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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Glad you had an excellent holiday Wayne. I'm sure Leigh thanked you many times for that! I know exactly why she is smiling in this pic..... You were probably saying "Yes dear, you are right, I am wrong...again..." Ironically I was checking out this place on "youtube", said something about the shortest approach runway in the world. Pretty kewl! Cheers, Ron...
  2. The picture of the young lad would make an excellent wall hanger. I would definitely get that picture blown up and framed!
  3. Looks great Chris! Can you make me up a few about 3" long tied on a 1/4oz jig head? I got a place in mind where I could use such an item. I only wish I had that kinda skill. Cheers, Ron...
  4. OK, just how much "bigger" were the bluegill in the last survey? What are the results from the previous 5 surveys? Lets draw the whole picture here.
  5. Pretty kewl Rob. I gotta say though, that 45 gal drum musta been tough to haul in for a shore lunch!
  6. A new Grocery Store opened in Peterborough it is rightfully named: "The Scents of Freshness" Has anybody tried it yet? A new supermarket opened in Peterborough, Ontario. It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain. When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you experience the scent of fresh cut hay. In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks and brats. In the wine store department, the fresh, clean, crisp smell of decanted Cabernet. When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle, and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying. The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread & cookies. I don't buy toilet paper there anymore.
  7. Your right, Bass are only caught on Rice Lake. No other lake in Ontario catches incidental fish out of season...
  8. Sorry for posting a link to another forum but people who are interested in the fisheries should read these comments as well. http://www.bountyfishing.com/thread/ridicu...fish-regulation
  9. Here is the Poll (closed now) <h1 style="margin-top: 0pt;"> Rice Lake ice fishing problems feared </h1> <h4 class="grey">Posted By BRENDAN WEDLEY , EXAMINER MUNICIPAL WRITER </h4> <h5 class="grey">Posted 1 day ago</h5>Allowing ice fishing on Rice Lake and limiting the number of panfish caught from the lake will cause problems, a local tourist association representative says. Susan Irving-Cogar, the owner of Sunshine Cove Cottage Resort and a Rice Lake Tourist Association member, urged county council Wednesday to complain about the new fishing regulations to the provincial government. Council plans to raise the issue with newly appointed Natural Resources Minister Linda Jeffrey at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference that runs from Feb. 21-24 in Toronto. A panel put in place three years before the regulation changes to research the fishing situation and make recommendations found there should be a 500-panfish limit, Irving-Cogar said. "Overbreeding of this invasive species is something that will happen," she said, "Overbreeding is a serious concern." Previously, there wasn't a limit on the number of panfish a person could catch, Irving-Cogar said. A panfish is a small fish that generally can fit in a frying pan. Examples of species of panfish include sunfish, crappie and perch. With the new regulations, the limits are 300 sunfish with only 30 more than 18 centimetres long with a sport licence or 15 sunfish of any size with a conservation licence; 30 crappie with a sport licence or 10 with a conservation licence; 50 perch with a sport licence or 25 with a conservation licence. The Ministry of Natural Resources brought in various new fishing regulations across the province on Jan. 1. Among the regulation changes, the fishing season for sunfish, yellow perch, black crappie and northern park has been extended to year-round; the catch limit for walleye between 35 and 50 centimetres is four with a sport licence and one with a conservation licence; and the bass, muskie and walleye season is extended to Dec. 15. There has been no winter fishery on Rice Lake in more than 90 years, Irving-Cogar said. fctAdTag("doublebanner",MyGenericTagVar,1); "Ice fishing brings a lot of problems with it," she said. Irving-Cogar listed problems such as Rice Lake's reputation for unstable ice, the current in the lake with inflow from the Otonabee River and outflow at Hastings into the Trent River, putting emergency staff at peril if they need to rescue people fishing on the like in the winter, walleye poaching and the lack of conservation officers. Irving-Cogar asked council to push the Ministry of Natural Resources to create special area for Rice Lake with its own set of regulations. The bulk of resorts around the lake aren't winterized, Irving-Cogar said. "We are seasonal and quite frankly we don't have funds to make ourselves a year-round business and quite frankly we don't want to," she said. Concerns put forward at a public meeting on the regulation changes fell on deaf ears, Havelock-Belmont- Methuen Reeve Ron Gerow said. "I share your concerns," he told Irving-Cogar. "I don't think that MNR actually listened to anybody." [email protected] Ice fishing:Read what anglers think about the joys of ice fishing. Page C1 - I am still hoping to get this article from the PTBO Examiner as this was not available on line. Susan Irving-Cogar was the lovely female who I gave her all the time of day to discuss her opinion on the extended angling opportunities in zone 17. When she was done telling me her opinion, I started with my reply to her concerns and she just ranted not wanting to have anything to do with what is best for the fisheries. Susan along with a few others of the Rice Lake Tourists Ass. are only concerned for one thing... that is lining their own pockets for what is best for them. They don't don't see the great picture here. What would happen to their Resort once all the big fish are depleted out of the lake? Do you think the Tourist are going to still come to Rice if all they can harvest is 4 inch long Bluegills? Suck it up Rice Lake Tourist Ass. You are not the only one who have special interest in Rice Lake! Just that some of us have interest in what IS best for the lake. Cheers, Ron...
