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Everything posted by Henricus

  1. No, not mine but we also noticed it and just found it through Google.
  2. Ironically, both groups in question here (radicalized Muslims & gun advocates) are following the literal words of texts written in different eras.
  3. I thought I was done with this but I thought I would address some points raised by Canuck2fan... re: new deficit spending - consider the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and the fact that the budget is now in surplus. As for the law, OMG, a broken election promise. Ontario has proven time and time again nobody cares about broken election promises. re: trade deficit - consider inflation. Do you believe it won't be trumped in the future? During any economic cycle in which the world is not in need of our resources, expect a record trade deficit. re: bailout - who cares? Would you rather the banks failed? Your solution would have been??? re: youth unemployment - see comments about economic crisis. Also, how are we relatively speaking? Perhaps compare our numbers to a European country or two? re: dollar - Ironically, by your rationale, you could also say that he drove the dollar to its highest level in far longer than 10 years. Incidentally, the record low dollar was in 2002 nearing the end of an extended liberal reign. re: oil companies - that ship has sailed. The NDP in Alberta will be the final nail in the coffin for Canadian oil companies. Good luck when Chinese companies establish an even greater footprint in our energy patch. Be careful what you wish for? The remaining points work out in the wash with any government. Nobody will be perfect as has been proven over and over throughout history. The reality is we are seeking the best alternative and in as much as you are clear you don't believe it is Harper, I feel equally strong in that it is also none of the other candidates. Clearly somebody from this forum should run as it seems to have all the answers ;-)
  4. lol...be careful, the results of a poll asking which candidate is most likely to smoke crack may very well be our next prime minister.
  5. I have always enjoyed this simple explanation of the tax system... https://people.richland.edu/bhemenwa/article.barstooltaxes.pdf
  6. It is difficult to form or maintain an objective opinion by reading biased accounts from others whether on this site or from a popular media source. Citing numbers from various different sources results in comparing apples to oranges. The reality is you can virtually map the surplus/deficit chart over a similar chart of the rate of change in economic growth. Governments don't control the global economy so they are at the mercy of rising and falling tax revenue based on the performance of their underlying local economy. In the 60's there was a lot of wiggle room in the budget since the national debt was miniscule as compared to today's situation. Over the years, the deficits have piled up and the debt has grown to the point where there is no wiggle room left. Before the debt became so great it was easy to stimulate the economy with government spending and if the stimulus or policy didn't work out it wasn't a big deal. That is no longer the case, with the debt level where it is and the threat of rising interest rates, the noose is only going to get tighter. Frankly, you are voting for the lesser of several evils. Eliminate the ridiculous pensions earned by politicians and you might actually get somebody in power looking to improve the country, not just line there own pocket. In my opinion 'Politician' should not be a career. I would venture to say that almost everyone on this forum either continues to work or has worked (prior to retirement) harder than most if not all politicians. Vote for whoever you think will work as hard as you do, be it your local candidates or the national leaders. At least your conscience will be clear.
  7. Congratulations on an awesome fish and experience!
  8. For years Alberta led the provinces in terms of economic growth. With oil prices currently well below recent averages it no longer holds that position. Add to that an NDP government and Alberta is in trouble. Ontario has actually seen a mild resurgence in manufacturing, not because of the Liberal government but because natural gas prices in North America are a third of what they are in either Europe or Asia. With China's economy slowing, Canada's natural resources are no longer in demand like they were prior to the financial crisis. The moral of the story is neither our federal nor provincial governments have anything to do with global economic trends. Fiscal responsibility is a necessity as a result of years of overspending. Don't vote for who you think is going to turn China's economy around, vote for who you think is going to manage your tax dollars like you manage your own money.
  9. What percentage of your tax dollar goes toward servicing the debt? Jump ahead five years and consider higher interest rates, now what is the percentage? Keep growing that number and no government going forward will have any money for your water or air. When you go into debt to buy a house you are generally starting with no debt, you don't first go out and max your credit cards. And once you do take the plunge, you work hard and spend prudently for years to pay it off. You don't spend like a drunken sailor and expect somebody else to cover you.
  10. Whatever the result, hope it's a majority or we will be going through it all over again in a few months. At a cost of more than $200million per election, it might be best to vote so you don't have to soon vote again! http://www.rcinet.ca/politiquecanadienne/en/combien-coute-une-election/
  11. X2... had environmental allergies for years and Flonase was by far the best I had ever used. Aerius 2nd.
  12. What if the car in front of and behind the bike were able to change lanes because the adjacent lane was clear but the motorcycle was not able due to a car in the adjacent lane? Would knowing that change anybody's opinion? Without all the facts, it is impossible to judge.
  13. How much does an election cost taxpayers? At least in a two party system you can't force a minority government into another money wasting election. The true beauty of a Harper majority is that we won't have another federal election for 4 years! To answer the question, no. If for no other reason I hope it's PC majority so we don't have to endure yet another election in the coming year or two. Add to that the money wasted on the gas plant...it's mindboggling the costs we taxpayers are saddled with. Regardless of the issues, this alone is enough to vote PC.
  14. To answer your question, as long as they are within a few inches of 7' in length, they should do just fine.
  15. At the risk of reviving the more recent and disturbing path of this thread...has Cabelas announced an actual opening day yet?
  16. At the risk of highjacking the thread...Chachi, consider it the straw that broke the camels back. My comment is in reference to all of your posts, not just this thread. Sorry for the sidebar.
  17. Hockey parents are urged to abide by a 24 hour rule. In simple terms, wait 24 hours before spouting off to a coach because you feel your little Johnny is getting the short end of the stick. It works. Many a foot-in-mouth has been saved with this rule. Chotchkies, may I suggest you begin adhering to the same rule before posting. Moxie, nice hustle!
  18. 4x4 is like insurance. Seems like a waste of money until you need it. The first experience of getting stuck on a ramp in your 2wd will haunt you until the arrival of your 4x4.
  19. Glad to hear everybody was ok. I would definitely follow up with court action. There are far too many boaters who don't have a clue. Was out on Sunday and it was clearly the busiest day of the season so far. While taking a few visiting cousins tubing I was doing the usual zig zagging but carefully watching my path. There happened to be another boat doing the same. I was in a turn with the other boat approaching and the driver was watching his tube not looking at all at where he was going and I waited and waited to see if he would turn around to see where he was going...he didn't. I went straight to the dock and packed it in until the water cleared.
  20. Agreed. But to see Teows getting murdered night after night, taking on the oppositions best defenceman every single shift and Kane waiting in the high slot reaping the rewards just doesn't seem right. Crawford probably should have won it. I would have rather seen Keith win it than Kane.
  21. So it's not just me then? Brutal...won't go in the corner or near the opposing crease but wins Conn Smythe. Unbelievable.
  22. The long shaft is likely your problem. You might be able to improve things slightly with different props and different engine angles but the fact is your prop is likely too deep. Try mounting the engine higher...ie. build the transom a couple of inches higher. Not an easy fix but if you want a dramatic improvement you are going to have to raise your motor. Better to be overpowered than underpowered in my opinion as long as the transom can take it. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
  23. Solid info, thanks all.
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