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Everything posted by JEREMY

  1. I was thinking about trying to make my own this summer,so i did a little search and came up with this site. www.tacklemaking.com.It shows you how to make your own molds.Hope this helps.
  2. I wont be at the gey cup ,but will be at the vanier cup as my brother in law is playing for manitoba.
  3. Cant wait to see the pics and god luck on the grand.I will be hitting it up on friday in brantford for the same.
  4. Nice mirror carp.
  5. It just snapped what?Guess you could have used a net man on saturday eh.Sorry man my brother in law called and asked if i wanted to play hockey.
  6. thats good stuff you hoser
  7. On the bright side he finally scored a clutch goal.There is wasy to much money tied up in the defence between brian the bonehead and kubina.And while we are a it get rid of Belak aswell.
  8. Welcome aboard the guys and girls on this site have so much knowledge it will blow your mind.
  9. Ya to bad about the rain,I was tinking of hitting the grand in brantford but it will be at least two days before i get out now.
  10. Yup Jeremy Ltchfield is on there as well
  11. Brantford
  12. Nice fish budy.We will be catching rainbows in that hole soon enough.
  13. Wow now thats a good report and sounds like an even better trip wtg.
  14. Nice fish just think in a couple of years you will be able to have three generations on that boat.
  15. its a pig
  16. nice fish and good luck tommorow
  17. Good to hear steve.Don't hurry back work is really slow sunday is cancelled.Hope your having a good time with the family.
  18. We got hit pretty hard aswell.Iwas going start scouting holes for when yall come to brantford but thanks to the storm it was a no go.
  19. Looks like a goodtime.Thanx for taking the time to share it with us.
  20. my condolences to you and family lew
  21. Thats what a fishing trip is all about boys way to go.
  22. Today has been full of stress and i needed a laugh thanx.
  23. Nice pike but you know its only time until bly catches a 32" pike.
  24. thata boy
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