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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Rain preps have never been a problem, it's dealing with 94 km/hr winds that still got me baffed! NOt sure when we will be getting up there again Dan, the last time we went it was just too busy. There is getting to be way too many people up there to enjoy the solitude. Cheers, Ron...
  2. Only picture I got Mike. I take my "Quebec Garage" with me. This one is 12X20. If it's just for the weekend, I don't bother putting plastic up around it. I just leave one of the lower sections off so it is lower to the ground.
  3. Welcome to the 50 inch club Dana! I know how much you enjoy your fishing and this would definitely be another highlight in your fishing "career". Cheers, Ron...
  4. Are you sure your not in night mode? Turn your unit on, hit power button and make sure your night mode icon is off.
  5. Ya it is a nice place. That is where we use to stay when I went Moose hunting with the boys. You didn't have to go much further than the mouth of the river to catch walleyes. Even though the Lakers were out of season at the time of year we went, I caught many incidentals while fishing for walleye. Now this is going back long before digital cameras were invented. Do they still run off a diesel generator? Cheers, Ron...
  6. The Carping has been good down here in Cobourg too Norm. This is my big fish so far. Cheers, Ron...
  7. Thanks to the few that showed up. We had some great fishing later on. Got a new personal best in the Carp division to boot! Cheers, Ron...
  8. Think of all the weeds you see in Rice Lake like trees in a forest. It may have lots of crown on top but underneath the foliage is merely just stems like trunks on a tree with all the leaves on top. Sure it may look dense but be rest assured, a fish can travel under cover of the tops just like hiking trails in a forest. That's what makes Rice Lake such a good lake for fish. Once you figure out how to fish it, you will be impressed on well one can do on this lake.
  9. Was out on RIce on Sunday as well. A bass boat, red &white stratos with a 175 merc, came so close to a canoe they jumped ship in fear of being hit by the boat. The idiot turned around and started to ream them out for being in the middle of the lake in a canoe. By the time I got to them, there were needless to say many words exchanged. The idiot in the bass boat didn't stick around to help them right the canoe, probably a good thing as that would have put me close enough to his boat and I might not be able to report this as I would be in jail right now on manslaughter. I brought the canoe up over my boat to get the water out, let the 3 kids climb into my boat and re board the canoe. WHAT"S WITH SOME PEOPLE???
  10. The responsibility falls on both parties involved. Similar to pedestrians crossing a street for an example, they have to be aware of vehicles in their surroundings as well as people driving vehicles, they have to be aware of pedestrians crossing their paths. Cheers, Ron...
  11. The warmer the water, the less time they have to spend in the frying pan of oil as the flesh is already that much warmer. Most people quit fishing for them as the water temps increase because they loose their teeth when the water temps get above 78.5 F. Or so I have been told anyways.... Cheers. Ron...
  12. I took a bathroom exhaust fan (2.0 scones) placed it on the floor and ran flex pipe to ceiling in the shop. worked wonders for moving air. You could also go this route by placing the exhaust fan in front of the A/C and use the duct pipe to push the air into the living room.
  13. Hey thanks Gerritt, as well as everyone else. Here is where the harbour is in Cobourg: Cobourg Harbour I will be fishing anywhere's along this pier out as far as the parking area. Cheers, Ron...
  14. By all means, I am not organizing anything. I am just saying it would be great to see people fishing in the Cobourg Harbour especially during the free fishing week Ontario has. Mind you there has got to be room for at least 100 or more people. Cheers, Ron...
  15. The only apology I have received is: As discussed in person and by email today regarding the ticket issued to you in error regarding fishing in the Cobourg Harbour area this morning (July 5,2012) I would ask that you accept my sincerest apology on behalf of the Town of Cobourg for this mistake and for your inconvenience. Be rest assured that this matter has been addressed and that there will not be a repeat of this situation regarding fishing in areas other than those outlined and regulated within the Town of Cobourg's By-law No. 79-91 sent to your attention earlier this morning. Thank you for coming into the Town Office to discuss this issue this afternoon. As noted, the Draft Parks Master Plan will be presented for to Council and for public input on the municipal website before the end of the summer season. Comments received by the fishing community including the Federation of Anglers and Hunters and other community groups will be incorporated with accompanying recommendations. The Town of Cobourg look forward to continuing our positive working relationship as we strive to collectively achieve a good balance between public safety and the provision of a positive experience and enjoyment for the sport fishing community. Gee... some apology... What about the other people who have been told they can not fish in the harbour up to this point of embarrassment for the town. Did you know that they repealed the existing by-law by removing the original offence I was charged with? With out that by-law sub section, now the anglers can not be in a park before 7AM or after 11PM as you are not allowed to be in a town park during those hours. Say good bye to fishing Cobourg Creek. Don't matter what park you are in Cobourg, you can't legally be in the park before 7AM.
