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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. If there is any question DONT GO... ice fishing is a brutal game of knowlage and patience. Stay safe. Saltydawg.
  2. Thanks Rick. Im not a big fan of Gillford I usally start out of lefroy and according to todays reports its only 4 inches. Warm day time temps and rain along with night time temps just below freezing doesnt look good for Whiteys or lakers next weekend? Although I am hoping for the best. Failing that I think Im gona go take a poke at pike amd maby pics in Hastings. I wish I put a ? mark in the title.. Thanks Saltydawg.
  3. I have 3 days off for the first time since Labour Day. Next weekend (Feb 1 2 3} Origionaly I was planing on Simcoe but with the warm wheather and rain possibly coming Im scrambling for a contingency plan? I know the lakes out there in the summer but havent fished the hard water in 10yrs. Any info on ice and snow conditions would be very mutch appreciated. Saltydawg/Don
  4. Awasum catch And your buddy 3 For the effort.
  5. So I can load up 4 lures on 1 line with as many trebles and minnows as I want?
  6. A hook with a cork on it would catch bass in shallow weedy places. Give me a big crazy crawler or houla popper or a waterdawg and look out.. Not to say frog lures dont work but I have yet to find one that out produces live frogs or the lures above.
  7. Ya and your tackle box has a couple hooks and sinkers along with a bobber? Hey hows it goin?
  8. It still doesnt ansure the question?? Ie. If I have a lure that I want to use and it has 2 treble hooks than do I have to take one Treble off and replace it with a single hook? If I want to tip it with a minnow?
  9. Im not trying to twist words here but. The number hooks includes any single-pionted or multiple-pionted hooks that are part of a lure.. Does this mean that the lure is regarded as one hook no mater how many trebles are conected to the body of the lure? ?
  10. So I had a conversation today abuot what is (morally) propper? Simcoe alows up to 4 single hooks per line. So if a lure has 2 treble hooks are you still aloud to put 2 single hooks above the lure?? Or does this mean you can use 4 lures with trebles? that seems ridiculous.... If I rememember the regs say 4 single hooks but 1 lure with trebles is regarded as 1 hook? ???
  11. When you did the reno was the diverter removed?
  12. Can you post a picture? That might help. If it is an older set then it could be a case of wear and tear cuasing the problem.. How old?
  13. Its here finaly I can feel my fishdar booting up... Yippeeeee
  14. Oh the sweet sound of snow crunching under my feet...

  15. The millitary is responsable for probably most of modern civilisations advancements but that is not the piont to this trhead? I thougt we wre talking abuot guns? And what should be done in order to stop people that shouldnt have them?
  16. assult weapons were developed for war not hunting.... at no point would any resonsable hunter fill its prey full of bullets to the piont of hamberger.... Do you have the right to own guns YES... Doo you have the right to own GUNS desighned for millitary use?? No.. Just my 2cents. and yes I did read through the 4 pages...
  17. Any bets on going past Fox On Friday?? Simcoe for those that dont fish whitey or laker..
  18. My cat thinks its a dog what do I do with that???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      show it a mirror ... lol

    3. mercman


      Bring it to the dog park...

    4. aplumma


      light him on fire and he will say WOOF


  19. Shhh Canadian wigler 4 inch but you need to take the treble off the tail and put a small weedles on it otherwise it gets wrapped up in your line. jig it with large sweeping motions and make shure no one is around you... The action is insain.. Shhhh
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