  10. <h1 style="margin-top: 0pt;"> High water warning </h1> for this weekend <h4 class="grey">Posted By Examiner Staff</h4> <h5 class="grey">Posted 41 mins ago</h5> Otonabee Region Conservation Authority has issued high water warnings for this weekend in steams creeks, water courses within this area but not including the Otonabee River. Daytime temperatures are forecasted to rise to 5 degrees accompanied by 30 mm of rainfall which will cause the watershed to rise very quickly causing dangerous situations.
  11. Give ya a buck fifty for it Chris. Seriously, you did an awesome job on that! NICE!!!
  12. I have only seen one muskie come up through the ice, that was on Chemong. I did however see a total of 3 muskie on the camera so far. As for Mike's comments, just consider the source..... (inside joke - he is always picking on me...in a fun way.) Just sometimes, OK I lied, he always forgets to put similes after his posts.
  13. Ya there are some decent muskie on Rice....
  14. Nobody has found anything, well except for walleye and muskie.
  15. Five rules for men to follow for a happy contented life : 1. It's important to have a woman who helps out at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up after you, and has a job. 2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh and share a joke with you. 3. It's important to have a woman who you can trust, and who doesn't lie to you, ever. 4. It's important to have a woman who is exceptionally good in bed, and who likes to be with you. 5. It's very, VERY important that these four women do not know each other. Sincerely, Tiger Woods.
  16. Some nice fish you caught there Doug. Good on ya!
  17. I hear ya Mike, I can find Perch on Simcoe with my eyes closed. Now to find the Crappie on Simcoe, completely different!
  18. Going out from Gores Landing and heading West from there. I tried deeper water today, 19ft - 2 walleye...move... 17ft - 1 walleye...move... 14ft - 2 walleye move... I'm starting to see a pattern here, I wonder if I bought an air brush kit and painted them to look like crappie hmmm.... As much as I would like to Phil, I got an invite to chase some crappie on Pigeon this weekend already. There is going to be a good number of us heading out with cell phones in hand. Hoping to spread out in a large area to see what we can muster up. Water is gin clear on Rice. We set up in a spot, dropped our lines and you could see your 1/32 jig down 14ft. We had to pull out from that spot too, a school of walleye came in and attacked the jig! One more day of ice fishing and then my shoulder should be good enough to go back to work...DANG!
  19. Still no Crappies on Rice.... but I am narrowing it down. Was out today for a few hours, the first series of holes drilled, I put the camera down and low and behold there is a Muskie stareing back at me! Went in all 4 directions from there, started in 16 ft, ended up on shore one way, top of shoal other way and followed the trough the other 2 ways. Still no go. I did however see 2 walleyes right on the break of the weed line. Got to second location where I figured they would be staging for ice out. Same thing drilled holes in 4 directions, only to see walleye eyeing up the camera! Still no Crappie. Last location once again drilled a series of holes, this time working through the what seems to be a decent weed bed...Finally saw my first Crappie on the camera. I figure if there is one there is more... well that theory got thrown out the window! Gonna giver nails again tomorrow, still off with my shoulder and my nephew is enjoying drilling the holes for me! (Musta blown about 60 holes in each location, taking extra gas with me tomorrow!) Total count on the camera: Muskie - 1 Walleye - 7 Bass - 1 Perch - 3 Crappie - 1 Fish "iced" - 2 Perch So anyone else having success?
  20. If you live in an apartment or know someone who does, tie a 1/2oz weight on the end of line, go out on the balcony and open your bail. Let it stand for about 5 minutes and then slowly retrieve. You figure the line twist will only be in the first 20 ft, 30 max as that is the depth you were fishing. Cheers, Ron...
  21. Do I need my tow strap this year Wayne? ha ha ha
  22. Just wanted to let everyone know about how the service was up at Lowrance office in Mississauga. I was having issues with one of my X135's and made arrangements to go to head office and got them to look at my finders. I explained to him how I use them for ice fishing and he told me to bring the whole setup for him to see. He was impressed to say the least with the setup I had made. Upon listening to what problems I had with the units (I brought both up), he checked the transducer and sure enough, it was "fried". So here I am, in the midst of purchasing a new transducer. I hesitated and also mentioned to him about how my one unit seems to act up every so often as the auto sensitivity locks on. He takes it out back to do some updates on it, come back and says, sorry can't do updates on this unit, did I want to upgrade to a newer unit? Hmmm this is gonna cost me large I figured. Well for 500.00 upgrade I am now the proud owner of the new HDS5! Starts off with a full 2 yr warrenty, including everything in the box. Now how can a person go wrong with that! Thanks Lowrance, I can guarentee you I will be a long time repeat customer! Cheers, Ron...
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