  16. Great idea, I know just the spot too! Cheers, Ron...
  17. So, who's up for spending a morning fishing with me in the Cobourg Harbour on July 14th? I will be there fishing for Carp and let me tell you, they are BIG in here! I will start chumming this weekend in hopes of getting their attention. There is also a couple of high 30"-low 40" Northerns cruising around too. Hope to see you there. This is the average size we are catching. Cheers, Ron...
  18. Taken from the Northumberland news.... OFF THE HOOK: Ticket destroyed, municipal clerk confirms FISHING TICKET 'should not have been issued' by Pete Fisher northumberland today Cobourg - An avid local fisherman hopes the Town of Cobourg can get it right after the latest fiasco in regards to fishing in the Cobourg Harbour. Ron Reyns was fishing along the east wall in Cobourg Harbour on Thursday morning when three bylaw officers approached him. Last year Reyns received two tickets for fishing in the harbour. One of the charges dealt with hunting, trapping or pursuing any animal, fish, bird, waterfowl, worms or other wildlife. The first charge was dismissed in court because errors were made when the ticket was filled out. And the second ticket charge was dismissed in November 2011 on the recommendation of the Town of Cobourg. Municipal clerk/manager of legislative services Lorraine Brace stated in an e-mail on Thursday, “The ticket was dropped based on the issues raised concerning the former Parks by-law which has since been repealed and updated with restrictions and references to fishing in Cobourg Parks removed in order to address the concerns of the fishing community and Federation of Anglers and Hunters during the review of the Parks Master Plan.” On Thursday morning, the three bylaw officers were obviously uncomfortable with the issue of fishing along the east wall in Cobourg harbour. Reyns received a ticket from one of the bylaw officers stating iit is illegal to “cast, throw, strike or propel objects to endanger, cause injury to person or damage to property in (a) park.” “It’s harassment, plain and simple,” Reyns When Northumberland Today contacted the Town of Cobourg, Brace sent a return e-mail stating the ticket had already been destroyed by the town and an apology had been sent to Reyns. “I spoke to the by-law Officer to confirm your information and following an explanation, the Officer was informed that a ticket should not have been issued with an apology for the inconvenience.” The bylaw states no one shall fish along the centre pier, fuel docks, marina slips or the pedestrian walkway along the north wall. As of 4p.m., Reyns said he had not been contacted by anyone from the Town of Cobourg and was “very surprised” when he was read the e-mail sent to Northumberland Today indicating the ticket had been destroyed. “I have not received any notification from the Town of Cobourg.” He said. Previously Reyns stated anglers have “every right” to fish along the harbour wall and called the tickets “harassment”.
  19. I use a hard case for prescription glasses. Can easily fit a dozen in there, all sizes.
  20. I launched out of Coldwater, (Black Lake). Go through the stump mines and into Gloucster Pool. Fishing is great. So great that if you don't catch a muskie within the first 37 seconds of casting, you must be in the wrong spot! This was the only time I have fished this lake and seriously, I pulled up to a spot that looked like it had potential. First cast with a twitch/slash bait, third pull and that is what I was rewarded with. A good number of Pike as well as Bass can be caught. Not difficult to find your preferred structure to fish.
  21. Ron


    This is one of the main reasons why I quite going to Lingham Lake. The last time I went, it was to the point where you could not find an island with broken beer bottles strewn all over the place. You couldn't walk into the water bare foot in fear of stepping on glass. Takes all the fun out of camping in a remote spot.
  22. Come on Steve, What part of GARMIN don't you understand?
  23. The other way to consider coffee is the way I make coffee. I take the filter holder from an automatic drip coffee maker and filters. Along with Tim Hortons fine grind. Ironically, that is the only thing I don't skimp on when I go camping weather it be to a drive to site or even back packing. Heck even my favourite travel mug would get packed in with this. I use 2 tablespoons of fine grind for 10 oz of water. Boil the water and pour it over the filter and have at it.
  24. Be sure to read up on the special regs for Algonquin Park as you are not allowed to bring metal or glass containers in certain areas. Not sure if this only applies to backwoods areas or if it applies to all "boat to" sites as well. Flat breads and Mr. Noodles were our main staples when we did the back country trips. Knorr instant potatoes we found to be of the best for any instant potatoes. Substituted additional butter for the milk and added extra water. Any Pepperoni will last for 5 days without being refrigerated. A big treat for us was always the first night in, we would pack in fully cooked sausages. We also had P butter and jam to spread on the flat bread as well. Breakfast would be instant oatmeal. For a treat we once brought in Quaker bannana muffin mix, find one where you only need to add water as the extra ingredient. A double fry pan that fit on top of each other worked great as the "oven". Cooked it half way through and simply flipped it over to heat the other fry pan to finish it off. Most fruits will last 5 days too.
  25. Ha ha ha Coulda swore I just watched a Celebrity Roast episode hosted by Dean Martin!
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