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Everything posted by Motorhead

  1. The easiest way to not worry if you`re doing something illegal is to spend the few extra bucks and get the sport licence... No problems at all..... Fish for whatever you want with no worries Doug
  2. Nice report... thanks for sharing..... Doug
  3. Place is coming along nice TJ... Hope those ducks stick around during open season.... Doug
  4. Glad you`re on the mend Photoz..... I really enjoy your carp posts..... I`m wondering what causes kidney stones, because by the sounds of it I sure don`t want it to happen to me!!!! Doug
  5. That`s exactly what I was thinking.... never mind the paintball gun get out the 12 gauge... Doug
  6. Between Rush and Neil, I`d have to go with Neil.... I really like the Hip and Big Sugar as well...
  7. Wonder what they taste like???? Gut it and fry it with some fish crisp??? I think I really need to hit a restaurant instead of cooking my own meals...
  8. Whatever Lake or River is on the agenda for the day... That would be my favourite... If I had to pick one lake over another I`d have to go with lake X... Doug
  9. I`ll eat just about any fish I catch.... Not a big fan of carp or freshwater drum though, but have eaten them in the past... Usually just dip the fillets in egg and coat them in crushed "vegetable thins" crackers and fry them in butter in my cast iron fry-pan... tasty tasty.... Doug
  10. AWESOME report thanks for sharing...
  11. Awesome report and pictures... Thank you VERY much for sharing.... Doug
  12. I`m guessing they mean where you were when you first stepped on Canadian soil... Airport wherever??
  13. Now that was a funny read!!!! Would have been something to see for sure... thanks for the laugh Doug
  14. Urbanangler... I just let my girlfriend who is an RN read your post and she seconds Bigbuck`s diagnosis... GO SEE A DOCTOR !!!! It could be caused by the heat we`ve been having but why take any chances.... Go to a walk in clinic ASAP Doug
  15. A good friend of mine has the Forrester and he loves it... He drives it for work and has put 150,000 km on it with no repairs.... Dealer serviced If I could afford one I`d buy it...
  16. A couple more like the one in the last picture and you have yourself a nice snack... Nice Fish... Specks are my favourite fish to catch and eat..
  17. That has to be the best underwater shot I`ve ever seen... Nice Fish !!! Thanks for sharing.. Doug
  18. that`s just gruesome... talk about nightmares
  19. GREAT read... good going on the slideshow... I`m going to have to save some cash for one of these trips, looks like a fantastic time had by all.. Doug
  20. Very nice....
  21. If it`s in season and edible (carp, suckers etc. I don`t really care for), I`ll eat it... To me nothing tastes better than something you`ve caught, cleaned and cooked yourself... Doug
  22. I was in Cubs, Scouts, and Ventures.... It is sad that kids nowadays don`t get more involved it this type of organization.. I thought it was a great idea to let the girls in , too bad they didn`t do it until I left... 1st York all the way... Doug
  23. I`m one of the lucky ones... I could roll around in the stuff all day and not so much as a scratch... Even rubbed it on my arm when a friend said it was impossible to not be allergic... Not that I`d want to try what Photoz did ... OUCH
  24. I`ve run both my Coleman lantern and stove on gasoline, No problems with either of them ... Not something I recommend but works in a pinch when your idiot friend forgets to pack the naptha..
  25. Love the Rice Lake report. I fished there every summer as a teen. Some nice carp you got into... I think your mystery fish is a dace of some kind???
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