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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Nice report Mike, those are some awesome pictures. Bill that picture awesome. Your sure know how get nice shots.
  2. Sorry the teachers have had everything handed to them by the liberals. No way they should be allowed to back sick days as extra pay. They should be entitled to what they had banked as it was the way before but I don't disagree with what was done to them.
  3. I Have a pair of Bare Supra 4 they are wicked waders andI love them when it's cold. When it gets above -5. I am sweeting with any sort of walking haha. For the spring I will be getting another pair of breathable waders. Ones that fit haha.
  4. Cast adventures is your best bet. He takes groups of 3 and knows the Niagara. Best guide around there, call quick to see if he is available.
  5. This is what I use, Dax made a post last year. I made one and it works like a charm. It is full now so I screwed the handle on both ends and it works perfect.
  6. Well I have been itching to get out with the new rod since I finished it a while ago. With the weather being so cold and not wanting to bring it out for the first time in frigid temps I have been waiting, waiting and waiting. I finally got out with it with the warmer temps. Was a tough morning of fishing I put in but I was able to hook into a couple. Again, I can't thank Chris enough. I have never fished such a nice rod and could never have done so with out his help. Here is a picture of the first fish hooked on the new rod. Not a monster but still fun haha. I am currently keeping my eye open for a better reel to match the rod haha. Chris.
  7. I was planning on going any way so a getting in free is a better deal haha.
  8. Yea I will be there tomorrow and Sunday.
  9. I have IBS and when I am fishing, if I have to go I use the hole and move the hut haha. I also always have toilet paper with me.
  10. Man oh man I am itching to get out with that. Chris I can't thank you enough, really appreciate the time you have taken to teach/guide me on my first build. Will cherish this rod for ever as it is my first and was taught by a master. I am already talking to my grandfather about building my own piece similar to the one you have Chris, for building them that is. Again, thanks Chris. I had a blast building this rod, never would it have looked half as good as it does without your help. Hanging out with you wasn't all that bad either haha. You are are blast to hang out with Chris, made building it that much more enjoyable and easy. Thanks for letting me use your shop as well. Now you will have to fish it with me on the river. That is once you get some free time from all the builds you have on your hands. Thanks all. I can honestly say that if you are looking at getting a new rod talk to Chris. The man is amazing when it comes to building rods. Don't think I will ever buy another store rod.
  11. Haha, you shouldn't be friends with him if he has an Otter. I mean you try and rip anyone that spends money on gear and Otter are one of the most expensive huts.
  12. Well Rick I do have a pop up hut and all the gear for those Lakers, even got a heater that will keep you in a sweater lol. As for the elbows on the river. That is fine, where I fish there isn't to many elbows. I won't disagree with you about G having horseshoes on his hooks. He also has the punch to keep reeling in the tanks when you know hes tired lol. I know I was beat with my tank and he has caught bigger haha.
  13. Thanks all. Rick, I am always up to a challenge lol. However I think G will win hands down haha. We should do the challenge on the river and down the alley. Figure theres is something that has to get you out of the hibernation stage haha. I even have extra warm gear you can wear...
  14. Just thought I would share some pictures of a few fish I have got so far this year on the river. I love this time of year, as many don't like the cold and stay at home leaving lots of room. I also landed this big buck, I didn't get any weight or accurate measurements. All I know was it was bigger then any Rainbow I have got trolling and for sure the biggest I have got in the river. A awesome fight and I hope to beat it this year again. Now to just finish my rod and hopefully have some fish on it by next weekend. Chris
  15. That is funny because a good friend of mine went to Trent University for free so was his schooling at Fleming college.
  16. I have nothing but respect for Natives, always have. This is just stupid though. I hear a lot of complaining of what the government has done to them lol. What is that given them free schooling, health care, assistance. I mean if things aren't all great on the reserve no one is making you stay there.
  17. Thanks guys. I got one hell of a teacher, couldn't be better. Thanks Chris
  18. Get a portable vaccuum, one of those hand held ones. They are quick and easy, after every tie a quick easy way.
  19. The smallmouth I lost last year lol. 40" Pike 50" Musky 15lb Brown hopefully over 20lbs same for Rainbow as brown. 30lb Chinook(Tyee) 15lb Walleye Don't care much for my panfish as long as there big enough to keep.
  20. I will post some pictures of it finished if Chris doesn't. Hopefully some fish in them as well.
  21. Thank you so much Chris. I was dying to get a good picture. Damn I love that so much haha.
  22. You will have no problems. I fit my 8' in a Mazda 3.
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