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Everything posted by JEREMY

  1. I use berkely xl.But i picked up a spool of suffix elite for my my baitcaster and will see how that goes.I am glad phat bassturd mentioned something about it becuase i was wondering how good it was thanx.
  2. Bly i think you have problem you have steel to support your habit.Good job and happy birthday.
  3. I also am a wimp. welcome
  4. I seen a guy catch a nine pounder at the brantford dam last year.
  5. I did fishmaster hopefully you can hook me up with some tips later today.Weather permiting.Its on again at 3:30 on men tv
  6. So thats how cc does it.
  7. Is that a pike or a tiger musky nice vid either way.
  8. fishmaster has worms in dunville.
  9. I have lost my reg book and my girlfreind is bugging me about fishing in brantford.
  10. thats a monster perch.
  11. Buy and sell is a good place to look we print the mag where i work so i always look also bass pro has some jon boats.Good luck with your search.
  12. Goodjob cc
  13. Thata boy fishmaster.
  14. I just picked up a bps extreme combo 150 bucks looks and feels like a decent rod.BPSMAN (ROGER)helped me out and said its a solid combo.
  15. Glade you got a new combo you deserve it with all the stuff that you did in the past.Like you I picked up a new combo aswell to day and got ROGER to help me what a great guy i could have spent the whole day standing there talking to him he has a lot of knowledge.anyways way to go on the new rod and reel and thanx ROGER.see you next time.
  16. 35.5 Cudas, 15 bite offs, countless follows and topwater strikes 1 cuda on the fly ( few follows as well) 2 Cubera snappers 2 lost tarpon 1 lost lady fish 126 cold cuban beers 4 margaritas 1 awesome time priceless for everything else theres matercard lol gladyou had a good time and welcome back to the cold.
  17. I know that ice in the last pic me and all my family are going there tommorow so there sould be 50 of us going.Thanx for the pics. just joking i fall under the walleye and bass catagory so i just like the pics.I do not care what river is hot right now.sorry to all the haters that did not like this report.oh by the way school :sboy i think i hear your mommy calling you bed time.
  18. I am sure he will bring half of his school with him.Why dont you just leave cc alone we all enjoy the posts if you dont like it just leave the board simple as that.
  19. I am still stuck on the animal wall thing anybody?And the boxand screwdriver no clue where to put the box.
  20. Might go tommorow how much is parking?
  21. Try going to www.catfishgrabblers.com and check out the video i would post the link but i am computer impared.Fun to watch but i dont think i would try it.What if it was a snapping turtle and not a fish ouch.
  22. I would go with the pro z
  23. Some one had a good summer wtg.
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