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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Gobies, Why? no one else fishes for them so then I would have no competition for them. Second choice woud be Peacock Bass.
  2. Well thanks for all the replies guys. Seems as though everyone is more geared towards getting a Plasma so that is what I will end up purchasing. Thanks for the help everyone!
  3. I use the Shimano Sahara. This is also my Walleye reel in the summer months. What do you use in the Summer for a reel? I am sure it would be fine for ice fishing for Perch too. I main thing is you want balance, if the rod you use in the Summer is too large, you will find it uncomfortable on a small jigging rod. Make do with what you got and get out a few times, see what size and make others are using. There are some guys who don't use a reel at all for Perch. I know some of my American friends who come up to Simcoe use an aluminum arrow with 12lb mono. Do they catch fish? Sure do and lots of em! They don't even bother with all the hi tech stuff we bring with us. Why bother bringing cameras, flashers, huts and the rest. They travel light with only a few pails on the ATV and just keep checking spots.
  4. Hey Spiel, Does this mean you will have all kinds of time to spin up some rods??? Ha ha ha, just kidding ya buddy. Hope to hear you are recovering well and will give you a ring sometime today bud. Cheers, Ron...
  5. Thanks guys, We only use the TV for movies and such. No video games, very seldom do we watch sports. If I had time to watch TV myself, I would have time to fish!
  6. I would have been out there 2 inches ago! (Provided there is no snow on it at the time) If there is snow on the 4 inches of ice now it should be more than safe enough.
  7. Wow been a while since I listened to this! Thanks for posting this Marc. Hey Roger, Are you working this weekend? I plan on getting up there either Saturday or Sunday. Be nice to see you smiling mug again. Cheers, Ron...
  8. That is great news Cliff! I couldn't think of a better Christmas present for you. GOD Bless Cheers, Ron...
  9. Time for an upgrade on the ol tube. What is better? I can get a Sony or Panasonic 40" LCD for 999.99 or I can get a Panasonic 42" Plasma for 850.00. I have no idea on what I am looking at other than price. Any help on this TV guru's would be appreciated. I don't spend a lot of time watching the tube (or what we use to call them anyways). A wise man once told me, happy wife, happy life. (She is getting tired of watching Days of our Lives in red). Thanks! Cheer, Ron...
  10. Glad to hear your back in Wayne. Too bad I couldn't get up there. I have driven by your place in a roundabout way numerous times. I spent way to many weekends up North this year!
  11. Now that is funny! If I didn't have a hole to fill myself Wayne!...
  12. Now this is all starting to make sense to me now. Thanks Mike, that explains a lot! LMAO... Gotta get our digs in Matt. Cheers, Ron...
  13. Wayne Wayne Wayne...... Wouldn't be a whole lot easier to just troll with the plane instead? ha ha ha I am hoping to get one more kick at the can myself this weekend. With any luck I ain't gonna hook into rough sawn lumber though! ha ha ha
  14. Very well written and descriptive Mike. It is nice to see all the responses on here, positive and not positive alike. We have worked on these regulation changes long before the advisory council had even been formed. I have received feedback from many people and for the most of it, I feel like I have accomplished something in my volunteer time with the MNR. If the MNR are reading this, which I am certain they will, I wish to say thanks for listening to us and the majority of avid anglers I represented. With such diverse stakeholders representing the council: Anglers – Recreational and Competitive Bait Industry Buckhorn District Tourism Association City of Kawartha Lakes Tourism Cold Creek Flyfishers Crowe Lake Waterway Association Curve Lake First Nation Muskies Canada Ontario BASS Federation Nation Ontario Chinese Anglers Association Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Peterborough Field Naturalists Rice Lake Tourist Association Stewardship Councils Trent University As you can see, it wasn't just a few die hard fishermen or just a couple of resort owners or just a couple of fishing clubs. We all had input and we all understood and listened to both sides to come up with what we all agreed on (well most of the time) would be best for the fish, not the fishing industry. Cudos to everyone for their time and dedication spent! Cheers, Ron...
  15. Personally, I don't intend to leave a hut on the ice over night. As you have stated, some people have not supported this change but the majority have. I am certain this will be a large topic for the first year but in the long run, as with all other regulations, it is for the better of the fisheries in whole. If your hut gets burnt down, damaged, destroyed etc... You would be best off to contact the local police authorities. Similar to ensure you have respect to peoples properties. I am quite certain the Police will be called if there is damage and such to private property. This would also include illegally parked.
  16. When you are in this situatoin before the Kawartha's opened, what did you do then?
  17. The only exceptions in zone 17 will be the protected slot on Balsam and Mitchell. Yes we are open for ice fishing in all of zone 17 now!
  18. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/278711.pdf Get ready for the ice fishing season boys! Minimum possession for muskie 44" closeing date is now Dec 15th effective 2010 plus other items. Read it all on the MNR website. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...age/264442.html Cheers, Ron...
  19. So tell us, what was more exciting... Catching the nice clean Muskie or seeing 3.3 on the fish finder? I would have to say the fish finder myself, the reason being this lets you know it is set up properly in the sense that the transducer is at the right angle to pick up 3FOW at high speed.
  20. Good on ya Mike. In my eyes, there is nothing more gratifying than putting something back into what someone has a passion for. Ironically lots of people have a negative opinion on the Atlantic Salmon program. The sad part of it is, most of them are avid fishermen/women and do squat for ways to improve the fishery. What I don't understand, people harp and whine about what a waste of money. I always ask them, "what did it cost you?" They don't have an answer because it didn't cost them a dime. It didn't cost them a dime for the amount of volunteer hours spent to improve the stream sides. It didn't cost them a dime for the amount of volunteer hours spent raising awareness in the high schools where students took on a handful of fry to raise as fingerlings and then to release them into the streams. It didn't cost them a dime for having volunteers organize a "clean up day". It didn't cost them a dime to have volunteers improve the structure on the river and stream beds. It didn't cost them a dime to have volunteers stock these native species in the water sheds. In fact, the people who hope this stocking program fails should know it didn't cost them a dime to improve the over all fisheries of native, naturalized and introduced species. The Atlantic Salmon Restoration Project was funded in large part by Banrock Station Winery, OFAH and the LCBO. Here is a web site for those of you who think this is a waste of time. http://www.bringbackthesalmon.ca/ Mind you, how can it be a waste of time if it's not your dime?
  21. Looks like we missed out on a great time. My Niece's wedding was this weekend, I would have enjoyed that just as much. (OK, I'm lying, I would have enjoyed that more). Some mighty fine folks you chum around with Joey. Say hi to Snady and Adam next time you guys chat. Cheers, Ron...
  22. Hey good catch Wayne. Ya gotta start somewhere! It still aint the bottom of the barrel fish at least. Cheers, Ron...
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