie, in larger and larger numbers each year by the DEC. The fish is not a hybrid or anything of the sorts just a brown in full spawn dress, with a worn out tail from being a repeat spawner smolt to juvinile fish Atlantics have a different spot pattern and very different parr markings then a brown, the two fish in the natal stage of life are very easy to distinguish, to the angler not aware of the sometimes subtle but easily distinguisable markings and patterns migratory out of the lake browns and an Atlantic can sometimes be confused. Atlantics are for the most part out of season in the stream environment while browns are'nt
  22. Lol I understand Prada is making a line of breathables
  23. here we go again
  24. Hey TB email me at [email protected] and I can gladly point you in the right direction, been involved in over 3 million dollars of stream rehab so should be able to point you in the right direction
  25. lol no but I do know who was
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