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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Beautiful Brownies. Bonus time of year if you can gain access to water. No crowds and fighting Trout in open water is an absolute blast.
  2. Sorry to hear that. Way too young for sure.
  3. Tubes and small cranks, almost exclusively. Also found slowly swimming a small walleye type twister tail grub on a jig head works great to trigger strikes. Been a while since I've used live bait when targeting Crappie.
  4. I think I fixed the problem Joey.
  5. Two weeks ago we spent the better part of 4 hours clearing ice 2+ feet thick from a nearby ramp with the intention of getting out onto Lake O and finally putting winter to rest. It seemed to be in vain as the weather turned cold once more and the onset of more bitter cold and heavy winds from every direction except the favourable North. Drove to the ramp Friday with the young lad and boat in tow and again the winds kicked up from the west so we turned back and drove home. It just seemed to stack up against us time and time again. Until today. Wind was up somewhat at 7am but since it seemed to be blowing in a more Northerly direction we hooked up and headed down the highway to see what the day would bring. Bitterly cold at the ramp while waiting for the 2 stroke to warm up but once she found her running note there was no turning back. She ran all morning without a hiccup which is a good sign with the season of soft water ahead. Just as we did last spring we pulled sticks and once a pattern was established we followed the edges of stained water and ended up 4-7 with two being brutes(one of which we saw) that broke us off in a show of pure strength. All in all a good day, especially considering the fact we didn't have to break out an auger for a change in order to catch fish. We helped set the stage two weeks ago with our ice breaking exploits and along with the frustration of having to wait for favourable conditions made it especially satisfying to see some fish today. Good thing too. The Bows had some time to rehearse their play and displayed intro to final act like only they can.
  6. Guess everyone missed my point. They advertise it like it's the end of days and it just isn't. Hype. All filler and hype.
  7. That looks absolutely horrible!! Did you stock up on supplies when you first heard it was on its way? Call if you need anything. I'll pull the chopper out of the hanger and bring you what you need. Damn thats just aweful.
  8. Amazing isn't it Cliff? I especially love the "Blood Red" background those wearher statements are posted on. Ooooooooooooo.....Soooooo scaaarrrryyyyy!!!!!!
  9. Saw a pair Friday evening gathering nesting material as the sun was setting. Regardless the weather spring is an eventuality. Has been every year since I can remember.
  10. I received this from the meteorologists association of Canada early this morning after the complete devastation the freezing rain wrought over our province last night. WE, THE WEATHER MEN AND WOMEN OF CANADA ARE ISSUING A SPECIAL STATEMENT!!! WE ARE, IN CONJUNCTION WITH ENVIRONMENT CANADA, COMPLETE IDIOTS. WE REPEAT!!!! COMPLETE IDIOTS!!!! PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER DETAILS!!!!!!! Thank you. Thank goodness they're watching out for us.
  11. OMNR my A$$!!!! Thank goodness all our money squandered over the years is helping this endeavour and others along. NOT!!!!! Good on whoever is helping out with this. The saying used to be, "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself". It should now say, "If you want something done.....period!!!" Kudos guys and gals. Good luck.
  12. hehehe. Thats exactly where that thing belongs Bill. At the bottom of a canyon.
  13. Towing that much weight with anything other than a V8 will most certainly shorten the life of the tow vehicle. We just picked up a ridgeline. It'll rarely tow more than 50% of the 5000 lbs its rated for so we should be good. As mentioned before, Yukon/Tahoe, Expedition should do the trick.
  14. Can happen. With the right amount of speed you can flip a go cart on a flat surface. Believe me, I've had them up on two wheels a few times.
  15. As of last night it was one dead(32 yr old woman), two with serious injury and the other two with minor injuries. It seems they were thrown from the vehicle and speed was definately a factor. Damn shame.
  16. The disposable angle is being adopted by many manufacturers these days. It seems to be the trend for the future.
  17. To each their own. I could think of better ways to spend my money.
  18. All brands have their faults but Rav or CRV, Toyo and Honda. Can't really go wrong with either. Good luck.
  19. Friends own a place in the Land O' Lakes region east of Kaladar and it truly is an anglers/outdoor paradise. Was up for a week last summer and fished a different body of water each day and hit two one day all within a 30 minute drive from home base. Very little traffic on the water and many places to hide if you wanted to as well as beaches if you felt the need to settle down a spell and/or have a swim. The fishing ain't bad either.
  20. The meter maid approach. Ticket all with little or no discresion at all I bet. Revenue generation at its best. Purchased a conservation license this year just so I wouldn't be throwing more good money after bad. I figure, If you can't beat em, cheat em. Catch me if you can !!!
  21. :rofl2: ...... George ain't the guy. "Nice guy" just not "The guy". Justin on hockey? If his foray into politics have shown us anything thus far, he wouldn't be able to get many words out of his pie hole cause his foot would be firmly lodged in it most of the time. I'd almost wanna pay just to see it.
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