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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Hope you both have a great time.
  2. Brasilia stomped on like a common house fly by the German maschine!!! Just another display of utter superiority. All that is left for me to see is a Holland thrashing of Argentina and all will be as it should be in the world according to Footy. A European champion and nothing less.
  3. In the meantime and if you have a smart phone why don't you purchase the navionics app? Just a thought.
  4. Congratulations to you and your family Gerritt and best wishes going forward.
  5. Enjoyed the read. Reach out with a Pm if the mood strikes you.
  6. Common sense should however dictate that since they are cops they would use better security measures. Common sense....lol....... Or maybe there's another vessel they have their eye on and this was ....well......
  7. Cheers and a "Happy Canada Day" to all.
  8. They sure fight like they do.
  9. So lets do something more about it!!!!!! Post a petition here and wherever else you can. Sure a few of us will sign it.
  10. None of them really. They're mostly product whores with at least half the shows being 30 second spots from sponsors and the rest of the time the host shilling for said sponsors. OTHER: I like the one I try to fit in at least once a week on whatever body of water I'm out on whether I'm hosting or a guest. Its real.
  11. Make sure you guys insert "Public Sector" in front of unions to distinguish between makers and takers. Private sector union folks pay real taxes and most actually earn their keep.
  12. Now I'm not advocating carrying out the same methods but we absolutely could be taken seriously if we really wanted to! 800 militants are on their way to pay the residents of Bagdhad a little visit after rifling through two towns as a warm up as well as control of a bank that supposedly held half a billion dollars. 800 misfits and look at the results. Doesn't take much. Just a few thousand vehicles parked around Queen's Park and left there in protest and the people in them surrounding the front steps. Once people surfing Anti-social media got wind of that theres no telling what could happen. Sigh!!! This is Ontario though and we seem to have the poultry market cornered in more ways than one.
  13. What everyone must remember is that most of the public service employees produces nothing, the taxes they pay are tax monies already collected from those of us that are actually productive. They offer services that any private sector can offer at a lower rate and we wouldn't be burdened with paying their way the rest of their lives. 100,000 would have been a good start but Toronto took care of that. Don't you worry though cause when we the producers cannot afford to maintain my lifestyle like they can theirs, maybe we'll just go there and take it from them.
  14. High time to call it the way it is or better yet pull all native funding till we draft a fair agreement so we can let the curtain fall on this centuries old ballet once and for all. Whats the worst that could happen?
  15. Speculators found a new reason (Mayhem in Iraq) to take the price of a tin of oil to new heights.
  16. Even though no race or culture has the market cornered when it comes to infractions, as far as this particular article reads the boys who ventured on that ooohhhh so scary path were bang on. Just saying.
  17. There's probably a lot more we aren't privy to and will never know the extent of corruption, ineptitude and incompetence these jag offs have been a party to but that is a nice list lest anyone here would even entertain the thought of voting for them ever again.
  18. Whatever voters choose we are doomed. $300 Billion debt and climbing. No way out of this one. Serves us right for sitting on our hands and letting these asswipes gut our province for the last decade. Enjoy what you already have cause its all gonna be milked from us.
  19. Ahhhhh. The great outdoors. Good luck and whatever happens make the most of it.
  20. Much bigger fish to fry than OSS bass. All in all my point is the people may change but those that vote lieberal are all idiots and there is no separation in degrees from one to the other.
  21. Its a shame but I guess people will do what they do. I bet there will be even more Idiots that will be voting lieberal next week though.
  22. Anytime is a good time when tangling with brutes. Thanks for sharing.
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