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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. drop the pork in a large bowl mix in 2 cups brown sugar, 1/2 cup molassas, 3 tbs crushed garlic, 2 tbs parirka, 1tbs, basil, 3tbs finley chopped onions, 1 tsp dijion musturd or any other grain mustard and 3 cups dry white wine Let soak for at least 3 hours. Set the smoker for a hot smoke for a solid 1/1/2 hrs then if you can set it for a cold smoke for 9 hrs
  2. great topic Last week on vacation a set of lovely brand new jetski's that were high performance machines buzzed my son and I maybe 2 feet off the transom. Peeved me off so much I chased them down and pretty much yelled every profanity I could muster. Son was freaked as he never heard me yell like that Boat liscences, exams, additional enforcment are fantastic but sadly there is no liscencing system for the ignorant
  3. nice report...came into the city for the afternoon for my son's baseball game.....Brian seems like I found a topwater bite this am....1 fish 5.45 2nd 6.11 pics to follow in a few weeks when Im back from the cottage
  4. not much I can say other then we are done for if they take a grip http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/News/Local/200...371878-sun.html
  5. lots of water on east to fish...Bass are in the traditional locations, the pencil reeds off the launch are nice...eyes are a decent bite at dusk with a crank off weedlines in 15 fow across from the park.
  6. seems I ll never make a swill Im on Holidays then
  7. hey Mike I ll be over soon......can ya cook em for me too lol sounds like a good meal and ahhh ya you fish way more then your married friends......
  8. she is a keeper
  9. FLW, and fishing university
  10. every single person I have spoken to has unquestionably said that Marc Thorpe is the 1 guy in Canada who will put you on fish and if its all good big fish.....sorry legend...........but I will offer the services of several OFC guys to come on your boat, mind you with all those casts I ll be wearing my poly glasses
  11. nice pics Mike....get that leg healed up its longstick time in 6 weeks
  12. there is a resort on the way to the lock to clear not a great launch but for 10 bucks you can drop the boat and park the truck
  13. I had a similiar problem and ended up having the tread come off a long way from home. I got 6ply tires and I have not had an issue since
  14. Home depot or Rona will sell a carpet that will do the trick.
  15. the amazing bass days are long gone.....sadly the lake used to house legitimate 5lb fish and more. Due to all the over fishing it gets 2 1/2 are the norm and less now. The lake is a tiny lake lots and lots of weeds that make getting on plane tough sometimes
  16. always a tricky situation, they might in fact own the land under it and completely around it, but no they dont own the water itself......
  17. Im in Tony..
  18. no question hands down waye andrews is the guy to be with. Always puts you on fish and is more concerned about the quality of your experience then the money at the end of the day
  19. Atlantic parr, sure is some nice water that away
  20. Hi all, CRAA, in partnership with many others including MNR, Toronto Sportsmen, Mississauga Bassmasters, IWFFC, CVC, and more will host a kid's fishin' day at Lake Aquitaine Saturday July 7, 2007 10 am until 1pm CRAA has secured 200 rod and reel combo's, 200 jig kits for the rods and reels, 300 fishing booklets, 150 kids fishing day hats, 144 kids fishing day t shirts plus some additional odds and ends for the Kids fishing day to be given out on a first come first serve basis. So come on out and enjoy and above all let the kids show us how its done
  21. John, Im very aware of every facet of the current and past Atlantics program . Our club was the first NGO to stock these fish into Lake Ontario. Sebago and Restigouche might very well work, or they also might become duds but once quaraentine is done and we finally see eggs, fry, and a fish thats actually stocked we are looking at 10 yrs minimum. The current funding for this program is for 5 yrs, once that egg is dryed up where will the money come from. If it contines from private funds good, but if its public money then NOT GOOD. We are seeing hatchery displacement occuring now, as also we are seeing the current fishery being managed for the potential of a new fish that has shown in best guess .0001% return rate again not a good thing. Green lake is the only strain to have shown any measurable return rates in the early 90's. That strain was removed from any future potential become of an issue at the hatchery in Maine and the current OMNR back then totally ruining a relationship with the owners of that Hatchery. Again the program is great for the educational componant it brings, but imagine if the close to 2 million bucks and OMNR energy for this program were injected into other fisheries.......
  22. pretty neat stuff
  23. Those that know me well enough know exactly how I feel about Atlantics under the current program...That being said the current program does have some merit from an educational standpoint. They are bringing awareness to the rivers and watersheds they are in and with that comes tree planting additional stream rehab new CWFIP applications from groups that arent even fishing based but want to help the rivers. While the program just might be a dud, the awareness it brought to these rivers many that are smack dab in the middle of Urban centers is a good thing
  24. nice lake decent bass. With its size all this press its getting is going to slowly but surely lower the population on it.
  25. where did you hear or see this?
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