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John Bacon

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Everything posted by John Bacon

  1. There is a CO in Saskatchawan the seems to think that way. In my opinion, any child who is engaged in the fishing should be able to have their own rod(s). I think this should apply even if they need some assistance. Some inexperienced adults still need assistance. I do think that putting an extra rod in for a kid who is not even paying attention to what is going on should not be allowed. The child should be involved in the fishing in order to count as an angler.
  2. How does the guy in Ottawa fit the stereotypical Arab terrorist? He was born in Canada. His last name sounds french; so he was probably french Canadian on his fathers side at least.
  3. Yes, that is what I was taught in school as well.
  4. I didn't see any there either. I also didn't see any heavily armed guards in Kalamazoo, Sault St Marie, Detroit, Chicago, New York, Los Angelas, Denver, Houston, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diago, Tampa, Orlando, Philidelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, St. Louis, Seattle, Buffalo, Rochester, Okalohoma city, Arlington VA, Cincinnatti, or Bellevue. I can't speak about the other cities and towns
  5. Being owned by a single person didn't work out too well for them in the past.
  6. The police can enforce fisheries laws. It is not too uncommon for police to check for fishing licences. So in theory you are correct. However, police are not trained to enforce the fisheries act. They may not be aware of all of the laws (e.g. 25 years down street of barrier, etc.). Also a cop on traffic duty may not be authorized to park his car and head to the local river. I think the 1-877-TIPS-MNR ( 1-877-847-7667) is your best bet for reporting issues.
  7. The burden of proof would be on the CO. I brought a rainbow fillet home with me last weekend. It would have been illegal for me keep a rainbow from a closed section of a river. It would have been illegal for me keep a rainbow from a sanctuary such as within 25 yards of a fishway. But is was perfectly legal to keep the rainbow that was caught while trolling in Lake Ontario I cannot prove to the CO that it was legally caught in waters that were open using legal fishing methods while I was in possession of my fishing licence... but the CO cannot prove that it wasn't.
  8. Are you referring to the law about not allowing game fish to spoil? I think that applies to legally angled fish that are suitable for human consumption. I am not sure that picking up a dead fish from the river bank would count as legally angled. I highly doubt that an already dead salmon on the river bank would cound as suitable for human consumption. Actually, you do not need a license to possess fish. E.g. It is perfectly legal for me to give a fish to another person even if they do not have a license. However, any fish that I give away will count against my daily limit. I am still not sure whether the original example is legal or not. There may be a law, or interpretation of a law that covers that situation.
  9. The 'mass marking program' in which all Chinooks stocked into Lake Ontario had a fin clip has ended. I think that 2011 was the final year in which Chinooks were clipped. We may see some unclipped hatchery fish running the rivers again. I found that males seem to run the run the rivers at a younger age than females. So this year, I would expect to see unclipped hatchery males with clipped hatchery females. I think this will be the last year that we see any significant number of clipped Chinooks in Lake Ontario.
  10. What about airborne bodily fluids? A cough or sneeze can project bodily fluids into the air.
  11. Looks more like a walleye to me.
  12. Sounds like a large male chasing jacks. Looking bad is normal for Chinooks at this time of the year. The smaller jacks usually don't look too bad though.
  13. Wouldn't running a higher pitched prop counter-act the lower gear ratio?
  14. Mink fishing:
  15. They have been stocking the LeHave strain of Atlantics for a long time. The LeHave strain are domesticated inbreds. How successful do you think Ontario's turkey reintroduction would have been if they had used inbred farm turkies? Stocking of new strains such as the Sebago lake strain is quite recent. I think we need to give the new program a chance rather than scrap it based on the lack of success of previous approaches to atlantic stocking. I also wouldn't count on an increase in stocking of other species if the altantic program is ultimately scrapped.
  16. Is that something that they started recently? I used to be involved in the egg collection for Chinook. I never saw anybody sending Chinook over the dam. I have not been down there during the Chinook run since MNR took over the Chinook stocking from MEA.
  17. The current practice is to stop Chinook and coho salmon at Streetsville. I think some do make it over the dam on their own under the correct water conditions. I am not sure if anyone is helping them past the dam... they are not supposed to. My personal feelling are: allow the cohos over and stop the Chinook.
  18. There is a dam on the Kraft property at Streetsville. The CRAA operates a fish berrier there. Bows are sent over the dam but cohos and Chinook are not. Some salmon may make it past the dam on the their own; but that is a pretty big jump. I think the salmon fishery on the credit is maintained by stocking. I don't think there is a lot of successful spawning for these species in the credit. I would like to see them at least let the coho past the dam. The Chinook fishery can easily be maintained via stocking. Rainbow are stocked in the credit as well. So it is hard to say if they need help or not. We don't know how they would be doing without help. As far as reducing the atlantic program to help chinook/steelhead/cohu; much the money raised for the Atlantic program has been raised specifically for restoring the atlantic salmon. These funds would not be available for stocking of other species if the atlantic program was scrapped. So, eliminating the atlantic program will not benefit other species.
  19. When I saw the heading I thought you wanted to form a union. Nice work on the furniture. Those benches look good and stable.
  20. If those numbers are correct then the ethonal will actually increase rather than decrease CO2 and other pollutants.
  21. Anything for the guys who were at the game last time Ottawa won the cup?
  22. I am not sure where you are located, but the Walmart at Morningside and 401 did have one marine battery last time I was there. They were still asking full price. It was a deep cycle, but I have used deep cycles for starting a 55hp before. I am not sure if they would work for a larger engine. I think most places will be out of stock and will not be restocking until spring. I was there again and they had five Marine/RV batteries; a mix of deep cycle and starting. Still full price though.
  23. They do exist, but they are a little pricey. I guess I will have to stick to lead acid for now. http://www.emarinesystems.com/categories/Batteries/Lithionics-Marine-Batteries/?gclid=CjwKEAjwqamhBRDeyKKuuYztxwQSJAA1luvGEtM70LfUF9_pLpwXIDlEvZcZpC_Hudl2rPq-i9exYxoCG9Lw_wcB
  24. You may have to wait until spring to pick up a marine battery at Costco. I checked a few stores recently and could not find any marine batteries. If you are lucky enough to find one you will probably get it at a clearance price.
  25. Another option is to order your prescription glasses with a clip on lense.
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