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Everything posted by Motorhead

  1. Here`s my favorite summer pictures one more
  2. I`ll be there on Thursday... most likely near the beer tent Doug
  3. That`s the one.... thank Lew
  4. Hi Maureen... Sounds like some great prizes.. I had a great time last year, met lots of people, ate some food and caught a few perch for an awesome snack. I wish I could make it this to this years G2G but I have a union meeting and it`s election time so I need to go On a separate "Lew" note.... I think I might have been at Lew`s last ice fishing trip??? I saw Lew icefishing a couple of years ago at an OFC G2G... I brought a friend and we built a windbreak similar to what Clampet is using... I cant remember who organized the G2G but it was cold as heck and I don`t remember anyone catching anything noteworthy. We had a fun time anyway and met a few OFC`rs.. I know someone remembers this G2G??? When was that??? Lew ??? Doug
  5. That would be an AWESOME concert... Too bad I live in Hamilton Doug
  6. Ditto....
  7. Actually.... I have to say I was looking at regular season goals and didn`t add the 26 playoff goals so I guess I was wrong...
  8. AWESOME ..... Pm is on the way thanks Doug
  9. I used this site for the goals http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdispla...?pid%5B%5D=4085
  10. Here`s my guess Question 1...... General Fishing Lines Ltd. Question 2...... 270 goals
  11. I also prefer the driftwood skin... thanks for bringing it back... Doug p.s. nice job on the up-grades
  12. Funny you posted about Binbrook Gerritt... I was supposed to meet a couple of friends there this morning, They of course cancelled and I was too lazy to go myself... I`d be willing to meet up next weekend Haven`t fished Lake Niapenco in a long time.. Doug
  13. Here`s my dog Rocky... He`s a Rhodesian Ridgeback about 11 years old now... He loves the boat and fishing... This pic was taken just outside of Algonquin this past summer This pic is after a couple mile run following us on my 3-wheeler, He went straight into the lake and wouldn`t get out for about 15 min... Too funny
  14. Now that is one creepy fish.... thanks for posting Nelly, It was an interesting read... Doug
  15. Favourite Genre of Music ..... Classic Rock / Heavy Metal Favourite Band ..... Motorhead Most underrated band ..... Motorhead Doug
  16. OFAH....
  17. Same as Fishindevil but I`ve got 14 yrs service Doug
  18. My favorite X-mas movie has to be "Bad Santa" with Billy-Bob Thorton... Not for kids but very very funny.... Doug
  19. I`m going to have to go with anything from Moosebunk too... Amazing posts... Doug
  20. If it`s edible.... It`s going to be eaten .....Period I fish for food not for fun.... nothing tastes better than fresh caught fish.... Doug
  21. My 12 footer was my grandfathers originally then it went to my Dad, and now it`s mine. Still leaks a bit but wouldn`t trade it for anything.... It`s got to be over 50 yrs old, but with my merc 7.5hp on it she`ll do 19km/h with just me in it... The number of fish that boat has seen over the years must be mind boggling.. Doug
  22. I own a 12 tinny with a 7.5 merc. If I ever save enough to buy something bigger it will be a console Doug
  23. I don`t own a pick-up, but my friends that do have them use patio stones... Put about 6 -- 24`X 24` cement patio stones in there and your laughing... Nice thing is they don`t take up space... Doug
  24. Here`s a small channel cat I caught this past summer in the Grand River @ Cayuga. It didn`t put up much of a fight
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