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Everything posted by moxie

  1. moxie


    Only if you inhale
  2. Use it everywhere. Havent winterized my boat as well as other small engines in years
  3. i have a couple of plates i have found and will keep one in the truck just in case........
  4. Works already done so a re-do is just wasteful and who knows, it might be just fine. Tricky situation but for what its worth negotiate a second winter in writing ? Would that satisfy you? You do after all still hold 50 points on the back end.
  5. Clear stone underneath it should be fine. Should float, no?
  6. like Brian I fish whenever, wherever but one thing i know for sure is that no matter the conditions, fish have to eat. Only question is are you going to be there waving it in front of them when they do?
  7. Like I said, it isn't personal,its business. Wanna stay, speak up. Wanna leave put the gears in motion and continue on your journey to better yourself and hopefully, in turn, your life. Slice through the emotional and sentimental swampy mess and it's just a job. You work, they pay. A means to an end.
  8. Ive always tried to maintain a good work ethic but the truth of the matter is that a company existed before i arrived and will probably survive without me once im gone. 5 minutes after youre gone all you are is a distant memory. After 18 years of moving heavy iron i still enjoy what i do and who i work with on most days but i have no misgivings about how inconsequential i am here. I had a job when i found this one. Its a two way street. Its nothing personal, its business.
  9. Bingo!! They can't read minds but I understand your frustration considering you're right under their noses. One thing I've learned over the over my 35 year work life is; Do the job you are paid to do and nothing more cause unless you wear tights and a cape we're all expendable, temporary employees. Good luck.
  10. I think so. It has to start somewhere. In most European countries the civilians have no quams in letting government know how they feel and although they sometimes go too far to make a point , their voices are heard and not brushed off as ours are here. And you all must know the authorities do think of us as softies here, right?
  11. That's crazy. Hope it all gets figured out. For all parties involved. Wow!
  12. It's never a good time. I'd rather go with, "There's no time like the present."
  13. Round and round we go, where the insanity stops nobody knows. Well we would if we put their feet to the fire..... No like I mean a real fire. How much fun would it be to watch a politician bbq'd ?? Only when they become too incompetent or emboldened for theirs and our own good of course. ???
  14. It's disingenuous and there in lies the issue. I'd wait for the warrant and I hope that while not realistic, more people would stop being push overs and stand up for themselves. Justifiable Defiance is the publics way of enforcing and educating those who might feel it is only up to them to do so.
  15. Aren't we the morons? Not only for giving them a 4th mandate but have let them get away with what would land us morons in the Crowbar Saloon breaking big rocks into smaller rocks for a very long time.
  16. Public ramps are a great spot to check visitors but the unfortunate fact is that most poaching is probably done by locals which is why presence and enforcement should take place at the source of the infractions.
  17. Sweet ! Congrats and remember it gets better for a few weeks yet.
  18. I guess it's a good thing although I'd like to see more of them doing their job in the bush and on the water cause a fishing expedition on the side of the road is just that. A free for all infraction fest. And for those that truly believe in the "If you have nothing to hide or have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about" mantra. Give your heads a shake Numb Skulls. It's about privacy creep and conditioning you into giving it up without even flinching. If I've done nothing wrong, go get your warrant cause my freedom and rights are worth all the time in the world.
  19. Maybe the whole Marina is under water!?!?! Oh my!!!
  20. Congrats on 3rd place on new water in the new boat. Spring and Fall pike are a blast.
  21. The interior of my boat is also vinyl and it gets a scrub and wash mid summer and before the winter. The vinyl is hard on the knees and heats up in the sun no matter the colour but cant be beat for durability over carpet.
  22. I just dont subscribe. Ever. If i want or need something i suss it out and get it. Then im done until i need something else. Last thing i need as an angler is a notification attempting to sell me "More" of what i dont need.
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